[Fixed] 3XP for every PVP fight

Its ALL monoliths.


Itā€™s not any specific Monolith.
If you have any 4 Monolith levels activated, the XP earned per battle will drop to 2 to 4 depending on playerā€™s VIP and bonuses.
You can have 4 Monoliths at level 1, or 2 Monoliths a level 2, or 1 Monolith at level 1 and another at level 3, or one Monolith at level 4.
As long as the amount of levels activated is 4, the XP earned wonā€™t be the correct one.


Like Borjay said, Monolith doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s when you pass 4 battles.



Noticed it is happening for me as well. And at least 2 others in my guild.

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Hey all,

Just an update, I reported this as the top bug report from the community currently.

Weā€™ve been having trouble reproducing the issue, which is the cause for the hold up on getting this fixed :frowning:

Iā€™ll pass the most recent info youā€™ve all shared in this thread onto the team to see about reproducing and pinpointing the issue based on this latest info.

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Care to theory-craft why it is only you who have trouble reproducing the issue while normal players encounter it every time without fail?
((Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen it mentioned, so) 4 monolith level stuff has been known for ages, by the way.)


Let me rephrase:

Weā€™ve made the bug hapen - havenā€™t been able to work out exactly what the reproduction steps are.

Even when causing the bug to happen, when attempting the same steps on a different account the bug has not occurred.

Weā€™re looking for what is causing the bug so we can fix it but havenā€™t been able to spot the cause of the issue in the code and due to not finding the pattern in the reproduction steps it has slowed getting this fixed right down.

Iā€™m hopeful this 4 levels of monolith thing is onto something though. Although I would have expected us to have consistently already reproduced the issue by doing that - itā€™s worth going back to and trying again, with and without a combination of other factors attempted.

As we have tested different levels of Monoliths, different Monoliths etc and it doesnā€™t seem like that the Monolith level alone is causing the issue, because itā€™s not consistent across accounts.

Iā€™ve also personally tried blood frenzy regions, active and inactive Citadel War regions, Victory Point Talisman equipped and combos of all of the above with no monoliths activated, monoliths activated at different levels. different monoliths activatedā€¦ etc

It has been a little crazy making for me (bearing in mind Iā€™m not and have never been a QA tester), because I have experienced the bug often and still canā€™t work out why, because I also have test accounts that I canā€™t make the bug happen on. Itā€™s making me question myself over whether Iā€™ve skipped part of my repro steps or did I test some accounts on different game versionsā€¦ Itā€™s just after a point I have to ask myself if Iā€™m the reason the repro steps arenā€™t working when I try to get this to happen on all my accounts :upside_down_face:

Either way weā€™ve been passing info onto the team so they can test it properly and I already told them at the start of the week I plan to have another go at it myself tomorrow if I have time because I seem to be able to get it easily and just canā€™t find the pattern myself across accounts. I will do so with a clear head and a fresh blank spreadsheet to track my actions and probably some screen recording for safe measure.

(I think I edited this about 50 times as I thought of more things to add sorry)

Last edit: if it turns out to JUST be 4 levels active I will be glad we found the repro steps but I think Iā€™ll actually flip the table as well because it seems so simple that I should have worked it out myself SIGH - I hope it is just that easy though.


This is actually fascinating that itā€™s not happening every time - because itā€™s happening to me, on 2 different accounts, on different devices, EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT FAIL, as soon as the total active monolith levels hit number 5.

I thought I was dreaming it, but maybe thereā€™s something to it: in the early days of the bug, initially, I thought that it triggers at level 5 of any specific monolith, and I would get 3 levels in one monolith, and 3 levels in another (so, 6 in total) - and I couldā€™ve sworn as long as it didnā€™t go above level 4 in any given monolith, the XP was awarded as normal. But a few weeks ago I realised that this work-around is not working any more (if it even was working at all) - 3+3=6, more than 4/5, welcome 2/3 XP per battle. Now Iā€™m really not sure if it was a dream or if I really was getting normal XP :rofl:

I really, really hope that the fix is going to be released ASAP. You (by you I mean dev team) made some rewards dependent on hero level (the exalted path) - and hero levelling up has been crippled VERY HARD by this bug, and itā€™s been going on for long months now.


