Gems of Streaming

I havent watched either stream as was busy IRL,

But from my understanding, the fix is to level kingdoms past 10.

But thats gonna take ages apparently, like 1+ years, so isnt a fix at all short term.

Would that truly be an incorrect statement, though? :stuck_out_tongue:

But, yes, you are right about the wording issue. Adjusted the wording of the bullet point to clarify the issue.

I was watching the stream on and off, did I correctly see that the top task (usually the kill 100 troops one) in the Adventure board can be changed for a 15-gem fee?

What is going to happen with EXPLORE now that the difficultly level will no longer be selectable? How will the difficultly be determined?

The bonus is percentage based. So, the larger the Faction’s treasure hoard, the greater the benefit. Is it going to allow mirror matches at level 500 to succeed with level 100 hoards? Nope. Effective level 150 is still too low. That’s by design, though. I severely doubt the devs ever designed level 500 to be cleared with treasure level 100 teams.

At treasure hoard level 200, is effective level 300 good enough? That would a be a good question to answer though.

Be selective with your choices. The design calls for a year plus to max all of the kingdoms again. But, you don’t have to buy expensive level 15 to max the faction board bonus. You only need a single imperial deed per kingdom to do so. Much, much more manageable. And while you are working a clearing out a given faction’s delves, you can work towards accumulating deeds for the next targeted faction. and so on.

What you saw was the Adventure Path, a tutorial of sorts for newer accounts. Those steps can be skipped if desired. The daily 20-gem task can’t be rerolled to try to get the 100 gem task.

That won’t be in 4.5. That’s in the next update after 4.5.

No one outside of the devs knows the answer to that currently, and it likely won’t be discussed for several months. If I had to hazard a very rough guess on the concept, I would guess that it would involve the application of the difficulty system used in weekly events to explore mode. Any thoughts on how an appropriate difficulty would be determined is a completely unsupported shot in the dark though.


The issue is also the fact that to get even the 1st part of the bonus, the 25%, you need 6 deeds of that 1 color that is associated with that 1 kingdom that will give the bonus for that 1 faction.

Each week you have 21 adventure quests.

Then you need 2 Epic level (4 per Epic Quest) or 1 Legendary level (6 per with 1 Imperial) to get those 6 deeds.

Then you need it to be the right color, so you have a 1 in 6 chance of that happening as well.

Now, I may be assuming a lot here, but based on current level of quests that are given out, Epic+ are not every day things. You might get lucky and get 3 a week at or above that level, and with Gems, Shards, Keys etc all in the pool as well, Deeds should drop on average like once a week maybe unless weighted above the other tasks, which would then mean chances at less gems, which is what has been promised would not happen.

Its not about being selective with your choices. It is entirely about being lucky with RNG.

I think it is 100% fair that everyone gets the same per day, and I like that change. But I disagree entirely with the making the faction bonus’s be locked behind a new currency that is deliberately being made rare so as to force players to play for longer.

If we assume we get 1 of each of the 3 rarities per week, and we get somehow the exact distribution we need to level all 36 kingdoms, it would still take over 1 year to max them all. Thats assuming everything goes in our favor. Reality is, that it will not work that way, and that 57 weeks, would actually be closer to 150 weeks.

Then add on the fact that Sirrian has already said in 12 months they may consider raising it to 20, means that either the difficulty is continuing to scale up and we use deeds still, making that at least 57 weeks turn closer to the 150 weeks to get them to 20, but it would also mean in reality that something close to 10 years is needed to max them all out with only adventure boards as the only way to get them and thats ignoring the more likely fact of yet another new currency being added.

All of my issues I have with this entire change, is related to locking the promised “help for delves” behind a system that is designed to take years to finish and will take weeks if not months to get that help for 1 delve.


Thank you for the clarification @Lyrian and the recaps of the streams!

I plan on only upgrading kingdoms past 10 that I think are doable without potions (hoard + 50%). Delves that have very difficult faction only teams I won’t bother upgrading and instead use potions.

You’re a bit off on your numbers.

Numbers subject to change because, beta and stuff, not final and and all that:

– The first 25% bonus requires 6 colored deeds total (zero Imperial) to reach at level 12.
– The second 25% bonus requires 20 colored deeds and 1 imperial deed total to reach level 14.

I don’t know the odds of deeds showing up in a task. That’s probably never going to be public information. So, I can’t fairly respond to half of your concerns.

Hrmm? I wasn’t aware that players were going to be forced to spend earned deeds on randomly selected kingdoms. I’m quite sure players get to spend them wherever they want, so there is player choice involved.

Deeds are also going to be very scarce at first. Players are going to have to choose where to place those first deeds, no matter what color they are.

Side note to the discussion: Also, regarding PvP, the stat bonuses for Kingdom Team Bonus IV (especially when multiplied 3x by the appropriate associated kingdom mythic pet) is substantial. Avid Guild Wars players are almost assuredly going to pursue these power boosts.

