Gems of Streaming


Also the Shaman class icon looks like a Candy Cane and I can’t unsee it

I thought it was a “she” to be the romantic pair of Glitterclaw… Or maybe Glitterclaw is the female… Or they are both males… Or both females…
But well, for the dragons in Krystara everything seems like fair game, even big turtles…

Edit: Both are females from the card’s quote.


@Cyrup is lending me her santa hat. Yay. I love the holidays. (Maybe.)

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Speaking of, does Santa have a warm-weather suit for all the kids in the Southern Hemisphere? How does he avoid heatstroke when he visits Australia?

As he travels at night and on high altitudes i think he would be pretty ok for most of the time.

@Saltypatra is Live now, showing off the new Christmas troop, and the new 4.2 Update (which is live now FYI)!

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Our schedule has been updated team. :slight_smile:

There will be no stream next week as I’ll be away with my family for Christmas! Enjoy your holidays and I will see you back on stream for a New years celebration.

I have some Christmas presents to release on stream tomorrow, so please come along to celebrate and let me know if you’ve been naughty or nice! I have a special one to release once we hit 200 viewers, so help me make it happen, adventurers. I’ll also have the usuals, a juicy one, and the exclusive Christmas one mentioned earlier. :christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree:

The Warren preview will be happening, so let’s do all things bunnies!!! If @Sheba was ever going to come back, now is the time. :rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2:

I can’t wait to see you all and wish you an early happy holidays.


Ubastet: Bunny Warren! Yay!!! I’ll move there and have dinner there every night.

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Thank you for the ping, Salty!:hugs: I am honored that I’m still being remembered, despite me not having been in the stream since a long time.
Believe me that I would come and hang out even though I’m not playing the game anymore if it would be at a time that’s not in the middle of the night (2am)! But sadly, that’s just a bit too rough, especially since I have to get up again early in the morning because of an appointment. :frowning: So yeah, I will not be there, sorry! Still, I am happy that more bunnies are added to the game!:rabbit:


Not a worry Sheba, I just miss you!

I can’t believe I have been streaming for over a year now. How time flies! I have lots of gifts and goodies for you all to celebrate the holidays with.

Special present will go out once we hit 200 viewers, and I have all the usual suspects to release as well. I am ready with my Santa hat, so make sure to tell me if you’ve been naughty or nice this year!


Excuse me, that’s my santa hat.


Okay yes it is Cyrups’ santa hat.

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Naughty obviously. But i can’t share the details because “Peeegeee 13”!!!

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90% nice 10% naughty count?
80% on green matches

@Saltypatra is live now showing off the new Warrens Faction, and is ready to give away some juicy codes!

Thank you for coming team, I had so much fun! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas presents, and I can’t wait to talk to you after the holidays.

There will be no stream next week, so rest up and I will see you soon!


… pssst, if you’re lucky I’ll run a cheeky stream from our work Christmas party on Friday. (Maybe, we will see…)

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Updated with our next stream. Please remember that there will be no stream next week, and we will be returning for New Years. :slight_smile:

31st January: New Years Stream! Salty will be discussing what we would like to see happen in Gems of War for 2019. There may even be some cheeky spoilers.


31st? Kind of late in the month, and not your normal day of the week.

I made a mistake! You are correct!

Changed to the 1st of January.