Gems of Streaming

Time to pay the neighborhood kids to purchase Spoils repeatedly on my account. I fear I risk carpal tunnel syndrome if I try to do it all by myself.


I wonder if a drinking bird counts as botting. :thinking:

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Youā€™d have to set up three, since each Spoils purchase requires three touches (on iOS, at least). And their phases would have to be out of alignment so they touch their part of the screen right as the menu comes up. Seems like a lot of trouble, though the toys wonā€™t get RSI.

New players should be using glory on glory packs. Not Spoils of War.


We used to get 42 event keys from guild tasks and 590 gems. Now we get 24 event keys and 390 gems. We get some as rewards on raids, invasin etc. Only of tje guild members buy sigils. One las thing new players need to wait to have all new thing is the way it is.

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They could opt for a hybrid solution such as having the first 10 Spoils of War go for 180 glory each and then either increase the purchase cost thereafter to something like 300 glory each or tier it so every 100 purchases after the initial 10 gets sequentially more costly. Regardless, going from unlimited access to just 10 per week is incredibly restrictive. A rebalance seems much more palatable at this point.


1 ā€œpackā€ is exactly as it is on Live currently: 1 Event Key, 2 Treasure Maps, 100 Souls, and 500 Gold, in exchange for 180 Glory.

Players will be limited to 10 purchases of the Spoils of War ā€œpackā€ per week in 4.3.

Thereā€™s a difference between seeing a data dump about potions versus seeing them in action. Thatā€™s what the preview stream is for next week.

Thereā€™s also the possibility that the numbers on potions will be changed last minute when the update goes live. So, the numbers listed in the data dump may not necessarily be accurate.

If a player buys all the way through Tier 7 in a given event, then that player will have access to all of the available potions for that event.

You have access to the potions for the event in which those potions were purchased for the duration of that event only. Potions do not persist over multiple events and have to be repurchased in future events through re-buying tiers in those events.

The devs stated on the Q&A that potions are only available when BOTH of the following conditions are met:

ā€“ 1) The event has a known, fixed duration.
ā€“ 2) The event possesses a tiered shop.

Daily delves do not have a dedicated tiered shop, so potions would not be available for them. The Tuesday Faction Event and the Weekend New Faction Release Event would meet these qualifications and will allow access to potions during their event.

General Rule of Thumb ā†’ If the event uses sigils, potions are obtainable/usable in those events.

Therefore, potions will not be in Guild Wars (no tiered shop) and on random Pet Rescue events (not fixed duration).

Finally, the data is laid bare explaining how the seemingly random tribute total numbers are calculated on each tribute collection. Players are told not only how many kingdom paid tribute (as before), but now also which kingdoms as well as the gold/glory/souls tributed by each of the tribute-paying kingdoms.

Players that enjoy digging into the numbers are going to love the new screen.


So what is the ā€œmultiple purchaseā€ option coming to the shop?
Is it just the weekly troop? Did I just totally misunderstand this?

You will be able to save 30 seconds of
Your time and buy 10 spoil of war in one shot then wait next week to do it again :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™m really hoping the new weekly troop will have 1/10/50 purchase options similar to chest openings. I donā€™t think anything other than the weekly troop and SOW pack would need multiple options.

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Im expecting a little arrow similar as disanchant and you will choose how many you want to buy

Also i think 6,16, 41, 91 or 191 would be better depending of the rarity


Better still would be if you could buy as many as you needed to get to the next rarity. If you opened event chests and you already have 12 of the troop, it would be nicer if the next increment were 4ā€“just enough to ascend a second time.

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This is why i think we might need both, the little arrow for this case and the predetermined buttons

Youā€™re forgetting you get 2x rares and 3x commons. The max you currently need to buy is 64. It would be weird to have odd numbers thatā€™s why I think 1/10/50 would suit all occasions and would be easy for them to implement as it already exists for chests.

So - today? Previewing 4.3 update?

Stream this week is tomorrow instead of today.


Will there be an ETA for patch outside of Soonā„¢ dropped with it?? :stuck_out_tongue:

The patch couldā€™ve been pushed out last night. The devs decided to wait a week because of so many complaints about updates going out during GW.
This is the one time that the patch wouldā€™ve actually helped to be released right before GW. :roll_eyes:
(Thereā€™s an Exploit that guilds are using during GW to help make their matches much easier. Wonā€™t be fixed until 4.3 is released.)

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Could also be midweek so as to avoid complaints next week when potions drop from shop

@Cyrup told me last night in global that it definitely wonā€™t come out during GW.
(She can correct me if I misunderstood.)