Gems of Streaming

Long reply post, incoming!

A very long time ago, there was an announcement that Pan’s Vale was going to be reworked to give the kingdom a theme, which got back-burnered. This rework is finally completed and will be launching soon.

And to everyone else with similar posts…

My opinion, here, but the logic behind the Spoils of War limitation is financially motivated. In every game of this type, premium resources are supposed to be scarce. Players aren’t supposed to be able to obtain everything for free. This was the way GoW was a long time ago. The devs are shifting the premium economy back in that direction.

If a player wants to chase the latest and greatest things, they are going to have to commit scarce resources that could be deployed elsewhere to that activity. If a player wants more resources, that’s where purchasing gems comes into play, as it used to be.

On old weapons, the devs said that they are designing a new system to accomodate all of the old event weapons as well as new ones yet to be released. They want to release a solution that will be a “one-and-done” fix to the matter once and for all. That’s going to take a least a quarterly update to design, so 4.4 at the earliest, if not further than that into the future.

The update was described, but not shown in the Q&A. The preview stream will show the 4.3 update in action.

Potions weren’t really described that well on the stream, so I’ll clarify a little bit on them (as I can’t really discuss concepts on beta that a dev hasn’t discussed publicly yet). Full details on potions will surely be revealed on the 4.3 stream.

– Potions are additional purchases included for each tier in an event with a tiered shop.
– Potions are permanent purchases (unlimited use) for the duration of the event where they are purchased.
– Each potion has a specific effect tied to it.
– Potions are auto-imbibed (automatically drunk) at the start of each match.
– Potions of all tiers stack with each other. (Potions were generally not named on stream, but some of their effects were broadly described).
– As was discussed on stream, the Tier 7 (repeatable tier) purchase is the Potion of Power, which yields +7 to all stats for all team units, stackable cumulatively for every Tier 7 purchase for that event.

As potions are not yet fully revealed publicly, I’ll reserve my thoughts on them for until then.

That’s not quite correct. Yes, commons and rares are being added to Event chests, but their draw rates are coming ONLY from the rates currently assigned to pulling Ultra-Rares. The draw rates for Epic troops and higher will be exactly the same as they are now.

The likely reason (my opinion) for the patch to be released on a Guild War week is that the potion system will not apply to Guild War weeks in the future. Introducing potions in the middle of a week where potions are used will cause a lot of problems if that happens. Therefore, patching during a Guild War week would be ideal for implementing potions on the Live servers.


I understand but nerfing then from
Unlimited to 10 PER weak is a very big nerf, at least if they decided to put a limit of 10 per day, it would still suck but would give us at least a chance to get 70 key to try to get the exclusive legendary

Some people got 2000-3000 keys but you only need one unlucky run and you can spend them very quickly, when it happen, good luck trying to get a good stash. It will never happen since you will need to spend more than the 10 key you can
Buy per week

I’m not disagreeing with you. It is a nerf, in the sense of greatly limiting the number of Event keys that can be obtained per week.

At ~4 weeks per Legendary, theres 4 * (24 [green statue] + 10 [Spoils of War]) = 136 event keys + any obtained from events and LTs. That’s a fairly decent chance of pulling 1 copy of a new Legendary. No guarantees though, and that’s probably by design.

I understand that one all too well. HK Irongut bankrupted me from an exceptionally poor stretch of pulling. He cost me over 10k gems, months upon months of accumulated keys, and over 25k guild seals before pulling him. Had to pass on the Shentang mythic as a result from my resource being so low. So, yeah, it can happen to anyone, and will happen to everyone sooner or later.


Was it clarified if a multiple Spoils of War packs is being created?
E.g. if there is a “10 pack” spoils of war that can be purchased 10 times a week would be essentially allowing up to 100 packs per week compared to now

Has there been any thought/changes to the legendary drops during kingdom events where multiple legendary troops exist?
E.g. first legendary drop is always the new troop, or every odd legendary drop is automatically the new one with even ones random (including the new troop)
Or perhaps something like the Seals Troop Guardian solution, which stops ascended legendary troops from dropping from event keys during a kingdom event week


I’ve wanted this to be changed for a while, before the announcement of a limit to Spoils of War, although I guess now it would defeat the point of doing so (and would have been worse before, I guess).

I don’t think I’d ever be as disappointed with receiving multiple copies of the new legendary vs receiving no copies of a new legendary due to multiples of old ones.

Probs not the place to discuss this, though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: my apologies.

