Guild "agreement" in bracket1 to arrange scores

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FIRST! After openingā€¦

Wait, is this not the right kind of thread for that behaviorā€¦:innocent:

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This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Iā€™m re opening this thread to see if this discussion can be continued civilly. Please do not flag posts unless they violate community guidelines. If someone has a different opinion let them express it the way you would want to be able too.


Thank you @Saltypatra.

Now, lets get to disbanding those guilds! :slight_smile:


I believe this has been an announced feature for the next big patch.
ā€¦ Where you would have to set all defenses on day 1 - and it would stay that way. With new rule - youā€™ll be getting points for using unique troops (24 in total).

This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Alright everyone, we have been discussion and this is what we have determined thus far.

This behaviour is impossible to detect with any degree of accuracy. Obviously this case is different as some evidence has been found in the guild in questionā€™s Discord, but still no exact proof of how many people followed along and did it, or to what degree they participated. If any further proof is available either way regarding this, please send it to me directly so it can be reviewed and do not post it publicly on the forums.

Unfortunately there is no simple fix for this problem, or way to make it easier to detect without considerable time spent finding a solution and a client update. The data we have found shows no significant change in Guild Wars scores due to collusion, so even if it is happening (which it seems to be) itā€™s not having a great effect on the outcome of Guild Wars.

However, we do understand that even if it is not having a significant effect on the outcome of Guild Wars, the appearance of collusion is bad for the game. Because of this, we are in further discussion on how to address this issue moving forward. We have to be careful as anything we say now will be how we will conduct ourselves for all future cases, so we want to get it right the first time.

We also have some improvements planned for Guild Wars in upcoming updates. We would like to roll out some scoring changes to make collusion a bad idea.

We will comment further when we have come to a more concrete decision.


I donā€™t understand how you cannot detect if they are cheating, if the average of score is 180k points and now you see them score 225k wich is close to the max points per day, that look like a good evidence they are cheating


So am i understanding correctly @Saltypatra? The guilty guilds are going going to go unpunished?

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As we did not have a strong stance prior to this, it would be unfair to punish guilds for something that was not expressly forbidden. We also do not know how many members of the guild participated. As such, we wonā€™t be punishing the guilds involved at this time. This will likely be different for future instances.


I seeā€¦ Then it would seem i and my guild have a very important decision to makeā€¦

That is unfortunate indeed

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So you confirm 2 guilds helping each other will be considered cheating from now?

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Translation: ā€œWe canā€™t be bothered to ensure the integrity of our game.ā€ This is nonsense and you know it. If we as players can track it, then certainly you as devs should be able to do the same. I am deeply, sincerely disappointed in this non-reply to a serious issue in the game.


Another translation is that apparently guilds are colluding in order to pursue ā€œno significant effect on the outcome of Guild Warsā€. They must be doing it just for the fun of it then.


The trouble is, something that looks and feels like a purposeful change can be a statistical outlier. A guild can have, by means of the same luck that brings you a ā€œ0% Devour chance for me, 80% Devour chance for the AI,ā€ a really damn good week in GW. Should they be punished for their good luck? Obviously not. Cheaters suck and deserve to be punished when they are caught. But it sets a bad precedent to punish a person or guild when the tools you have are unreliable. I fully understand why IP2 canā€™t take action here.

The remedy is to change the system to be less abusable, or failing that, to make abuse stand out more so it is more obvious and therefore more actionable. But the very first step ā€“ and the one I am surprised they havenā€™t taken ā€“ is to take a stand on the spirit of the law, if not the letter. ā€œCheating is wrong, and collusion, if discovered, will be punished.ā€ You start there. Build the tools next, but put the ethical flag in the sand immediately.

But we are where we are. Hopefully this team huddle amounts to something.


We asked MONTHS ago for you to take a stance on this you walked away without respondingā€¦ which seems to be the case every time a major issue comes up lately. This is unacceptable!


this part make me wonder, how many member need to cheat so itā€™s start to be a problem??? im not talking about this case in particular but in general?? it sound like if only 5-6 participate, itā€™s not a problem but i donā€™t agree with this, even if only one guy is cheating i think some peanalty should be apply for both guilds who participate