Ghost in a Shell

Same, I have a PvP rank to defend :stuck_out_tongue:

Flesh Golem exploding a row really means he destroys three rows. Suddenly he’s a pretty decent mana battery, huh?


What do your easy opponents offer for defense teams? I recognize that you will never make it into the top 1,000 by playing easy opponents only, but maybe you can use that as a stalling action while you wait for the current Maw-Mercy meta to be addressed one way or another.

Also, IIRC, you don’t particularly care about getting into the top X players anyway after trying it this week.

I was just thinking about that. Sounds really cool!

Maybe i have just been lucky but i have seen a lot less Maws than last week.
He is still very common but it wasn’t nearly as bad as last week.

I am in the same boat as you, @Gouki. He’s there, but not as much as last week. Either matchmaking has improved, or people are experimenting.



I play enough that I will be top 100 whatever happens… Though the leaderboard isn’t a high motivator…

What I play for is trophies and resources, so I want to be doing the ‘hard’ match whenever possible. I’m also level 1001 and have everything maxed so I kinda feel I shouldn’t have to ‘avoid’ certain battles…

Well let’s see if the meta continues to evolve… I predict gradual decline in Maw/Mercy (but still 40% of battles which is way too much) and increase in Queen Mab…

EDIT: and back on-topic - cool new troops… though I am skeptical how useful they will be… and Ghulvania gets some love… and a third common?

In game-text says reduce all skill stats by 1, not by 2…

2 would probably be too much on a common?

Boost not implimented yet for another 20 minute?

Looks like a standard 300 glory chest, but gives you three copies of Wraith

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I am here now, just got to top 100 by charging through the last two hours and not reading the thread, heh…

So I’m pretty psyched about the Ghulvania changes. However, no way am I buying… 64 of those triple Commons for, ouch, 19,200 Glory. That isn’t happening. Maybe if it was 20 per.

I wonder if the common is in the gold chests, or if we’ll have to wait like for the higher rarities

Judging by this, I would say Wraith is not in the chests yet.

While I understand the theory and logic behind that, it is a common. So it would only be found in Gold chests and not in Glory/Gem/VIP like all of those would. Also would a common be in an Event chest? How would that skew the chance of getting something out of it? And if it’s not in the event chest, and not in the gold, then the ONLY way to get it would be through glory till it gets added.

@Sirrian or @Nimhain able to clarify this at all?

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You are on the right track with that logic.

I really don’t think 300 for triple Common is the way to go with this. Not at all. Someone who will really benefit from getting a Common shouldn’t have to pay as much as they would for an Ultra…

Meanwhile, on the collectors’ end of things… for that price? Still no way. I got one. To have the thing. Now waiting on an excuse to open Gold Keys.

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Actually considering what we got would 100 glory for one be too cheap for the rest of what was in that 300 glory pack?

I’m thinking more along the lines of a totally different pack structure. Obviously 100 Glory for the standard gold and keys and traitstones is pretty good.

Vampire Lord is now Brown/Purple, still removes Red gems to boost… that looks like a buff to me. On the other hand, he still has Fire Spirit, meaning that not only is he down 1 magic (given he used to be Red himself), but he now suffers from the same issues that Reaver used to have. Any chance this will be altered?

For that matter, there are only four troops with Magic Spirit, while there are nine with Fire Spirit currently. Just an idea.

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Some quick calculations show that in theory this is actually worth more (in terms of real cash) than the standard 300 Glory UR bundle.

However, my premise for valuing cards is not necessarily correct. What I currently do is say 1 copy of a card is equal to roughly 10 of the lowest quality keys (so generally Glory, but in this case Gold). And this is skewed a bit further by the fact that buying gold for real money is actually a very expensive way of getting gold.

######Actual spreadsheet can be found here: Economy Breakdown