Guild Wars, Point-Scoring for Battles, and You!

The mana bonus is the most disturbing trait. if you create a defensively oriented team that can generate mana faster than the other team, your score is essentially unbounded.

Damage is slightly less of a concern since there isn’t a good way to heal your opponent, so eventually you will just kill them.

This model is just a big bomb. Either you can just loop (like them above are trying) or pray for RNG, because the points can come from everywhere regardless end result from a win. I don’t feel like I’m competing because it’s way more luck than skill. Way more. Like, a lot. Tons of it.


Its possible that by feeding the enemy one of your troops (via devour that counts for 0 dmg) you are able to increase your damage dealt now that the enemy has the Health + Armor of 5 troops.

That’s why you scored more than ‘perfect’ play in your previous battle.


I used the exact same team and got 7,103. You’re better than me. :sob:

The system as implemented does need refinement but know what every action counts as would be a help:

You’re probably right and from an intuitive point of view, makes no sense at all. But hey, related to my post above. My last match had 11 turns and the computer got 1 move in… And that game scored 51% more than my “perfect” run.

This is not fun.

The process to game the system for max points seems to require doing things counter to what the system was supposed to represent… Win fast with as many color of the day troops while making sure your opponent doesn’t do much damage or have a large mana gain. Do that too well though, and you’re penalized.

Whatever, just a game.

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I didn’t comment on your specific example as that SCREAMS bug in the coding to me.


I think you’re correct. I just checked screenshot, the only damage I received on my 4th battle (highest score) was 3 (from enemy famine 3rd trait). While in my 5th battle (lowest score) I received 0 damage and gave enemy 0 mana. Apparently I got punished by playing perfectly.

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Not a bug. The way the formula is set up since if the computer gets no mana, it defaults to the min value of 4. So I have to let the computer get a match or do damage or do something in order for me to get a better score. That’s the counter-intuitive part that makes me not want to bother.


FWIW, I really like the idea of a score tally at the end of the match. I think that would be very helpful. But I also understand this was out of scope.

Here’s hoping this makes it in with the modifiers for using unique troops on defense, whenever that happens.


@Strat that just make no sense you get more point for looping 40x then finish the fight very quick, imo if someone finish a fight in 1 or 2 turn he is much better then someone who keep looping, tomorow i going to try justice league in attack and loop them to death untill kraken kill them all with his 3rd trait. Yeah it gonna be fun as hell

I wish I could get back the time I spent reading all the whining & complaining in this thread. Boohoo people don’t have all the answers to be able to max everything out. Boohoo teams that worked before don’t work as well now, we have to retrain ourselves and rethink things.

I prefer to be able to know what I need to do to max things out too but for God’s sake it’s a game. We’re obviously not going to be told how to max anything out so get over it. Play GW or don’t. Last I checked GW isn’t a required part of the game, you can opt out. If the rest of your guild wants to do GW then guess you have a choice to make. There are plenty of other games available to play out there. You may not like having to make those choices but if you’re that unhappy with GW then you’re going to be unhappy either way.

Me? I don’t think the changes ruined GW and not convinced they made it better, but it’s still something to do different than the rest of the game and I’ll continue to do it with as much zeal as I can muster. My only gripe so far is that I still ran into the same unimaginative defense metas that existed before, but it is only day 1 after all. Guess time will tell on that front, though I don’t expect it to change. Change is apparently tough to swallow.


@Rickygervais I just made logical observations. In NO way am I defending this, please address those parties involved in creating and coding the scoring system.

@Shiratori ok fair the coding works… but the design has a divide by 0 oversight when coded then. I’m certain Sirrian did not intend that silliness to occur.


Did that today. I ran loopers with Krakens. You can see above how that worked out.

I’m sure of that too. I’m sure it needs an adjustment though cause winning out should not be penalized that much. For 1 more move and 1 computer turn the score differences were 1200 to 1900. That’s pretty significant.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here:

If the code currently uses MAX, it will be changed to MIN as soon as somebody notices. This is, 100%, a bug. If MAX is what is currently coded, there is effectively no upper limit on the score achievable by looping teams. I am positive Sirrian et al. did not intend for infinite scores to be possible.


My concern right now is that there is no max due to the mana/damage bonus, which seems to have no upper limit. The game now seems to be “how much mana can you generate before winning the match”.


I don’t recall seeing you whining and carrying on above. That concern is legitimate.

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I agree with this. Being defensive does not equal a bad player. I do not like the speed points. They are presuming good players only work fast. That really makes no sense.


There’s quite a bit more silliness in those numbers if you look at them closely. Some of the formula components just don’t make sense, there are far better choices for a smooth score progression. Usually, you want to avoid functions that have weird spikes for certain values when drawn on paper.