[Fixed] Continue button does not work

Platform, device version and operating system:
8.1 steam windows 10

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
continue button does not work

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
every time, 8.1

Steps to make it happen again
click and esc very fast rapidly, when the battle is won to skip the victory animation

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Same here, but not always. For me, after update it happened 3 times on about 50 battles and only way is to kill game and start again. System: win 10

And you are right it does not fail every time

i have the same issue on Steam PC
windows 10 22h2
tried verifying files multiple times but no dice

it seems to happen after few matches & mode does not matter either. i tried with & without controller but issue is still there. game just becomes totally unresponsive after match ends.

invite code: POTLU_P3KC

vault is unplayable in this mess. Devs, please look into this at priority and push a fix.

confirm, this happens, don’t know what causes it
all battles were on autobattle, 1 of ~100 had frozen

I have the same issue on steam PC, windows 10.

The game is unplayable. At the moment, restart the game seems to be the only solution.

One from me yesterday, posted in a different thread; same bug as the OP is reporting: [Reported] The Ps5 Gamepad no longer works with Steam - #11 by Maisie

I have a feeling it somehow related to my clicks. Like if I click TOO early the place/joystick button where ‘continue’ supposed to be, I softlock it (due to the change of victory screen appearance).

Welp; that’s going to be a huge PITA on Vault weekend :frowning:


Yeah got 100% repro on my mobile devices
You need to spam Android’s ‘back’ button when the last troop killed/last match resolved. This causes game to softlock next screen.
Not sure how Im able to get that on PC tho

I have the same problem, the continue button after a battle does not work (6 times in the last hour), but I also noticed that the skip button before the continue button does also not respond in that case

I hope the problem will be corrected before the “vault” event.
Same problem with a joystick.
[Reported] The Ps5 Gamepad no longer works with Steam

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I have the same issue as illustrated by the op after 8.1 update. Softlock on the victory screen. “Continue” button can be chosen but clicking on the button nothing happens.

I play the game on Steam PC (Win 11) and use an Xbox One controller. This only happens when I use the controller. Played 15 battles with the controller (10 in ToD, 5 in PvP), softlocks 3 times. Played about 40 battles with the PC mouse (10 in PvP, 15 in underspire, 15 in dungeon + adventure board), no softlocks at all.

This also doesn’t seem to be a PC side issue. I am in an guild that’s part of an alliance of 5+ guilds and also a member of another 20+ guilds’ Discord. No report of softlock on non-controller Stream or Mobile.

Don’t want to post my invite code here but can DM if requested.

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve let the development team know about this issue.

For further investigation:

  • Please provide recorded video footage of this issue being triggered
  • Please also clarify if this is happening on all gamemodes, as long as there is a victory screen?
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It is happening on all gamemodes.


you have to click ‘back’ button when ‘victory’ screen is being played (maybe defeat too)
ESC for PC
“Back” Android button for mobile
We spam that button to speed up animations, daily

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Hello :slight_smile: @McDoubleDad

Thank you for confirming.

Please also clarify if you mean completely closing and reopening Gems of War, when you mention ‘reset’?

For Xbox it goes black then to the Home Screen. Pressing the icon reloads the game from start.

At the end of an exploration battle (in my case), the earned resources page appears.
When there’s a bug, you can just click on the winning resource. But if you click on the “continue” button, nothing happens.
We have to shut down the game.

This happens when you click too fast, I think.


Hello :slight_smile:

Just a quick update that I’ve made a Known Issues article for this issue: Victory Screen Continue Button Not Working Causes Softlock

And the development team are working on a fix for this issue at the moment! :slight_smile: