Guild Wars is a broken buggy mess

I haven’t received any errors while playing the game. None of my fights this week or last have been a quick win. The three times it has happen to me I have had a great run (winning previous GW fights) I come out of my next fight with a victory, I get all my rewards but when I see the screen that should have a green check I see a red X. All three times it has also given me a win too. Today being it was my last fight when it happen I guess it pushed the win to tomorrow.

As for the other devices, At times they may be logged in which is why in the future I will make sure they are completely logged out if not shut down. We’ll see if that makes a difference. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the extra info. I’ll be interested to see if that improves it for you. Nevertheless, we will be deploying out some fixes in the next day that should improve things somewhat.


That’s awesome.

Also, I just remembered. Last week during one of the issues I edited my team in the GW battle menu, fought and then saw the problem. That was only once so I’m not sure if it is related.

Thank you again for your attention. :slight_smile:


This is somewhat disappointing. Marthos guardians are still missing our new member from the GW roster (that new member (Tweed) mentioned in the chat about yesterday that he had raised a support ticket), and doubly so because we are losing a daily war in bracket 1 by 3000 points, meaning that one extra player could have won the daily war for us… :frowning:


Andrew, just finished my Guild War fights for today with no bugs… :slight_smile:


TLDR version: the bugs are still alive and well, and winning or losing
this week is once again out of our control. Hope you have better luck,
are bug free, and can control your own destiny.

Nope, my yellow team is slow, so I finally killed 'Robert the Hero’s psion and had 2 famines full and he was down to 2 guys when my game froze. So Hogans didn’t beat me, but iPhone did. I guess it was a matter of time before I got a loss from a game crash.

I should probably reboot my phone before I play guild wars just to be safe.

I guess it’s better I learn that lesson about game crashes now instead of when Unrepentant makes it to bracket 1. I should probably just play on PC for GW matches and make sure I put the resolution low and single monitor so the laptop doesn’t overheat. I just have to make sure I don’t get complacent and use my phone.

None Of The Above

That sucks, I’m sorry your loss wasn’t a good one. We were hoping to destroy you “honourably” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: . But the tip about rebooting before playing is a good one, if people want to be more cautious (I know I am now). Another thing somebody in our guild suggested if you use multiple devices is making sure app isn’t running anywhere else in the background, just in case (no evidence this will help, but we’re desperate enough to try anything now).

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I think that is also good advice. multiple devices gives a token mismatch error.


Andrew, just finished my Guild War fights for today with no bugs two days in a row. Seems making sure I don’t have any other devices logged in and making sure nothing GoW related is used on any of my other devices might have been the trick. Thanks again… :slight_smile:

p.s. I won’t keep saying things are going well after this but I will post if there is another bug.