Guild Wars Change Suggestions

Yeah my turn:

  1. All the 30 battles available at the first day: actually, players cannot miss sunday else he will loose one day of battle. Yeah I know it will not be a daily war etc. but I think it’s more convient.
  2. No Event bonus in GW because it is already enough difficult to do a mono-color team versus a META defense one.
  3. the sentinel bonus boost according to the GW rank is not well-designed: Soldiers have a penality compared to Paragon or others ranks. And who are they? The ones who did a bad result the previous week. So they start a new week with less stats so on, more difficult battles. In short, they get stuck in the bottom of the ranks. One solution is to inverse the bonus so Paragon get no bonus and soldiers full bonus (only in invade keep it is for defense), but it seems super confusing. Other solution: same bonus for everyone.
  4. Rework of the 4-color bonus: Bonus for 4 troops with a similar color need a buff