[Fixed] Cliffy error, help please

Xbox is working again now

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for confirming that this is fixed.

If you are still receiving CLIFFY Errors, please close Gems of War completely before reopening to ensure you get the fix!


Thank you and please pass along my thanks to everyone who helped fix this issue!


Im very sorry to hear that. I hope your brother does well with his recovery

This was the worst timing for me. I fell asleep waiting, and wasn’t able to finish several areas making the whole week a giant waste.

Platform, device version and operating system:


Screenshot or image:

**What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened

Cannot start game

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Started Monday Morning


See this post [Fixed] Cliffy error, help please

Same problem here. Can’t open Gems of War. Just keep getting CLIFFY ERROR with a different number after it each time I try.

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Getting this error as well

Mine is fixed now. All working on Mobile and PC.

Mobile version: Android a14 5g. Latest android OS up to date.
This mobile site won’t let me attach a screen shot.

I opened the game to play, and it said this. When I click the restart game option, it just loads into another cliffy with a different string of letters and numbers after it. The game won’t even load beyond this - it happens in the loading screen when opening the game.

Happens every time I open the app. It started at around 11:20PM EST. I had been playing, just am hour or two before that.

Literally all I do is log into the game and it gives me the error message. I even uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and the second it logged into my account (chippylip), it did the same exact thing.
Please help.

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Same here- it appears to be happening to everyone.


Yeah i learned that a minute ago haha

This is happening on PlayStation platform as well. :rage:


Such a drag. I just wanted to farm some more battlecrashers and traitstones. Bleh…

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See this post. [Fixed] Cliffy error, help please


I did, shortly after writing this haha thanks though

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