Guild "agreement" in bracket1 to arrange scores

If that’s what the game community wanted then I’d be ok with it. I guess it’s easier to not care how much I get if I don’t put money in

Well… Forgive me but i dont believe a word of this and i stand by my opinion of collusion


I am sure most people in this game believe their are alliances everywhere and I’m sure there are more aliances than we know of. But my question is where does this collusion witch hunt stop. Is it ok to share teams with friends if they take that team and beat you with it. I think this is all silly

I think it is pretty clear. When two guilds set weak defenses to facilitate both getting scores that would be otherwise unable to be achieved it is clearly cheating. Plain and simple and there is nothing you can say to convince me that if you were still in impervious basterds your opinion would be different


Lol :popcorn:

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No popcorn needed @Rickygervais i am done with this person

You’re talking nonsense and you know it. I’m actually surprised you have balls to came here and brought that excuse again in the first place.

My guild is ally with Intrim II, III, IV, V. Do we collude in GWs by setting up easy defense for each others when we fight against each other so both guilds can get as max score as possible? No. We play normally like when we fight other guilds.

So here’s my advice: keep the alliance, stop the collusion. No one/rule said you can’t be ally with anyone.


What is the point of an alliance, then, if not to assist each other in game? I don’t see a distinction, so I am wondering what you think.

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Well said @ZooKeeper i would give it a like if i had any

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You can assist them and share your team idea and strategy.


:joy: :laughing: :joy:

There’s a lot of benefit of having sister/ally guild. Recruiting, rotating, and maintaining members, team and strategy crafting, having fun and chat with people all over the world, etc.


You seem to be deliberately misunderstanding the issue. No one said a word about creating and sharing teams. The issue is two guilds purposely setting weak defenses when they meet in guild wars so that each can maximize their points. On the other hand, your alleged inability to see the issue is not surprising, given your past behavior. Disingenuous, much?


Yes, so each guild can achieve best result in each bracket like this:

I want to know why we are not able to see Guild Wars defensive wins and losses. Why is that hidden from us? That would show everyone what is going on. The wins and losses would be transparent. Not hidden !!!


@Saltypatra Can you let us see defense wins and losses? Make them part of Stats, so everyone can see. Someone throwing matches would have unusually low or non existent wins for the day. We see them for PVP, so how about separating out the Guild Wars numbers so we can all see what is going on?


I’d just like to remind everyone that anything we implement to GWs will require a client update and significant developer time. This means that even once a solution is found there will be some time before it is in game.


Yeah baby time to cheat untill they find a solution!!!


I don’t mean to be rude or unappreciative of your position, but maybe some acknowledgement that my idea could be a good one, in that it would show what everyone is doing, we could have a clue if people are cheating, maybe say you even read my idea? I think people here are frustrated because because of answers like that.

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I read your idea. We are still considering what to do to, and feel that (POTENTIALLY THIS IS NOT GOSPEL) one of the best ways to do so is by incentivising defense teams. This would stop people putting up easy defenses as it would cause them to lose points.

This would de-incentivise cheating.