Gobtruffle balance

Technically it wouldn’t be hard to do, but in this case the ai would make a match 3 as a combo breaker.

Speaking of illiterate 5 year olds, only a preschooler would assume that I expect to win every single match. Only a preschooler would construct an argument around “people are better than you” when the obvious original statement is about the AI/RNG and has absolutely nothing to do with competition. Only a preschooler would think that forest troll is required when the video is obvious proof that is not the case.

Any card that generates green gems (not doubles) can get around that one pretty simply. Any card that cleanses or blesses is going to get around freeze. It’s only a matter of time before they create another moon rabbit-esque empowered troop that blesses and converts to green.

Once again you are creating a false argument and defending your position against that argument with ad-hominem attacks because you can’t construct an argument without attacking or staying on subject. It’s obvious you use little to no logic and resort to the same tactics as every other naysayer in this thread. You added exactly nothing to the conversation, practically copied and pasted other people’s arguments, and wasted all of our times by having us read your useless drivel. Try again.

You don’t have to read my comments. I did not comment to target you specifically. About 90% of these forum posts throughout this site are about everyone asking for nerfs or more rewards for less work. Everyone wants everything for free. I really am tired of that.

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You don’t have to reply either. You certainly don’t have to repeat the reply longer and louder when you don’t like how it was received the first time. Anyone who has the power to say “stop complaining” also has the power to stop listening. But boy do they never exercise that power.

We get your point. Your argument against “this is frustrating” is “you are losers who want a game that can’t be lost”. You haven’t really responded to responses to that so that’s great, I get it. Saying it longer and louder isn’t going to change my mind, nor is calling me a loser in more creative ways.

If that’s the only argument you have, you don’t have a conclusion to discuss. If you’re so tired of this discussion there’s an easy way to stop participating.

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I like this game the way it is and how it is being rolled out. I like all the new stuff.
What exactly are you looking for?

Fair enough, and that I can understand. But that is not where I am coming from. I do create my own teams using my own creativity. I like a challenge and when I lose I always ask why and try to work around that but rarely do I get upset. When I lose to an extremely creative team that catches me off guard, I take note and dissect that team to see what makes it so good and upgrade it to meet my standards/class limitations.

Mainly I just get annoyed at teams that takes advantage of the commonly-known meta to generate wins in PvP. Infinite summons, and weapons that do 10 different things and charge with a few matches are on that list. While Gobtruffle isn’t necessarily a part of the meta yet, this video foreshadows a time when he will be.

Games are supposed to be fun above all else, wouldn’t you agree? When teams and weapons completely take creative liberties away from the player and force the player to use cookie-cutter teams to fight against their cookie-cutter team, that takes away the fun and creativity. I’d argue that it takes away skill and thinking in the process. At least gem converters actually convert 1 color to another and can be planned against, Gobtruffle just generates his own gems and gets an extra turn in the process.

My favorite thing to do in this game is to find teams based around boosted stats and exploit those with weapons that boost stats (shield of Urskaya, mang, tricksters shot, etc). Hell, I started on gem conversion teams and exploited those mechanics to beat things I wouldn’t normally be able to beat. I’m not saying I’ve never cheated the computer but this game practically incentivizes all of that and allows us to stress test that exploitation with events and scaled enemies. No doubt, the player will always be the biggest cheater just by the very fundamentals of the game.

There’s just something about getting an extra turn “just because” that feels a little tacky. Getting an extra turn is so powerful that anything else that is paired with it needs to be severely limited. I think that is part of the reason rope dart gets a bad wrap. Gobtruffle generating so many gems and setting up more extra turns that charge and yield more extra turns, on top of his already existing extra turn and any other goblin’s extra turns (while doing damage to all) is silly IMO.

Yes there are ways around it and currently it’s not a prevalent issue that happens on every match against him but it is definitely something that CAN happen and will only get worse as new troops are added to the game.


I dont see it as getting worse though. Only more complicated. People don’t want to put in the time to make a counter. I would have quit in the first 6 months if the game was not ever evolving.
The game will naturally get harder and more complicated with every new troop, weapon, class, etc. that is introduced. There will always be new broken teams out of the billions of combinations as time progresses.
I actually want the game to become even more complicated by giving troops an ability for each of their colors that can be cast independent from one another. If that were to ever happen though the forums would blow up with complaints of ai this and ai that.

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every Nerf to a AI troop is a Nerf to the person as well. So that will make thing like Pets harder. The issue probably is the people have no clue how to get the Goblin since it’s in factions and some have no idea what a faction is.

