Double XP Week

Levels really have no meaning other than nerfing your vp gains the higher level you get. I think player level needs a rework. There needs to be a carrot on the stick something player want to achieve.


Apathy is right. Ive played every day for a long time. Ive not logged in today


What a great post. Pretty much nailed how I’ve been feeling about the game for awhile. Its the guild that keeps me playing


Hi all,

There was a bug in the game where players were getting only 2-3XP per PVP battle, this went on for a long time. This is what prompted the double XP week. It’s not because we thought you’d all like even more XP, it’s because we’re running the event to give back some of what was missed out on.


Perfect, now give us a way to get rid of this missed XP for good. It’s been 6 months already since the first high level players left the game because of retarted flawed pvp system. Yet absence of responce makes me sure you don’t really care about long time players who actually want to have fun without spending whole days living in PVP to catch up.


Since XP was the main thing players missed out on because of the bug, I think it’s meant well to do something like this. The main reason players aren’t satisfied with this as a solution, however, is because we don’t feel like it’s coming from a good place. Consider how long it took it to fix it and how much time was spent, instead, on reworking PVP without acknowledging our concerns.

Players feel ignored and that got so much worse with the release of Immortals in the most recent update and don’t even get me wrong.

It was already bad before Immortals were released. People could argue that my post is redundant, but something like this does make sense.

My only beef with it is its far from enough to restore goodwill with players. I’m not sure I’d still be playing if it wasn’t for my guild. If being a high level was actually rewarded, okay, cool, but it wouldn’t bring back the players that have left.


Even though I’m belonging to a minority here, I want to say “thank you” for the double XP week! At least for me it’s an incentive to play more. Especially when thinking about how the double XP will even out the field in PvP.

People always (rightfully) complain about high level players being at the short end of the stick there. But since low level players would gain more levels out of this than high level players, the disadvantage of a higher level will get significantly smaller over time. Therefore I would like to see something similar more often.

@Kafka @Bramble

Be careful what you wish for is the lesson here.

El error de XP esta desde que cambiaron el sistema de pvp, te piensas que toda la xp perdida por los jugadores por un error de ustedes lo arreglaran con una semana de doble xp? Me parece una falta de respeto, te piensas que los jugadores somos ingenuos? No se dan cuenta que los jugadores estan fastidiados ? Eso es lo que quieren ? No se dan cuenta del desastre de servicio que nos estan dando ? Siempre tienen que ganar ustedes ? Alguna ves diran que estan confundidos y que estan haciendo mal las cosas ? Nunca escuchan lo que pedimos y cuando les decimos algo le da BAN a la gente … que tipo de desarrolladores son ustedes ?

I also wish to thank the Devs for the double XP perk. Some members will seemingly find anything to complain about. Kinda reminds me of my Uncle Melvin who won the lottery and instead of celebrating opted to gripe and moan about the taxes. Ya just can’t please everyone.


End game players have a legit complaint here


As an end-game player myself I disagree, but to each his own.

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Theres no disagreeing with it. Its a fact.

High level players have a harder time finding high vp battles because these devs dont know how to run their game


Tell me why do you need xp as an end gamer

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Wow. Sure, it’s a fact that PvP scores are discounted for higher-level players. But is that unfair? A few weeks ago, I would’ve agreed. But I’ve come around to the logic that lower- to mid-level players need a scoring boost for this event.

Need proof? Take a look at the current Global Leaderboard. If the current scoring is so unfair, why is it that 86% of the players are have a level higher than 1,500? Many on the Leaderboard are well above 2,000.

I hear consistently from mid-level players in our guild (1,000 to 1,500 level) that they still lack many of the mythic troops, dragons and weapons to compete in PvP on an even basis. Even with the recent (positive) change removing WoS and Stellarix from Defense, they still find PvP to be quite challenging.

So, yes, I now support our devs efforts to help retain these mid-level players by giving them a score boost in PvP.

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True, the skill level boost is negligible to nonexistent. However, there are now the Hero Level Awards which add up over time. It’s also admittedly an accomplishment to boast about. “Look at me, I’m at Level 1,800”, or whatever.

The issue is that I would be perfectly happy to have those players boosted a bit. But they’re boosting based entirely on player level, which has nothing to do with the strength of a player’s team. Sure, there’s a rough, loose correlation, but it’s NOT going to look like this:


It’s going to look a lot more like this:


Or even this:


I want them to base it on a better metric than player level, because basing it on player level is wildly inaccurate.