Given what the devs likely want to do with system, the decision to give everyone the same adventure board is as fair as they could possibly be. The intent of the system was never to allow players to raise all their kingdoms to 15 in the first hour after the update launches.

I will agree with you with frustrations of having to rely on RNG for the a deed task of a certain color to roll. That’s going to be the cost of earning deeds for free. Want deeds faster and of a specific color (or Imperial deeds)? That’s what the flash offers are likely going to be about. Yes, that’s monetization of a game feature. But, at this point, the devs have been extremely forward about stating that all new features will have some form of monetization offer in them.


And that is going to ruin GW…

Formally requesting a treasure troop named Dundercheep who is a source of dirty deeds


Sorry I did mistype that, I did mean normal deeds, not Imperial. I re-read it a few times and didnt pick up on that. I edited my Original Comment to reflect what I meant.

You forgot the last part of that quote:

It is entirely about being lucky with RNG.

My reasoning behind the statement:

Selective would be 1 currency for all, just deeds, no focused colors. This means you are then selective of where to spend them in general.

As it stands, its color based, so while I need 6 of say Yellow, I need Yellow if I get all 5 other colors, they will not help me at all. I cant spend any others I get on that 1 that I need to get the faction bonus on, therefore am forced to wait to get the 1 I have selected to level. This is RNG.

The issues were pure faction delves at 500. Now that issue may be fixed, but only after you spend months to get a 25% bonus IF you get lucky enough to get the colors you need, but with a 16.666…% chance of getting the right color you need, with the small % chance of getting the deed quest in the 1st place… You see where Im coming from here I take it. That is the issues I have.

I am well aware we will need to wait to see what happens when its live for actual drop rates, but based on current systems that it is relying on being in the game already for a few months, we can see roughly how it will work and make reasonable assumptions based on them.

I do hope that I am wrong in my assumptions, but only time will tell.

Any examples on how substantial those boosts are going to be? Will those boosts also apply to a pure faction team?

I’m concerned that Devs didn’t fix the 2 mythic pet issue. You have to stay at home on new faction weekends and complete the level 500 Faction Only Delve to get the second pet. Unfortunately, I travel for work… Suggesting that players Max the Hoard to 200 or 300 makes no sense! Asking players to play with very weak Faction Only Teams again and again is simply NOT FUN!



Is this referring to some theoretical Energy, or an upcoming Energy stat that applies to other features besides Explore and PvP?

That would be the incentive for monetization. If there was no disincentive for the “free to obtain” method, there would be little incentive for players to engage with Flash Offers for deeds.

I don’t disagree with your logic. Players will have to see what the rates are on the tasks from the Adventure Board and decide for themselves whether engaging in deed Flash Offers are worth it for themselves.

Very strong concerns over deed distribution rates in beta across players for things like GW is what led to the decision where everyone receives the same tasks. There was also a statement (echoed on stream I believe) that deed rates across players as a whole was going to be closely watched to avoid giant power gaps.

That said, although everyone will cover all the optimal kingdoms in sufficient time, through buying deeds there will surely be a temporary “first-mover” advantage while everyone else is waiting on random tasks to receive those deeds for free, at least at first. I’m sure that will grind some peoples’ gears over the matter.

Numbers on beta aren’t final, so I couldn’t tell you with any complete certainty what they would look like on the live server.

Conceptually though… if one thinks about it, the Kingdom Team Bonus can be increased by four power levels, and then if one possesses the matching kingdom pet at mythic, that bonus at level four is then tripled… it’s substantial. And then, that stacks on top of existing kingdom and troop type bonuses, its a notable power increase for pure kingdom teams.

[EDIT: Kingdom Team Bonuses do stack with Faction Hoard bonus stats when delving with a pure faction team]

Energy in GoW = Sigils that are used in most game modes these days.

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Most factions that are currently underpowered lack the magic damage to do so. 50% bonus of 9 magic every 100 hoard points is still very low.


Thanks for the answer but now I am a little confused. I thought this new tiered Kingdom Team Bonus would work like the other bonuses in that they apply to almost any game mode (the only exception I think is Arena). Are you saying they are restricted in some way? That’s a shame. They could have been an added help with delves since delve troops both belong to a specific faction and a kingdom (for example Exploadstool is both an Amanithrax and a Zaejin troop.)

I just double checked, and I was wrong. the Kingdom Team Bonus does stack with Faction Hoard bonuses when delving with a pure faction team. I’ll edit my previous statement. Sorry about that.

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Hoard bonus isn’t the only thing you’re getting out of a level 14 kingdom, though. There are also team bonus bonuses that multiply with pets and can become another significant source of stats. (Unfortunately, such team bonuses are not active on degenerate teams like Lady Morana x3/Grave Seer. So we will need to find a balancing act between gaining stats we want and keeping enough good troops on the team.)