Double XP Week

Hi Adventurers,

There is a week long double XP event in Gems of War on all platforms in all game modes!

Starting: weekly reset today 7am GMT Monday 12th August

Ending: weekly reset 7am GMT Monday 19th August

Happy levelling!

Adventure Path Rewards

Don’t forget to pick up your Adventure Path rewards for levelling up during the week. These Rewards can be collected by selecting the big circle button in the top center of the World Map and then selecting the ‘Hero Level’ button.

XP Boosters

XP Boosters will stack with the Double XP week bonus.


Does this affect class XP, too? Or just standard XP?

Just account XP


Sweet! I’m at level 2965 and so it takes a crapload of battles to level up, so this will be a HUGE help towards going for 3000.

Much appreciated @Kafka, thank you so very much! :grin:


Most players:


Ah, thanks for letting us know. Shame, but I’m sure some players will be excited. Thanks anyway.


I want this disabled. I don’t want to gain levels at all with this pvp system.


The exp buff is much appreciated @Kafka! It’s probably an apology for the exp bug when activating monoliths at level 4 or higher in pvp, but you guys have a long way to go to balance that game mode…

As a high level player, the VP I earn from battles is lower than other players, so I don’t think more exp for everyone is necessarily a good thing.:rofl:


Lower level players will certainly benefit but I do not want to gain more levels! Higher level players struggle in PVP and are at a major disadvantage as I hear they get no high VP battles. Please change that before my levels grow more.


A week of double gold would be better


How do I disable this buff or do I just stop playing this whole week?


Bring back 3xp bug then, I can live with 6xp/PVP.
This is hilarious. Everyone blame you for incorrect PVP points count based on levels alone, and you continue with this step.


This is an incentive to players so they expend more time in game. Maybe there has been a big of loss of players engagement.


Looks like im skipping everything but the bare minimum this week.


@Kafka @Bramble

If you’re reading the feedback in this thread and are surprised that it’s not getting a great reception, I want to explain. Just because we stopped complaining about the unfairness of level being counted against us in PVP doesn’t mean we stopped caring about it. It means we gave up on the idea that any of you (collectively) care about what we want, or think is fair. It’s a little like a marriage where one partner asks for something and asks for something - and tells the other partner how they feel neglected and unloved….and then one day they just stop. And the other partner is super confused when the divorce papers arrive because THEY thought the lack of fighting meant things were better.

Things aren’t better.

We told you and told you, repeatedly and in numbers, that using player level to determine PVP team strength is a flawed, unreliable, unfair metric. We similarly explained how upsetting it was that we had to achieve high levels of VP while mostly being denied higher level battles that could get us the maximum (90) VP. You (collectively) made some tiny steps toward mitigating this. But it’s: 1) not enough, 2) not addressing the actual issue, which is that Player Level is meaningless when it comes to team strength and should not be used for this purpose. And nothing has been done to get us three battle options of varying strength to choose from.

Oh, and then just for fun, you have now roughly quintupled the amount of PVP we need to do every week (in raw numbers it was septupled, but I’m giving some credit for the idols).

I mention this now, specifically because I don’t want you to think that just because we’ve stopped arguing as much about the obscenely high levels of participation required to get through the season goals, that it is in any way an acceptance on our part. I promise you it is not. I still hear the grumbling every single day – people have largely just stopped grumbling here because they don’t believe anyone cares. It’s still quite loud and quite unhappy in my various circles. There are a LOT of players on the bubble of quitting. And it’s just so unnecessary.

When there’s a huge outrage to something that has changed in the game it needs to be actually taken seriously, even though that outrage always eventually dies down (because human nature). It doesn’t mean we’re happy. It often just means we haven’t found this game’s replacement yet.

We all know that the opposite of love isn’t really hate, it’s apathy. You’re creating a whole lot of apathy here that’s eventually going to lead to a whole lot of once-dedicated players and fans just giving up. I’ve already been watching it happen with people I know. Please take this seriously.


I’m not getting double XP , I was this morning but when I came back this afternoon, just regular xp

Thank you for writing this. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am actually trying to play less this week because I DON’T want to level up. I know once I cross the 1500 level mark, I will go from seeing 90 VP opponents every 2nd battle to 1 in every 10 instead.

I would rather have an easier time playing PvP and not have to do so many battles vs the brag rights to having a higher level.

That being said, I know it’s a great boon for the lower level players who surely do appreciate the double XP - especially when it means they can unlock game content all the faster and not have to slog through the beginning of the game. On their behalf, thank you very much!

For me personally, I’ll just try to play less this week outside of contributing to my guild event.


never mind… it started again

Very well said, and yes they really need to fix the VP system so that you don’t get punished for having a high level.

At the time I chose to go for having a high level, that was many years before the PVP rework and so I had no way of knowing at the time that having a high level would become a liability. But by the time the PVP rework happened, I was long past the point of no return at level 2850-ish so with VERY few players that high up, there is no point in me trying to slow down level gains. So I might as well take full advantage of the double XP to go for 3000.

They really need to use a different metric besides hero level to determine VP rewards. But if they insist on sticking with hero level, then at least put in some crazy-high level fake accounts into the PVP pool so that even the highest-level players will have some 90 VP battles available to them.


I guess they’re hoping the low level players will exploit this like mad, play tons, and level up to catch the super high-level opposition. Then, they won’t need to fix their terribly broken system, since there will be more players at similar levels.
It won’t happen, but I could see that being the flawed reasoning.

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I really don’t think it’s that strategic.

There was a bug that stopped players from accumulating much XP while 4+ Monolith levels were active; they fixed the bug; this is a make-up event for some of that missing XP. It’s a gift to players; and I believe a well-intentioned one.

Unfortunately, as is well-described above, for some players it’s an unwelcome gift as the PvP matchmaking and scoring essentially penalizes players that become higher-leveled.