[Fixed] Chat unavailable

just checked.
chat is back up.

Just an update, we’ve tried to resolve the chat issue, it may take some time to propagate (I see @danac is back in chat but I can’t get in still).

Hopefully it is back up for everyone within the next few hours.

We will look into what happened more on Tuesday.

I hope you’re all having a great weekend despite the GoW chat hiccup.

Thanks for your patience! We really appreciate it.


i think the Giant Space Wombat did it.

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Instead of arguing with guild members some of which dont speak eng or use chat or are unable to use a third party site tarans or disc for eg… it would be better if the devs just made an icon above the rooms ingame so we can see whats in the rooms that have been scouted.

Tod that is

This feature have been proposed and requested multiple times.

Chat is still unavailable from Europe/Hungary.

nobody’s talking in there but me.
it’s a burden having t carry an entire game’s chat all by myself.
luckily, i find conversing with myself quite stimulating.


An error has encountered

Hopefully you don’t flag yourself for spamming the chat and get the sole chat user banned.

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The servers are degrading.

Looks the same as last year when the chat licence wasn’t renewed and only 100 users could join chat on the free license. If you Spam join chat and someone happens to disconnect, you can get in if you are lucky enough to be one of the 100 spaces.


(and a complete semtence)

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Imagine being too lazy and hating your product and customers too much to put ‘renew chat license’ on your calendar, even after N years.

I can’t say that it definitely is what has happened this time but it appears the same as last year

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I thought this was a familiar situation.

Turns out it’s an annual tradition.

On the bright side it’s due to all eyes being on Puzzle Quest 3 for humans on the staff and not incompetence.

I’m frustrated with our new AI overlord not remembering to tell the humans to renew the license, but it would be like getting mad at a dog owner for their pet shitting on your rug.

Ultimately they just blame the dog and don’t take actual responsibility for it despite any words of the contrary.

TLDR: The devs shit on our rugs again. Oh well. :person_shrugging:


I’m like… mashing the refresh button

Checking back in.

We’ve done what we can on our side. We believe that it isn’t fixed because something needs to be done manually on our chat server provider’s side. However, due to it being Easter we’re not sure how long it will take.

It’s currently almost 2am on Easter Monday here, so we can only wait at this stage, if it’s still busted during the day I will let a dev know again but I’m not sure there’s anything else we can do until proper business hours on a business day. We’ve done as much as we could so far.

@awryan Gems of War has its entirely own dev team who do not work on PQ3 at all.


Thank you for the updates kafka

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I really do appreciate the update Kafka, even though it’s not the news I was hoping to hear. Thank you for letting us know.