Gems of Streaming

Yeah, this just doesn’t follow (so to speak). The internet is a weird place, especially for women with a big online presence (like any community manager must). I don’t blame her at all for acting cautiously.


Personally, my opinion is that the Anu medal is one of the worst of the initial batch.

Depending on the values for the medals that are pushed to Live with the update, the only good ones are the cleansing medal (Cedric) and the magic (Nysha) medal. The attack medal is “okay” in the interim, until replaced by a magic medal. On beta, stat medals value were based on their assigned rarity. Magic is the mythic medal, so…

I’m seeing either:

– Cedric + 2x Nysha, if significant debuff/lockdown potential exists on the opposing team
– 3x Nysha, otherwise.

We’ll have to see how difficult it will be to obtain a Nysha medal (9 Nysha tokens per) on Live, though.

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So I can either keep my medals to equip on my hero, or burn them (plus some souls) as catalysts to upgrade my e.g. Glaycion stats? Do those stats gained through medals carry from my Legendary Glaycion to my eventual Mythic Glaycion?

That same Elite Glaycion goes back to normal stats if stunned? And the stats return once the stun effect has passed?

What if my hero has a +4 Life Medal, and gets stunned when it has 3HP left? Or by ‘effects’ it means only the Cedric Medal (not affecting stats)?



Yes, although troops have to be “maxed” out (Mythic ascended and fully traited) be eligible for Elite Levels.

I believe Ozball said on the stream that stats weren’t cancellable. Otherwise, that would be a hilarious situation (and crash the servers probably, rofl). I’ll edit the notes to reflect that.

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Thanks as always, Lyrian.


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Think about traits and talents that do that already. So yeah. No change in stats when stunned.


How will badges/medals work with GW-defense? If it is for the hero can I have a different setup of badges for GW as for regular play on the same day?

currently its only one size fits all. you’d have to manually swap in-between offense, defense, or just normal play.

Thanks for the notes @Lyrian

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…and level 12 Explores will surely give 12 Class XP per match, right?


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RE: “It’s just a minor buff”, the thing is we have a lot of additive buffs and the people complaining are already riding the maximums.

Off the top of my head the “minor buffs” in-game are:

  • Kingdom levels
  • Kingdom power
  • Guild
  • Pets
  • Class levels
  • Hoard level (situational)
  • GW sentinels (situational)

If you’ve already got all of those maxed then sure, Elite Levels and badges/medals are just a tiny bump. But if you’re a newbie who still can’t understand why nobody wants to help you build a kickass team with your Rock Worm, it feels significant.

And before that newbie will even have the souls/resources to pop one Elite level, you’re going to have maxed out your GW-relevant troops because you are faster at grinding and have accumulated tons of resources.

If every update is a “minor stat bonus” then by the end of 2020 it’s possible we’ll all effectively have level 100 troops, just without an obvious Limit Break system like other gachas.


will the global token buffs apply to PvP or GW defenses? if so… can we set these per team slot? (to avoid having class change problem again)

will these apply to GW attack teams?


As for defenses, Oz stated that you can’t set them per slot. He also wasn’t sure if they applied to defenses at all and needed to check on it.

They do apply to GW attack teams since they are global buffs for all troops and the hero.

This means hero has to be in the team for the cleanse medal to work? If that is the case, hero becomes even more op, while pure faction isnt getting any easier

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thanks! if we cant set per slot then i really hope they do NOT include this to buff defense. that i hope would make things easier/cleaner for both the devs and the players

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When asked, Ozball speculated that the cleanse trait applies to each troop individually.

So if you stun a troop, that specific troop would lose it’s ability to self-cleanse, but the other 3 would still have it.

Even though the buffs are global, the application in an actual fight is like 4 separate instances of the effect being applied to each troop.


So, will we be able to farm explore/traitstones on the lowest difficulty anytime we want? Or is the only way to decrease difficulty going to be by losing matches now?

You can choose the difficulty.

Was it ever covered in the stream exactly what the soon to be released medals buffs are? Also, was it ever mentioned what the stat gains were for the elite levels on troops?

If you look at different parts of the stream when they show medals to see some numbers. You can also look in the spoiler thread to see some of the numbers datamined.

Also, was it ever mentioned what the stat gains were for the elite levels on troops?

I think its supposed to be based on troop role - I.E. Striker, Defender etc. Stat boost numbers. You can see Gorgotha and a few others on stream.

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