Gems of Streaming

So, this discussion is rad.

Also know what else is rad?

My Puzzle Quest stream tomorrow. Y’all should come.


Exactly… Buying deeds will confer a huge advantage.
I can see another massive exodus of endgamers for that reason.
GW is supposed to be about skill. It is less and less that and more and more a question of luck with all the empowered troops that have been released lately.
If it bcomes also a question of money… what is the point?


@Aelthwyn this is why we haven’t offered deeds for sale. You can only get them through tasks on the adventure board in 4.5.

On a streaming related note, it’s the Puzzle Quest stream today! Plese join me!


I distinctly remember Sirrian saying in the Q&A stream there will be flash offers with deeds.

Of course there will be flash offers. It’s a business and if it brings in more $$$ then they are going to do it. Like Vault keys, Orbs, Weapons that people actually suggested and all the other flash offers. If people are willing to part with their money then why not.

I distinctly remember hearing challenges are going to be 1 XP for hero class talents… Now they will be 2 XP… Things change. And they don’t require a lot of time to change. But rumors about deeds being an issue aren’t 2 days old. So just anything else before going live… They are able to adjust and make changes prior to release. I’m thankful to the beta for changing their minds on the issue as well as other changes made based on beta feedback.

You basically accused Lyrian of spreading misinformation. How can it be misinformation when even the devs mentioned in their stream there would be deed flash offers. Nobody knew there wouldn’t be until Salty’s post above.

And Salty was wrong! It happens sometimes, so I apologise. Deeds won’t be in the shop store at this time, but this doesn’t mean they won’t be part of flash offers in the future.

So if we could stop ganging up on @lyrian that would be lovely.


I heard Lyrian pronounces gif as ‘jif’.


A life sentence in Azkaban is too good for such people.


The only time it is feasible to start offering them available in flash offers, is when people have been able to max all kingdoms, or at least come close to it, through free means, and this is for reasons such as Ael has posted above.

Its 1 thing to make money from selling items people want in game.

Its entirely different thing to sell people things for money that will create massive balance issues for endgame competitive gameplay like GW.

Unless GW is being reworked to be like Arena in no bonus’s are applied that is, which would in turn create a bunch of other complaints.


No. I definitely didn’t. I said stuff some from the beta shouldn’t be spread since it’s not final.
My bad for going off of a devs word though. I should’ve known better clearly though.

1 person can’t exactly be called a gang. But cool…
It’s better for people to be upset about the game being pay to win… So I take back everything I said to her. Literally. I just figured you would check about deeds being a flash offer before coming here and saying that they aren’t. My bad though.

You’ve missed my point again. IT WAS MENTIONED IN THE STREAM. Lyrian isn’t talking about some sort of beta secret or rumor. Once the devs divulge something publicly it’s free for anyone to discuss as much as they like.

Thinking about this a bit, is it really a team composition bonus (applying only when using multiple different troops from the same kingdom) or rather a kingdom origin bonus (applying to any troop from that kingdom, no matter in which team it gets used). We currently already have a team composition bonus for kingdoms (as well as for tribes and mana colors), so having one of those from two sources feels odd (unless this is a straight replacement, which doesn’t seem to have been mentioned). A flat stat boost for all troops from the same kingdom would sound far more exciting to me, we don’t have that yet.

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It took less than 6 hours for Salty to go from:

“We understand you don’t like P2W, that’s why we aren’t ever going to sell deeds. Watch my stream now that you’re happy!”


“They won’t be in the shop at this time, but that doesn’t mean we won’t sell them in the future.”

I’ve seen where this goes almost every day since 2016. They’re going to be for sale frequently. People who buy them more often will be appointed to cabinet positions.

AWR, if you were looking for why people speculate wildly until all information is known: THIS is why. We’re used to our most cynical fantasies becoming a reality.

Also this is why I support information getting out earlier: now people can decide how they like the sound of their kingdom progression being tied to the same logic that determines their Adventure Board. Meanwhile whales will get ahead. Sure, it’ll be slow. It’s going to feel bad when you start facing people with +3 magic if it’s only been possible for an F2P player to have +1.

I think the best time to get ugly about things like this are before they release when the most can be done about it. Post-release your best move is to take at least a small vacation from the game. En masse. Metrics are king and it’d be DEVASTATING to the game’s appearance if top guilds actually participated in a walkout.

But the devs know players won’t do that. They’ve constructed a system that’d make it very difficult to regain the ranks lost. They know players know it, and they know the ranks are valuable to the top players. It’s an abusive relationship.


It looks suspiciously like the gap is intended to become quite a bit larger. Kingdom levels are planned to go up to 20 in future, which will probably grant at least another stat point, another 50% bonus to delve hoards and another set of team stat boosts, likely tribe related. If cash shop offers are frequent enough, you can expect to be at least 10 life, 10 armor, 5 attack and 5 magic behind paying players, significantly more for specialized teams, for the next few years.

Someone has to pay to keep the game going - so it’s this, but it could be ads…

@Jonathan, you are the best, man—your jokes make me laugh every time :rofl:

On topic:

I’m really looking forward to more kingdom leveling since most of my Power leveling is currently hard-capped by “Not Achievable Yet” requirements, like having a Hero Class, or soft-capped by not having a mythic that Lord knows when it will pop for me.

Not a fan, though, of being so much weaker in PVP or Guild Wars compared to people with money. I know they keep the game running and I appreciate that—but if it ever gets to the point where I can no longer win consistently then for me the game will no longer be running, because I will have moved on to something less frustrating.

Who knows if others will be like me, or if those currently not spending money will start. Sunken-costs fallacy is a tough one :man_shrugging:


I feel like people are trying to complicated things, I wouldn’t think they will be on sale as often as orbs are on flash sale. Colored deeds- red/blue/green orb and Imperial deeds-Power orb