Fun Teams [List]

Dark Beast
Drake Rider

Eat the rider. Then the Drake. Herdmaster is for cleaning vines or frost. Eat it if no use.


Thank you all for the latest suggested teams, everyone! Keep them teams coming :wink:
I added a new Hydra team, as well.
Gorgo / Dark Priestess / Gar’Nok / Hydra.

With the Fizzbang change, i modified the team. It’s pretty fun and the more i use it the more i win with it.


Here’s a team built around Leshy (who entangles everyone, including your team). Pretty tough and a lot of fun. Leshy fills quickly with only 8 mana needed. Damage mostly comes from casting, but can still do skull damage with Krystenax’s immunity to entangle, and Carnex’s impervious.

Entanglers (Goblin Banner, brown/green)

Krystenax ** (immune to entangle with 1st trait)
Carnex ***
Leshy ***
Famine ***

This is a decent defensive option but really good fun to attack with too
Kraken banner

Damn this is a fun team! I always discounted BB because it eats up your own team, but this really works (and I haven’t even had to use the exploit). Thanks for sharing :+1:

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Updated with the new Doomclaw mythic with:
Forest Troll / Infernus / Yasmine’s Chosen / Doomclaw (Broken Banner)
Also, I added @Venar’s team, but unfortunately, the site allows only up to 10 mentions, so I couldn’t tag him in credits.

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That’s not fun, that’s Blitzkrieg.

As long as it works… :wink:

I have decided to try to build a team around a terrible troop…
so I picked Domovoi.

Here is what I came with

Team Domo

Bear Banner


Played it for kicks.
Then got better at it.
Now I win all the time, even against Wisp, Kraken, League , and specially Famine-Death.


Interesting… Does Domovoi cause negative status effects, or just positive ones?

Négative. It’s a bad troop.
But… Behemoth is immune.
And, sometimes he poisons or burns Humility, and then the fun begins!


The team I have the most fun with is All Aboard the Dunk Train featuring. Dwarven Gate, Apothecary, Lady Ironbeard and King Highforge.

Gate makes sure Krystenax and all other pesky AoE troops can eat dirt. Kraken can’t eat anyone because Dwarves. Lady Ironbeard dunks the enemy troops one by one and if their armor is too high, soften them up with Highforge first. Gate dies? No problem, Highforge can summon a tank in its place.

It’s pretty fun and can win in a lot of dire situations. The only problem and the reason I don’t play it much is that it’s slow and somewhat inefficient compared to faster teams.

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Hero Deathknight

Purple Banner

I think you know where I’m going with this one.


This one sounds brilliant. Nice synergy of purple and Krystenax summons.
… Though Crimson Bat version of Sacrifice DK is quite faster.

But I really love the idea! A very nice one, mr. @BRchell

Posted elsewhere
King Mikhail
Corrupt Urska
Frozen banner.
Great fun and works well for the most part.

I use the same but Elspeth instead of 2nd dragon for a quick start.

Yup. Then you get to keep summoning/killing as necessary.

Peasant, Bandit, Villager and Priestess. I call it Village people. Good luck, have fun.

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Soul Collectors----
Dark Troll
Keeper of Souls
Flesh Golem

Acolyte increases his stats and creates Brown feeding Dark Troll (and overflow to KoS). Dark Troll doubles and adds 4 Purple feeding Acolyte, Keeper of Souls, and Flesh Golem…
Flesh Golem gets beefed up in Life by the others’ multi match 4+‘s, also Pulverize collects 70% of three rows of gems, deals 1 pt per skull, and reduces all enemies’ magic by 1. If anyone besides KoS dies, and an enemy subsequently dies he often summons a Wight. Lots of times i can still win with FG remaining because he gets so incredibly beefed up in life and often refuels much of his mana and even more life with his own ability while whittling away at the enemies’ magic capabilities it’s all a matter of time vs skull matches.