Gems of Streaming

Now i just want to ride a dragon…

Streaming today! I can’t wait!

We will be running Salty’s fight club again, discussing our past update and a little of 4.3.5 (mostly the bug fixes we are bringing). I’ll be showing off some upcoming troop art, and releasing codes!

Remember, when we get to 2000 followers on Twitch I will give out an extra special code!


I would ask all my guild members to follow GoW on Twitch. But I feel like followers were designed for the right reasons. Not to get special rewards or codes.
Plus, I’m not completely sure if every Twitch follow is actually counted as a follower. Some could count as half a follower, a quarter of a follower, or not a follower at all. Hard to say since they won’t release that data. :person_shrugging:
If I catch any one in global who watches your steam, I’ll be sure to Honor them though. :grinning:

Am I really missing something or has this stream not happened yet/you are talking about a previous one/have a time machine?

Seriously, your compulsion to constantly comment/necro/posting ‘fake news’ on forum threads is getting rather tiresome now… :wink:

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It started a couple minute ago bro

Salty is live:

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I’m watching the stream now. It has started lol @Graeme I don’t post fake news nor do I purposely necro posts that was an accident.

You deleted your post to which I initially replied to @RedRoseWarrior :wink:

Anyway, I’m done with this now. Happy gemming :slight_smile:

Details? :eyes:

ik I deleted the post I still responded to you though. idk what the issue is but whatever happy gemming

Heads up team, my weekly stream will be pushed a day, and be on the 23rd of April instead at 6 30 PM PDT. See you then!


Sounds great

This post is from when? Sept. 2017? How come it’s so difficult to find the most recent posts on the forums? There is no date.

Hi! Could you post this information on Facebook? I find the forum difficult to follow and find the information that I want. I don’t know for sure that this post will show as a reply to Salty’s post from 17 hours ago. Please post on Facebook ahead that today’s stream is moved to tomorrow.

It’s still going that’s why it’s still recent. Salty still does her streams

I always make sure to post to our Twitter and Facebook when we stream. I typically post the day before, an hour before, and then again when we go live.

I also update this thread, our Steam page, and our Reddit page with my upcoming schedule. Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy to do on more traditional social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter, so they have the three post system to let players know when we plan to go live. Sorry for the inconvenience @playerswife.

Today is the Dervish hero class preview!!!

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@Saltypatra is live now, showing off the upcoming Dervish Hero Class! Join her in trying out the new class Weapon, some cheeky Fight Club, and some codes if enough of you show up! There may even be some new ears for Easter!



On stream, I believe you said we could suggest Titles we wanted to see in-game? Where do we post it at?

Wouldn’t mind getting some kind of spiffy title for beating a faction at level 500 with the faction team without using potions :slight_smile: You know, for the early adopters.

“Uphill both ways”


Tomorrow is the Obsidius preview and I am so so so ready!!!