I’d be okay with the Spoils of War nerf IF they just added some proper weight to new Legendaries. If new players needed legendaries from a kingdom, there’s always the Soul Forge or the 3 other weeks without a new Legendary. Most people are opening chests on new Legendary week for New Legendaries; there’s no point to burden the majority down. This is why the Spoils of War thing stings for me to be quite honest.

I’m only asking for extra weighted chances, so new players can still pick up those old legendaries at a slightly reduced chance on these new Legendary weeks only.

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It’s already a problem if you get bad RNG on a kingdom with 2 existing legendarys. Looking into the future when a kingdom has 3 existing and trying to get a new 4th one is just insane to keep all chances weighted equally. Could easily cost 1000 or more event keys to get a SINGLE copy.

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There seems to be this weird correlation with GoW. The more troops we are given. The less resources we are given to get them.

Instead of capping it to 10 a week, 1800 glory.
Why not simply increase the price of Spoils of War?
Rebalance :poop:, don’t just flush it away and say good day. :grinning:


The reason: New players can’t afford a higher glory cost

Thanks for the great write up and a sensible analysis of the update (including the event key nerf). I totally agree on the level of scarcity for premuin currency. That is the one that keeps a game running… Nothing is for free.

I have been bankrupted multiple times for mythics and legendaries. But that is the nature of the game. What people doesn’t realise is that the developers have given them Soul Forge to help out with the specific missing cards including mythics. No any other games does that to be honest.

I think we should give credit when credits due. This game has been generous to us and let us be thankful. It is in our best interest us to control our internal impulses to own everything fast. What is the fun in that?


We know about potions for over a month:

I greatly dislike that “Easy Mode” attached to high shop tiers, especially cumulative effect.

Potions weren’t really described that well on the stream, so I’ll clarify a little bit on them (as I can’t really discuss concepts on beta that a dev hasn’t discussed publicly yet). Full details on potions will surely be revealed on the 4.3 stream.
– Potions are additional purchases included for each tier in an event with a tiered shop.
– Potions are permanent purchases (unlimited use) for the duration of the event where they are purchased.
– Each potion has a specific effect tied to it.
– Potions are auto-imbibed (automatically drunk) at the start of each match.
– Potions of all tiers stack with each other. (Potions were generally not named on stream, but some of their effects were broadly described).
– As was discussed on stream, the Tier 7 (repeatable tier) purchase is the Potion of Power, which yields +7 to all stats for all team units, stackable cumulatively for every Tier 7 purchase for that event.
As potions are not yet fully revealed publicly, I’ll reserve my thoughts on them for until then.

Ok, so what I understand from this, and please correct me if I am wrong,

If I buy tier 7 in ToD, I will get all the random potions from 1-6 tiers. Then for t7, and each 1 of that I get, I get a +7 potion that gives +7 to all stats. These will be auto applied for that event.

So I can not keep potions for use later. They are auto used when bought, for that entirety of that week in that event, or that day in that event.

So for delves, during the weekly delve, whatever you buy will apply directly to that delve, and ONLY for that delve event?? So the potions wont work in a normal delve from 1 of our 3 daily?

Alternatively, if I want to use the bonus stats/things from Potions for delves and pure faction, I need to rush for 500 pure faction event weekend?

If your interpretation is correct, this may be why Sirrian said potions are not the intended solution for making Delves easier at high levels (said solution is still in the pipeline, but not in 4.3).

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Yeah I read he had said it (horrible couple of days so havent watched the stream yet)

Just want to know what to expect with them :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats great! Happy to see something I requested several times 2 years ago finally implemented. Now I wont have the pretension to believe its happening because of my request. :smile:


No reasons to nerf it. The problem never was the Skeleton key. The problem is having a troop allowing for 200 gold (Cedric) which leads to the insanity of Egg Thief destroying the whole 64 gems for each of them a full 100% effect! …and all that after 1-3 turns in the battle usually which then leads to Skeleton key dealing 120-130 damages to 2 troops.
Why nerfing exploders from 70% to 50% and still allow such insanity? :roll_eyes:

No more 200 gold from Cedric = no more problems from Skeleton key and Egg thief.

Well, they could add the new Legendary to the Glory Shop on release week, limited to one purchase for a huge pile of glory. That would somewhat lower the need for event keys and take the sting out of kingdoms with multiple Legendaries, while boosting the perceived value of glory.


if only they were so kind…

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Weighting new Legendaries means overall less resources spent obtaining them…does anyone really expect the publisher to do anything anymore that lowers their income potential?

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*cough* Class change fee *cough*. It’s giving a little, taking a little, for science! (or was that balance?). I’m actually very pleasantly surprised they revealed the change early this time, so everybody inclined to do so has the chance to spend their hoarded glory on event keys.