Gems of Streaming

KNELL not kneel

Tried one and didn’t get extra souls like the first time.

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yes i thought was said somewhere they could be but then when looked in patch notes didnt say anything about it? :frowning:

Stream tomorrow! Stream tomorrow!!!


What are you going to show us?

Probably her best?

Definitely my best, and definitely our upcoming Legendary, Nimue!

We can also discuss the 4.0 Update. I want to know how you’re finding it, what you enjoy, what you don’t enjoy, all the things really.


Is that week’s title going to be Siren says?

OF COURSE! I’m also going to run Salty’s fight club.

Are you feeling better?

I am recovered!


Can you tell me: What is a Salty Squad???

Probably a bunch of gamer girls who are all salty and sassy. They probably all have matching biker jackets with their squad names and a salt shaker embroidered on the back.


Oh, won’t it take 3 hours instead of usual 1,5?

If you do an explore now with 4.0, when it’s over you get a “Play Again” button instead of being kicked out to the map.

Some of you with all challenges completed can’t see this, but unfinished challenges now also get this button, instead of being kicked to the challenge menu.

Unfortunately, that might be the “can be Played Again” for challenges. On the other hand, it’s a nice improvement to get the Play Again button in both places.

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Tacet indicated that this week will see a new faction released. Is that true?
If so, can you cover the faction, its troops, and its Delve layout?
Also, can you cover the first Faction Event that starts tomorrow?

First 2 questions could mostly be answered if you used a certain spoiler site.

This isn’t a spoiler thread though, so I will say no more… :zipper_mouth_face:

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I won’t be doing any Faction Event previews today, but I am happy to speak about it a little. :slight_smile:

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So, when can we expect update 4.1???

@Saltypatra is Live now on Twitch!