Gobtruffle balance

A team of “strong” troops will currently quite often win a battle on their very first turn, they start out empowered and just keep chaining extra turn after extra turn. Why, again, would it be better for the game if all other troops were buffed to the same level of first turn wins? I mean, sure, we could just grant an extra turn to any troop that matches gems, that should make all of them roughly equally powerful. I’d prefer battles to last a few rounds, with both sides participating, which in the current state of the game just isn’t going to happen without some serious redesign (aka nerfs).

There’s some hope though, we’ve been banging our heads on the power creep ceiling for quite a while now. The only “stronger” troops left to release are those that win in zero moves, you go right to the victory/loss screen when starting a match, without any interaction at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if update 5.0 either introduces harsh limits on which troops you can field (e.g. by cycling out those older than two years) or revamps the whole turn mechanics (e.g. by introducing cooldowns and diminishing returns). Right now there’s just next to no design space left for “strong”.

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I think i get your point.
Devs should implement an option to bypass all those loop animations when more than 1 loop is involved, and directly go to end result.


Eh, already sometimes we get in circumstances where it doesn’t seem the CPU should’ve got an extra turn/so much mana but can’t prove it because it happened too fast.

The feature you’re requesting means a lot of Rope Dart/Gobtruffle turns will start with a 3 match, then end with all four of your troops dead. You’ll kind of want to know how on Earth it happened. Without a game log, it’s not a good idea to let actions pass without animations.


That’s why they should give us both the suggestion and a game-log :wink:

A girl can dream :rofl:

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Actually, when I’m playing at 4x speed and an opponent team still ends up looping for well above half a minute I’m way past caring what’s happening. I’m good with instantly seeing my team dead on pressing a fast forward key, if I wanted to watch the game getting played with zero interaction from my side I could just open some YouTube stream.


The fast-forward button’s labeled “Retreat” in that case, I do wish it didn’t take so many taps to get to it.

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