Gem Dragon Community Drop Rates

With the amount of drop rate inconsistencies we as a community have seen over the years, most recently being the Dungeon fiasco, we have begun to question a lot of supposedly “random” parts of the game.

@awryan made a thread (More Fraud from Gems of War) discussing whether or not Gem Dragon drops are truly random. This thread will serve as a collection of community data to test the theory.

Please post your Gem Dragon data here, whether that be screenshots of how many of each dragon you have, charts you’ve made, or just text describing which you have.


I have 1 Emeraldrin and 1 Garnetaerlin

I have 1 x Emeraldrin

It’s the only one I’ve crafted so far after getting 3 x Perfect Runs and deciding that buying Dragonite is much too expensive if I’m just going to risk getting duplicates.

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Amethialas - 4
Emeraldrin - 1
Topasarth - 1

I must admit that it was painful to be reminded posting those numbers up.

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My eggs, in order:

  1. Amethialas
  2. Garnetaerlin
  3. Rubirath
  4. Topasarth
  5. Topasarth
  6. Topasarth
  7. Amethialas
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2 Emeraldrin, 2 Garnetaerlin, 1 Topasarth.
No more gem spending on Dragonite for me.

2 Garnetaerlin, 2 Rubirath, 2 Sapphirax.

  1. Amethialas
  2. Rubirath
  3. Topasarth
  4. Emeraldrin
  5. Topasarth

----- Data up to this point -----

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Emeraldrin - 3
Sapphirax - 1
Topasarth - 1

It may be that what is common for one to get may be uncommon for another player. Ofc if it is not true RNG. Worth to mention.

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If we want to be truly verbose, also track which day you crafted Gem Dragon Eggs on (then we can verify whether or not that has any influence – which ideally it shouldn’t, but we don’t know that).

I’m not likely to craft any of them anytime soon, myself…

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I likely won’t graph that as I’m not sure how best to go about that, but others are welcome to! The more information everyone provides, the better.

My eggs, in order:
Garnetaerlin → Sapphirax → Amethialas → Topasarth → Emeraldrin → Rubirath


Wow, that’s very lucky! Congrats!


----- Data up to this point -----

1 out of 10k players for sure. Congrats!


In spreadsheet formulae? Just add a column or two to extract the day-of-week (=WEEKDAY(…)) and day-of-month (=DAY(…)) and worry about aggregating the rest later.

(Of course, remember not to disenchant any Gem Dragons or it might throw off your numbers)

Sapphirax - 3
Amethialas - 1
Garnetaerlin - 1