Guild "agreement" in bracket1 to arrange scores

so let me get this straight. the devs have punished he whistle blower , but not the guilds that are doing this? Is this really the same game I started almost 2 years ago. How dare yall! This ain’t right and u know it. Great job Mad King I stand w/ u


No, you got that wrong. Saltypatra intervened based on the callout rule, no public naming & shaming, no matter the reason. Which is perfectly okay, there seem to be way too many pitch forks and torches around. The topic as such is still discussed, with the official stance being it’s under investigation, no action required unless it’s found to “significantly alter the results of GWs”. Which is pretty unexpected, it’s pretty easy to see that any kind of staged fights have a significant impact on results.


As you explain. For issues like this, we care more about the result instead of the processing. Only if devs could give out some acceptable job as soon as possible.

@Eika, after our 7th GW weekly win in a row, it can be reasonably inferred you are talking about Intrim with your comment about “impossible” scores. Would you like us to post our GW results page for the past seven weeks? @Saluki has posted them on discord the last couple weeks for all to see. We have nothing to hide, and actually find it laughable that others have resorted to this sort of “gamesmanship” and still cannot beat us. Have you ever considered that Intrim has great players with solid teams that give us the best chance to win on a daily basis?


It’s like the PVP defense exploit all over again…

If it was up to me i would choose to disband the guilds involved because:

  • They will be back at point zero even if they create another guild.
  • They can still join another guild and have their second chance on the game knowing too well that this behavior is unacceptable.
  • Or they will quit and not be missed anyway.

Meanwhile an ongoing investigation would be conducted each week while the devs should figure out some changes in GW to prevent it.


Have you ever considered that the 1500 gems you earn weekly, allows you to fully lvl your Sentinels each week, making it increasingly more difficult for others to compete?

I came to this thread late, and only saw the CENSORED OP, so I do not know who was called out and I don’t care. If Intrim is not colluding and you are winning honestly, kudos!

BUT I would love to hear your opinion of my suggestion above about a better distribution of gems throughout ALL brackets.


There shouldn’t be any win-win situation in the first place. If defence is designed to be part of the GW, then count the points opponent earned fighting your defence as deduction in the total. For example the top guild wouldn’t care anyway whether their defence teams are well set or not when facing the 9th,10th guilds even if theres no such alliance, which could be potentially unfair to the 8th.

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Please, keep this thread on its starting point, that is guilds collusion and not any other type of suspicion on GW scores


It too bad this particular issue wasn’t discussed internally to the point of actually having a sensible official public policy by the developers months ago when it first arose… Instead of what we have now.

Perhaps they’ll do it after this, or perhaps somehow they think Guilds colluding together helps the financial bottom line in a bizzaro convoluted fashion.

Who knows, but its not like this issue is a surprise.


It would be very difficult to balance rewards between brackets. You absolutely can’t hand out more gems for finishing first in a bracket or else you get gamesmanship of trying to land in a lower bracket so you can finish first every other week.

Likewise, we can safely assume an upper limit to how many gems the devs can hand out each week. Making the curve flatter will require a severe cut in the number of gems awarded at the top, since the devs can’t increase the rewards across the board.

(Imagine the uproar from top guilds if they went from 1500-1000-500-400- to 600-500-450-400-…)

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Its to bad that the Devs refuse to do anything about stuff like this unless its brought up in the public forum and they lose tons of credibility due to their inaction on it. They are quick to tell us to adhere to the forum guidelines with posting but not quick to do something about reported cheaters, this would have been a non-issue had they done something the first or second (or more?) time it was reported.

Instead we have a fuster-cluck of a forum post, pissed off players, defensive players stating they did not break the rules, others stating they are cheaters and poor sportsman regardless of the rules and so on.

Good job Devs, this is what you get for your inaction.


Due to the loss of gems from tasks, as a guild we have chosen not to fully level sentinels. As to the rewards from GW, I do think a more even distribution would help discourage “cooperation” among guilds. The other bracket one guilds who have been directly impacted by the collusion are the ones who should be complaining to the devs the loudest.


i’m sure they act based on real evidence they have, not solely based on other player reports without doing their due diligent. also, they take into account if the player actually breaking the rules, not some unspoken sportmanship.

My personal experience with this goes back to when people were colluding to conceal and exploit an Explode bug they discovered which granted 100% Mana instead of 70%. Cheating has been going on for well before that and will for the future.

But the real story, the real dirty secret is that the devs are simply incapable of fixing anything at this point. They don’t even know how their own game works. I was completely blown away when Sirrian casually mentioned that PC has always supposed to Mana Surge on 4-Matches. If this is true how could it go un-fixed for 2 years and if not true what kind of BS are they slinging at us? The message oscillates between “we have systematically studied everything and watched the back-end numbers and all is copacetic” and “hey we inherited this code give us time to figure it out”.

I’ve never been one to take a “watch it burn” approach, especially to a game I’ve loved so dearly, but it has become a bloated series of bolt-ons and half-baked features. It was never designed to be what it has become. There is no rescue but to blow it to smithereens and make GoW 2 from the ground-up.


If the structure we designed in such a way that spot 10 in Bracket A offers the SAME as spot 1 in Bracket B, then that gamesmanship is averted.

I know the uproar would be significant, BUT, it would still be more equitable. Team 1 in Bracket 1 will STILL be earning more gems than everybody else, but at least lower brackets can experience that same satisfaction which is an important psychological element to nurturing competitive play.

Also, with the gem nerf to Tasks and removal from LTs, perhaps the groundwork has been set for them to provide MORE gems in GW rewards?
Maybe? :innocent:

That sounds so amazing right now… :heart_eyes:


It looks like they’re generating a lot of revenue lately, don’t it? Revenue fuels development of things.

But IANAGD. Oh wait.

Think how much more revenue they would be generating if they had not alienated players like myself who have money to spend but refuse to spend on a broken product. I am VIP 9 and have been for over 6 months, if they actually supported the game they develop and actually had a real alpha/beta test strategy I would likely be VIP 11 or 12 by now.


While I understand that in every game, it is virtually impossible to shut down every avenue for cheating, there needs to be consequences when it is discovered… when proof can show cheating has occurred, both the players and guilds associated should be banned.
This is a game! Are the egos in the top 10 so fragile that they must cheat to remain in the first bracket?


This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.