[Fixed] Cliffy error, help please

I’m aware of nobody so far that is in game.

The game is working as intended Ha-Ha


No it isn’t, PC/mobile, tried to restart several times, Europe

I was joking @stippieo hence the Ha-Ha at the end.

Seems like everything but Xbox series X is affected. I get cliffy on Xbox one but my mom is playing just fine on her Xbox series X.

I was simply trying to open the game. As soon as the “Gems of War” title shows, I get the Cliffy error.

Yes bad time for Cliffy to show up. Good news is that Devs don’t share this holiday with the US so they are likely to be on top of it soon if not already.

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About 1 hour over here. When I tried to log to collect tributes.

Same. I cant even login. It give me a cliffy every time i log in and restarting does nothing but begin the loop over again

My series X is affected. While I did finish an explore run after this was first reported, when I exited the game and tried to start it again I received cliffy errors.

PS4 on game start


Probably redundant, but you never know…

Logged off and was able to unable to login again… I still have battlecrashers to find… :crown:



One of my player was in the game, could play Tower of Doom until he opened the main screen. There were no problems without tribute. But when the tribute appeared, the game rebooted and no longer runs with the same error.

And the same story was with the player playing explore. Everything worked until he open the main screen.

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I was trying to start the game

same error hope this is not the hot fix that kalka said they where going do with citadel and bonus btw on pc/mobile

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I had finished a ToD battle and was trying to collect my hourly tribute when the game seized and threw me a Cliffy error.

I’ve totally closed Steam and restarted it, get a Cliffy error every time I try to launch the game.

I have a perfect Dungeon run sitting there waiting for me to do the battles… :T Gonna be bummed if I miss out on 120DG.


As with everyone else, just trying to open the game gives me this:

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I’m missing 2 tributes already.
From 1 hour ago
From a couple minutes ago.


Logging back in on ios

Here cliffy too at login, wanted to get tribute. (Android)