I guess without saying a lot of words:

If you want to shift to an actual discussion of how to think your way through a Gobtruffle counter team, that’s a fun discussion. If you don’t even want to lay a foundation for that discussion, then I’m going to keep saying you’re just here to flex. But the flex isn’t working because you have to demonstrate muscle to flex, and you can’t post a livestream of you winning 100 times vs. Gobtruffle without revealing your precious precious counter. I can just call you a liar, and you can’t prove me wrong. A stalemate.

Here’s some of my homework. Tell me if I’m warm or cold.

Freeze is the best counter to loopers. But Gobtruffle can get started fast. Classes can freeze a random enemy at the start of the battle, I want a better chance than 25%. (That’s Corsair, Tidecaller, Frostmage, and oddly Sunspear.) Death tree classes can freeze when an enemy dies, but if I can kill a troop before Gobtruffle loops I’m winning anyway.

Frostmage might freeze a random enemy when an ally casts, so it’s a frontrunner, that’s a 12.5% chance of freezing what I want if my luck’s good. Yuck. None of the weapons that freeze look immediately interesting to me. Too slow and no AoE freeze available.

Mab is probably a good choice of troop. The only other trait-based freezes are either “when I do skull damage” or “AoE when I die”. I don’t really want to engineer a way to sacrifice Frostfeather, though I admit I can imagine ways to do it.

The Gray King would be badass, but isn’t released yet. You can’t possibly be thinking of him. I reject Zuul’Goth as an option because it’s too inaccessible for you to confidently claim there’s a clear counter. Hyndla, Borealis, and Frost Archer stick out.

But I’m not building a really clearly good team there. My best freeze chances come from abilities, and I need to fill them for that to work.

Other ideas include Submerge and immunity to Disease, but I haven’t laid out all the groundwork I need to find those troops easily yet.

I think the main issue at hand isn’t really who wants a harder/easier game, but rather: how “broken” are extra-turn loopers, and what (if anything) should be done to change them?

Extra turns are fun to generate on offense and help players battle well outside their weight class.

Extra turns suck when they happen to be looping against you, especially if they do so slowly (thus nerfing your income).

I’m in the camp that likes looping and likes a challenge but hates losing to Rope Dart and Gobtruffle. Why? Not because I lose every time—or even often—but because on the rare occasion when the AI is handed a good board for Gob, it sucks when I have to sit back and watch

Does that mean these troops need a change? Dunno. I think there are good arguments on both sides of the issue and I’m still trying to decide.

Ask me after a win using Rope Dart: leave my weapon alone.

Ask me after an enemy team loops me: maybe extra turns should be limited to 3… :rofl:

Btdubs—though I love a challenge in a competitive event like Guild Wars, or in scaling content like delves (if the team actually has synergy—sadly, they often don’t) I don’t really want it when farming resources like gold and glory. When doing that I want a team that can quickly tear through team after team when I’m burnt out after work and just need a mindless way to unwind.

But that’s just me.


I feel like I’ve been saying since month 2 of my GoW career I’d really like to see a game mode where free turns either don’t exist or are capped.

It feels like everybody “wants the game to be more challenging” until the moment you say you’d like to nerf something that happens to benefit offense. Then, suddenly, you’re the one who’s being preposterous.

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No different then watching Yao loop your whole team because frozen froze wrong troop. If I had choice between the 2 I would take the goblin Def every day and twice on Sunday.

The difference there as far as I see it is that Yao sometimes gives you back a good board.

Gob never does, as his extra turn is guaranteed :man_shrugging:

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And Gobchomper gets no love? (OK, I did’nt list him above either.) Empowered & targetable. 2 of him, Jar of Eyes & your fav damage causing troop and it let 'er rip. If both chompers miss, retreat and go on to the next battle.

taking the extra turn from that goblin would make it completely worthless. Limiting its extra turns would do same thing. Yao kills in 2 casts while the Goblin takes quite a bit more than that. In pvp Def I hardly see it anyway. Too many rope teams is what I see with a life death here and there.


I wasn’t going to mention the choppers because I wanted to keep laughing at people. Like I said on numerous occasions dust off your troops. Even the old ones are useful from time to time.

I’ve been watching your progress and I really don’t think it’s your best effort. Really take a hard look at things and try again.

I been watching your lack of progress so at least we both watching. Amused by it actually.

I’d rather see the weaker troops get a buff to at least compete with the stronger troops. No nerf needed.


Sorry but the idea that developers should rebalance troops based on the newbie players and their capabilities is just ridiculous.

Instead newbie players should learn what kind of teams to avoid until they get troops that can counter them well, that’s what I did when I started and it didn’t make me hate the game or enjoy it less, it made me excited for the awesome teams I’m going to be able to make once I get more troops.

Also I agree with Globey, instead of nerfing strong troops they should buff the weak ones instead. Sure buffing weak troops would be a lot more work than nerfing few strong ones, but it would be better for the game.

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