Platform: Steam, Version: 6.8.0r43736, OS: Windows 11
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
The match was over so I was expecting a win screen. Instead it gives an Error and the only button makes me restart the game.
The error message is: Server Error: CLIFFY-MJVA0XH2KG
Earlier today I got: Server Error: CLIFFY-U5MJ955IFZ
Afterward there’s no sign I completed the thing. So the quest or whatever remains uncompleted.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Every time I win a match. I only re-installed the game yesterday, I had played it years ago on the same platform.
Steps to make it happen again
I just have to win a game. Explore mode, quest mode, challenges, doesn’t matter which (the vault ones accessible by treasure maps seem exempt), once it’s over the error pops up and asks to restart the game.