[Fixed] Cliffy error, help please

Platform, device version and operating system:
Android 14 Pixel 8 Pro

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Just trying to open up the game. Unable to enter the game due to this error.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It’s happening every time.

Steps to make it happen again
Just opening the game. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and it won’t go away.


I didn’t touch the alliances yesterday and didn’t vote.

Those damn Dominion voting machines :facepunch:


Same here …oh no

your game would still be affected by the votes though. even though in hindsight if that was the case it would happened at reset and not now

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same here. I’m on PS5.

@Bramble no one can get into the game.

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Got the same error on pc, was fine about 5 minutes ago, i was just doing pvp

Haven’t started bounty yet

Only on level 20 doom (guild is at 60)

Haven’t done battlecrashers today yet (and missed yesterday)

Dungeon and daily quest

Final PVP run

6 citadel battles

Haven’t started underspire yet (only go to second dragon)

… did I miss anything?

(Plus just worked 12 hrs yesterday and 13 today. Not sure how long I can keep my eyes open…)


Relevant platforms: Steam and Android

I got a Cliffy error while trying to collect tribute. If it’s on the dev’s end, I can wait for the situation to be addressed, but the error code seems to change to change with every login attempt. I’m not sure how helpful a screenshot from me would be. Since I’m not the only player experiencing it right now, it seems likely we’ll hear something about this soon.

Oof. This one in Android

Good news is that there is not citadel battles on Sunday :expressionless:


I’m no programmer. But this is around the time the assets for the upcoming week are pushed out. So I would start with that team if I were you. I believe something went wrong on their end.


hi bramble - I was in the game but not actively playing. When I tried to start playing again, the game closed and tried to restart, then I got the CLIFFY error.

Closed the app and tried to restart several times - same error, each time. This is on Android, 2 different devices.

I’m in the USA. Guildmate from Singapore said they are having the same issue.

So, it’s a global issue and not platform specific, per other commenters here.

Hope this helps!


@Bramble tried to log in

I have the same problem I can’t use on Android or PC
Nearly finished the bounty, I think I’m going to loose the rewards cause not enough time left to finish

I was trying to collect tribute right before the Cliffy error showed up. It’s quite possible that attempting to collect tribute isn’t what triggered the error. When I try to login again, I get even more Cliffy errors.

I suspect if other players started getting the error at roughly the same time as me, the Cliffy error just so happened to occur when my next tribute was available. I’m not sure about the trigger for these errors. However, what players were doing before these errors began will probably vary widely from player to player. This is just an educated guess as I can’t be certain.

same error, happened when I went to collect tribute. I’m going to lose a lot of gems worth of sigils in several events.

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Got kicked to this after trying to collect tribute, this is on Xbox.

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Is the game working for anyone??

Just opened the game it crash… Cliffy Error

PC and Mobile same error