GoW: ToDo Monitor

That would be awesome!

As I said, this is a VERY minor thing.
When I first loaded up the app, all the scrollbars (in every kingdom) were at the bottom of the screen.
Would be nice if they loaded at the top so I could fill in troop info in order and not have to scroll up first.

Okay. The main issue is when I do that the scrollbar is at the topā€¦
Is there anyone that has also the scrollbar at the bottom?

@turintuor it was only the very first time I loaded up the app, so I donā€™t know that anyone else currently using will have this issue. Just wondered if there was a way to set their default position for first install/go.


Thx Rasper next week my turn :slight_smile: :wink:

<Pharos-Ra nameFile="Troop_K09_10" baseRarity="Mythic" primaryColor="Purple" secondaryColor="Blue" thirdColor="Brown" kingdom="Khetar"/>

New Mythic Troop :slight_smile:

corrected :wink:


just change primary color to purple :wink:


first troop in this week :slight_smile:

<RockSpirit nameFile="Troop_K20_07" baseRarity="UltraRare" primaryColor="Brown" secondaryColor="Purple" thirdColor="" kingdom="DriftingSands"/>

01/15/2017: Minogor - Wild Plains

<Minogor nameFile="Troop_K18_08" baseRarity="UltraRare" primaryColor="Green" secondaryColor="Red" thirdColor="" kingdom="WildPlains"/>


Silverglade is now opened for exploreation along with 7 new troops:

    <SilverDrakon nameFile="Troop_K26_00" baseRarity="Common" primaryColor="Purple" secondaryColor="" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>
    <Swordmaster nameFile="Troop_K26_01" baseRarity="Rare" primaryColor="Blue" secondaryColor="Green" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>
    <ElvenBard nameFile="Troop_K26_02" baseRarity="Rare" primaryColor="Yellow" secondaryColor="Green" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>
    <Unicorn nameFile="Troop_K26_03" baseRarity="UltraRare" primaryColor="Green" secondaryColor="Purple" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>
    <Enchantress nameFile="Troop_K26_04" baseRarity="UltraRare" primaryColor="Purple" secondaryColor="Yellow" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>
    <PrincessElspeth nameFile="Troop_Quest_K26" baseRarity="Epic" primaryColor="Yellow" secondaryColor="Blue" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>
    <Krystenax nameFile="Troop_Boss_K26" baseRarity="Legendary" primaryColor="Blue" secondaryColor="Green" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>

Donā€™t forget to add the kingdom in the top row.

If you add this new kingdom, it will appear on the top-left corner of the map (possibly the 0,0 coordinates). @turintuor Are the map properties accessible for us?


how to add the kingdom?

To add a new kingdom go to the top of the database.xml file. There should be a line like this (shortened):

<Kingdom BrokenSpire="K00_Blue_Brown" Adana="K01_Red_Yellow" [...]

Simply add Silverglade=ā€œK26_Purple_Yellowā€ inside the <> brackets. Then it should appear in the kingdom list.


and Mongo

<Mongo nameFile="Troop_K18_10" baseRarity="Epic" primaryColor="Brown" secondaryColor="Yellow" thirdColor="" kingdom="WildPlains"/>


hehe noo, I didnā€™t mean that
I meant to put in the coordinates.

The default coordinates are, as I said, on the top-left corner.

I havenā€™t found any file where you could modify these coordinates so we probably have to ask @turintuor for help.

Sadly, you canā€™tā€¦ For the sake of simplicity, I put the coordinates in the source codeā€¦ And now Iā€™m gone on the next version and so, cannot do a hotfix for your version.
But the new version is coming soon ;-). Very soon.


The Silvermaiden has arrived:

    <TheSilvermaiden nameFile="Troop_K26_05" baseRarity="Epic" primaryColor="Blue" secondaryColor="Purple" thirdColor="" kingdom="Silverglade"/>

Cool app!

Dark Troll, Elven Bard, Enchantress, Ice Golem, Krystenax, Minogor, Mongo, Pharos Ra, Princess Elspeth, Rock Spirit, Silver Drakon, Snowy Owl, Sword Master, The Silvermaiden, Unicorn, Urska Wanderer, and Void Portal are missingā€¦ Clearly these must be recent characters (I am new to this game so I donā€™t have a sense of history). Is the link at the top of this thread always to the most recent version?

Also is ā€œWarriorā€ in the database = ā€œWarlockā€?

Yea itā€™s a cool App, if you donā€™t want to manualy add your troops, etc.
go to: https://ashtender.com/gems
create an account and connect it to you GoW account.
but if the website is offline or something, I use this app too, but it needs an update for the last kingdom and even maybeb an auto update function so you can easier add troops.