[Fixed] 3XP for every PVP fight

Will there be substantial compensation for this? This bug has cost active PvP players literally hundreds of thousands of xp over the last couple of months.

I’ve been doings hundreds of battles per week for 3 xp instead of 110 xp each.


I hope it explains well enough where the community impression comes from that bugs not related to the cash shop get handled after hell freezes over. Even when they are trivial to reproduce and have a high impact on players.

Let’s see, several months at basically zero experience gain, for several hours of the main play time each day. That’s worth roughly 75 (days) x 5 (hours) x 4 (15 minute XP boosters) = 1500 XP boosters, not even taking all the wasted XP boosters we received from rewards into account. This won’t fit into the mailbox limit, maybe just send us 30 XP boosters each week for the next year?

It feels quite challenging to not shoot the messenger here. Any chance compensation could for once be discussed with the community, not with “50 gems” Stephen Crooge? What’s the gem value of an XP booster again?


In isolation having quit after so long, this was a monumental(monolithic? :grinning:) issue for me (alongside all the other bugs ignored) and I know quite a few others. Ignoring this over adding more monetisation, and all the vague responses over those has cost gems of war lots of players. Some cornerstone long-standing community leaders and drivers to support the game and players outside of the in game bubble.

Queen Ash is still broken for example. It’s a fab troop in elemental area paired with King Heliador and others, (most fun I had in game for ages with the mana potions and stat boots/explosions they both provide, easily able to win every blood frenzy battle, even with potion bugs - use chaos storm…) but it still doesn’t target anyone when troops die and no one 2nd to last.

The explanation given over the Xp issue is ludicrous.

Absolutely not true that there is not enough data to reproduce.

And its responses like this that are harming the game and the players continued willingness to keep playing.

If I’m able to give advice and it’s passed on, having left with so many others. Have a look properly at the issues plaguing players, like the season VP issues and resets, chests, and silver mark value, the value of the mythic and get realistic on them, rather than thinking it will be a bumpy ride but we (devs) will get through.

Be even less passengers on that ride if you continue in this way.


Focus on getting a new paid season pass out

50 souls and a high five.

Yes, awesome!! As engagement with PvP is increasing, this has been quite the thorn in our sides.

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Pretty sure its decreasing now

The fix has been released today, if you still notice it please let us know along with any details you can share about what you did shortly before you noticed the issue beginning.

Even when they are trivial to reproduce and have a high impact on players.

Just wanted to mention here we were struggling to consistently reproduce the issue, even with more than 4 Monolith levels activated. So the next question now that it’s fixed is, why wasn’t it able to be reproduced consistently with 4+ levels of Monoliths activated - which means reviewing our testing processes that we went through to find out what happened.

We understand that it was happening regularly to anyone who played PVP regularly, it also happened to me regularly when just playing my own account normally. I also don’t activate monoliths at all most days but still had this issue in an ongoing way.

So this ends up being about why when testing it didn’t always come up under the same conditions so that we can look into that specifically for improving our testing processes in the future.

I still suspect that while 4 Monolith levels was the core of it, there was something else going on as well because otherwise it’s too straight forward. If it was just one person who had issues reproducing the issue consistently, we could easily put it down to human error, but it wasn’t just one person testing and despite any opinions anyone has about the team, it is less and less likely that it was human error the more people you add, and not something to do with the bug or the test process themselves (or both).


Thank you for getting this issue fixed by gathering data from the community and communicating the nature of this problem to the devs. Activating monoliths at level 4 or higher must have been causing some real issues for it to take this long to get the 3 exp bug resolved. Since pvp has been the main focus for the past 6 months, reducing our exp to 3 per fight in pvp has severely hampered lower level players from leveling up.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated, but is there any hope of any compensation for this issue that had to be resolved by the devs?

The community could decide what losing out on half a year of pvp exp woud be worth, but I don’t think we will get anything for struggling to deal with this issue.


:+1: all
But you should’ve got first the fix for exponential PvP downscoring from Hero level :smile:


The community isn’t aware of any player at all who didn’t run into the issue at 4+ monolith buffs, for well over two months the devs apparently had difficulties reproducing it. So, too much text, a simple “Umm, this could have gone better” feels like a way more fitting summary. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, it’s supposedly fixed, isn’t it? That sort of implies that whatever was going on has been identified. Unless this is an experimental fix that may possibly blow up in the face of whichever players unwittingly volunteer to test it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Any chance you could find out and share what actually got put into XP field? It’s such an unusual bug, I’m really curious about the details.


Everyone in my guild that plays PvP experienced the bug. That’s why we were shocked to see that the devs were having issues reproducing it.

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Its finally fixed!!

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Thank you for fixing it. :sunflower:

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Hi all, we are looking into compensation at the moment.
Just waiting on follow up about what is technically possible to help with this.


I wouldn’t mind getting compensated with the game receiving some love, it desperately needs it. Here are some ideas that would address issues that keep driving players away:

  • Make Journey playable again for everybody. Significantly increase the event damage boost of the Pathfinder, lower opponent scaling at lot more or ditch part of the troop restrictions.
  • Make gem dragons temporarily available for direct crafting, long enough for players to at least collect the resources needed to obtain one of them.
  • Run pet rescues for the cosmetic pets of the last dozen or so campaigns (see Keeping the Promise: Cosmetic Campaign Pets). If you can’t find a slot to schedule them, put them into the forge/PvP shop for silver marks.

Any chance these would qualify for “technically possible”?


The best compensation would be the devs changing their mind on reseting vp every season


Hey all,

An update on this, we are running a double XP week on all platforms in all game modes.
XP boosters will stack during the double XP week as well.

Official news post here:

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