3+ months without XP

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Hereā€™s an idea, I hope it doesnā€™t come across as offensive. Any chance you could post a video of what you are doing and the community analyses it?


You understand why I said this issue is crazy making for me then, literally, Iā€™m just like did I mess up my own testing? Am I going slowly insane? Like I said tomorrow with a fresh spreadsheet, the new clues youā€™ve all provided and a clear head, hopefully the answers will become clear :crystal_ball:

@Fourdottwoone if I canā€™t repro it I will see what I can do re:video - or I will at least post my repro steps that I tried if you want. Iā€™m hoping I just can repro it consistently tomorrow.


It happens absolutely every single time with 5 monoliths. The only 2 I consistently use are skull and damage reduction.

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I usually just go all the way to level 5 in Krystenhall, so far that seemed to always trigger it. No talismans involved. Havenā€™t really paid attention to it recently, just switched PvP to optional end-of-day activity to sidestep XP reductions.

Itā€™s kind of weird, there isnā€™t any obvious way how the coding could be messed up. Thinking about it a bit, I had the impression that base XP for each battle gets set to 1 (instead of 9 x [number of troops killed]), then multiplied like always by whatever XP bonuses there are (usually ending up in an XP range of 2 - 4). What could it incorrectly be putting in there though? Some hidden conditional that only activates with enough monolith buffs. Maybe something related to Valhawk eligibility? Or a flag that the account gets treated in a special way when picking opponents/getting picked as opponent?

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If anyone can post a video of reaching monolith level 5 and then getting normal xp from a pvp battle, it sounds like that would be a huge help to the dev team.

As far as Iā€™m aware, the bug happens every single time for everyone. Very strange that itā€™s not 100% reproducible. Is the testing being done on the live game server on real accounts?

ā€¦what? No way. Its an incredibly easy bug to reproduce. Take any monolith to 5

Reading the rest after my incredulity at your first postā€¦so what you are saying is the devs know it happens every time you go to 5 but dont know how to fix it

Itā€™s almost as if every time you get a Monolith it decides one of your troops has died. So when you get 4 Monliths then youā€™re all dead and you get 3XP for the ā€˜lossā€™


and invite code please :joy:


Tested it again, single step. First venture today into PvP, no buffs active, 11 Monolith Sigils.

1.) Quick Battle in Central Spire, 4 kills, 81 XP.
2.) Battle in Ullorā€™s Henge. Buff to level 1, 10 Monolith Sigils left.
3.) Quick Battle in Central Spire, 4 kills, 81 XP.
4.) Battle in Ullorā€™s Henge. Buff to level 2, 9 Monolith Sigils left.
5.) Quick Battle in Central Spire, 4 kills, 81 XP. 1 Valhawk visiting, 11 Monolith Sigils left.
6.) Battle in Ullorā€™s Henge. Buff to level 3, 10 Monolith Sigils left.
7.) Quick Battle in Central Spire, 5 kills, 101 XP.
8.) Battle in Ullorā€™s Henge. Buff to level 4, 9 Monolith Sigils left.
9.) Quick Battle in Central Spire, 4 kills, 2 XP.

XP always breaks at buff level 4 for me, apparently even when splitting Monolith Battles up. Iā€™d really like to know that sequence that doesnā€™t reproduce this.


Programmer beat me to testing today - it does seem to just be having 4 Monolith levels activated regardless of which Monoliths or level combos it is.
Good news is that we believe this is a server fix so we can probably release a fix early next week.

Thanks all for your incredible patience and for all the info you provided.


Soā€¦ while this is a better late than never situation and Iā€™m glad its being fixedā€¦ (no really, I am)

ā€¦ this topic had actionable data to test for this bug and ā€œreportedā€ since at least May 22nd. What happened?