[Fixed] Cliffy error, help please

steam still down

Played explore, exited to check my crowns - now I’m also stuck in the random cliffy error loop.

Can’t get my still missing crowns, can’t do bounty…

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I guess my mom is lucky she’s still playing as of this moment. Sounds like is she were to log out she’d be in the same boat. I hope they fix this soon I’ll be out of rewards I worked hours for I haven’t collected yet otherwise.

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I’m guessing the team to fix it is the B team seen as it’s taken a long time

From what I see above - it’s triggered by collecting tribute. So tell her to avoid that.

Looks like cliffy appears as soons as you click the icons on the map, keep playing!! :slight_smile:

Some peolpe say, they can play while they are not in Alliance

Just goes to show you how pointless alliance is.

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Cliffy error at login. Same on both my Xbox Series X and my Xbox One.

I paid for the kingdom pass and i cant enter to farm the battle crashers… Outstanding work!


I am unable to log in at all on ios. I did choose an alliance a day or two ago.

Nay. I didnt even collect any tribute. I tried to open the game and play after dinner and it started doing this. It is a server issue, hence the error message saying ‘server error: cliffy’

Xbox is down, cannot complete my Sunday tasks, which is bad because I have had my brother dealing with a big tumor in is brain. Surgery had been 2 days. Now I cannot complete the battle crashers.

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Same error upon trying to log in on PS4

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Getting the same issue on PS5. Was trying to log in to use my last few ToD sigils and my heroism scrolls. Sucks if we miss out on the stuff we earned because the game is broken again.

@Bramble snd @Kafka Cliffy appears to have resolved on iOS

PSN just started working again too


Start working on steam

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game is working again (steam)

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