Good Dinosaur

So far Draco is not an issue and has a similar mechanic.
That new weapon that transforms also is somewhat an insta kill and we don’t see it (it’s so fun with Ironbeard or a Dragon Cruncher)

Just dropping by again to confirm that her “with a 25% chance to destroy them” check is again separated from the main spell and thus due to way things that target specific positions work in Unity can kill a troop and then instantly destroy another.

Knowing that the target lock bug exists, and the description, in no uncertain terms this time, shows that it is intended to deal lethal damage to the same target, why not make it deal 2000 extra damage if the “25% random” condition is met? Unless it is just meant to pierce barrier, and if that is the case in which case, why does it need to do that? Other forms of single instance lethal damage (Assassinate, Bullseye, DRACOS Disentegrate, even Deathmark activation) have historically been blocked by barrier, except same team targeters, which employ a different method of either damaging or dispelling the target before applying the lethal hit to make sure it gets through. And even if it does need to pierce barrier, for whatever reason another logical workaround would to simply have the 25% rolled first and the condition trigger two effects, a “dispel” or single damage hit processed before any damage is applied, then the normal spell hit (+conditionally 2000 if the previous random condition was met). Or heck, implement it as a four way (or 75/25 weighted) OR spell in the code alone, submerge other allies, then: deal normal damage OR (if necessary dispel/1 damage to break barrier then) deal lethal damage.

I know a proper fix to the entire broken slot targeting mechanic for Unity is going to take time to make the sure the fix doesn’t break the entire game worse (or if it is even worth fixing), but can we at least have a workaround applicable to new releases like this so they aren’t broken in some way out of the gate?

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Im glad that people are focused on the Lethal damage, because that Bonestorm is silly strong with an exploder.

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Nobody put that in doubt. Er… what do you mean with single-handed?

Any interesting teams with scylla?

I’ve been using:

Crimson Bat

karakoth banner

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I just banged up azura, leviathan, scylla and merlion and am surprised to see its performing pretty well in defence. Not really tried her on attack though.

This is the team I’m trying out now:

Hero with thingamabob

Use Valkyrie to load on blue gems, submerge allies with Scylla, then thingamabob does 30 damage to 3 enemies based on 2 submerged allies. Krystenax there as backup for blue mana in case hero or Scylla go down

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I didin’t had much time to test it but this team was not bad at all


With the rarity of event keys, opened my first set of 10 and there she was. It’s nice when new troops come cheap :+1:

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Wish mine was that cheap.

Been having some exploding fun with:


Getting an explosion board clear with a BoneStorm in effect really piles on the extra dmg.

50 event keys and no Scylla. Yup, GoW-life as usual for me.

121 event keys one at a time. 2 Kraken’s, 0 Scylla. So frustrating–especially the Krakens.

I’ll have your Krakens.


Well you know what they say. For some it comes easy, but if you don’t have innate Scylla, best get Kraken.

leaves of her own accord before the police arrive


Done! One Kraken for one Scylla! I can’t believe my luck! :wink:

30 keys and got just what I needed: 1 Kraken so I could ascend to Mythic and have 2 left, plus 1 Scylla!

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Thirty keys? Done dirt cheap!

follows Lyya out the door


Not QUITE what I meant

police arrive

:police_car: :police_car:

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On another note, ya’ll will hate me - went in for a kraken, I don’t have any kraken, and got a Scylla. :thinking:

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