Guild push notifications not sending

Hello, I am reporting a problem with tribute information. When I play on the steam platform I do not have this information. I don’t get them. It is a bit sad that I have to set an alarm clock to know when I have to receive them. I am waiting for the problem to be fixed. I am waiting for the problem to be fixed and there is no information on what you have done about the requests. What should I do? Count on the alarm clock? Or on you? How long do I have to wait for any problem to be fixed? Is that so difficult? You should not have broken it. I am still waiting with the remnants of hope that you will move.


we are in mid February, any news to share ?


Currently expected to be resolved in 8.4


Client update for server based notifications are needed?

Will this include adding back timestamps to notifications?

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Y para cuándo es prevee la actualización 8.4!?

I hope you will bring back notifications about tributes and animal rescues, we have been waiting for a very, very long time :frowning:

Looks like I was right to be skeptical that a client update was needed to fix the notifications issue. At this point we have to assume your company doesn’t feel its cost efficient to pay for notifications to work properly since it’s still not fixed with update 8.4. We’re getting a lesser version of Gems of War yet all the shops and passes cost remains the same. I could learn to code in the time this is supposedly taking to fix.


It’s being actively worked on. It’s not resolved yet because every fix we have tested doesn’t resolve the issue. So we are still working on a fix, that does work and doesn’t break something else.

After the update, I have been getting tribute notifications… A few minutes late, but that’s fine .. am I the only one ?

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I got exactly one notification - right after I updated the game. Nothing since then…

I got my first notifications in months on Android this morning :astonished_face:. Something seems to have changed.

My guess is that there’s still a conflict if you also play the game on PC? I had played yesterday night on PC and not on the app. Early this morning I opened the app to collect a tribute. This notification came roughly an hour after that.

EDIT: The notification still doesn’t have any timestamp.

I got one notification after the update and that’s it. I don’t really think it’s a complex problem. I haven’t had any issues with notifications from other apps

tribute notifications seem to be working on and off.
I am getting a timestamp, here’s a screenshot.

Interesting! What device are you on if you don’t mind me asking? I wonder if it’s wrongly configured for a specific OS.

I haven’t received a 2nd one after my 1st and already collected 1 more tribute since then.

OnePlus 8 pro
Oxygen OS 13.1 (android 13)

It’s weird that the notification only works sometimes. But when it does work, it shows the timestamp (like “3m” even though it just popped up)

I got a 2nd notification just now. Whatever fixes they attempted, did seem to work to some degree.

I’m getting the same, Android

The timestamp issue might be limited to Samsung and OneUI? I’ve gotten several notifications today (thanks for the fix to get this far) but they’re all missing a timestamp next to the title Kingdom Income. Rest of my notifications all have the time.

Looking into this, as we have not released any fixes on our side, but it appears Unity has updated some of their notification data so that may be why some are appearing intermittently.