[Fix Released] Missing Troops since 7.2 update

68 Troops are gone for Me. Thx for nothing again. This Update is the same desaster as always.

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I have force close and relaunched and restarted my phone entirely several times. Iā€™m still missing a lot. For example, I have 2 Queen Beeatrix and nothing else from the deep hive. I was missing all my court of foxes troops but I got back my foxfire kings after restarting. I was trying to do some pure faction runs but I canā€™t with all these troops missing

Before I came here to see that this bug was reported, I was doing delves. Went to change up my pure City of Thieves team after clearing a level, and my Tomb Raider was gone. Of course, I knew I owned it, but I used over 2k shards to replace it to try to get it back, to no avail. Will we be compensated for the use of items to try to replace lost troops? I maybe should have thought ā€œbugā€ before using my shards, but I didnā€™t.

Working as expected. New all new Rogue Like GoW.

I mean, if you can beat that troop, why would you want to use that troop?


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Absolute mess after an update yet again. Donā€™t you guys have anyone doing testing seriously??

Waiting for the inevitable hollow apology and 50 gems slap in the face. Players need to be seriously compensated this time. Minimum 1,000 gems each


Clicking on the missing troops does seem to bring them back to Owned status. I was trying to do a pure faction delve in the Labyrinth, and all the troops on the opponentā€™s side in the initial battle were missing. Going into the Unowned filter, clicking on all the missing troops, and then going back to the Owned filter, I was able to add the troops normally.

Irksome, but DO NOT use shards or keys to try to get back missing troops; theyā€™re still there, itā€™s just glitchy.


Iā€™ve been thinking about this bug more and more as Iā€™ve played more battles and seen more troops appear in my ā€˜unownedā€™ list.

How awful does your code base need to be that you make an upgrade patch and as part of that patch it actually removes owned troops from your troop list just because youā€™ve beaten them in a battle?

My mind boggles about how some disparate parts of code can somehow crash together to even manage this!

Joining the Dev team on this game must be a real baptism of fire, to say the least!


Just in case, we did create a known issues article yesterday and are working on an immediate fix and then a permanent fix.
Known issues article: Owned Troops appearing as Unowned

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Just once I would love for an update to roll out that doesnā€™t completely break an essential part of the game. But that hasnā€™t happened yet.

By the way, its not just battling and defeating an enemy troop that causes them to disappear from Owned and go back under Unowned, they are also disappearing for me when I just view the enemy team in any mode before I even press the ā€œTo Battle!ā€ button.

I donā€™t even need to initiate the battle to lose the troop. And closing the game and restarting on Xbox, does seem to bring them back, but then I lose them again once I go into a pre-battle screen in any mode.


So, I tried testing a theory to see if iā€™d lose a troop and have it go back to being Unowned if I had it assigned to 1 of my teams, but faced off against it on an enemy team. If I had the team with the troop on it selected in the pre-battle screen, I didnā€™t lose the troop. But if I didnā€™t have that team selected, then I did lose the troop.

However, if I select a team that has that troop on it, either in the Collection or in the pre-battle screen it puts the troop immediately back under Owned. Though, iā€™d lose it yet again if I faced off against it using a different team and am unless I select a team with that troop on it, I am unable to put it on to any new teams as it shows Unowned.


So, itā€™s obviously a bug inside the operation of the Troops screen itselfā€¦

I often ask ā€œhow does something THIS obvious not get found early?ā€ but in this case I think I have a hypothesis: Because this only impacts your ability to find troops on the Troops screen, and not actual team compositions, and over time players trend towards re-using the same specific teams they saved in slots, itā€™s actually not un-reasonable that (a) casual internal testing only followed the same habit of using slotted teams only, and (b) unless you are manually assembling a new team AND (c) you recently fought an enemy team containing one of your ā€œgo-toā€ troop picks for this new team, then the situation producing this bug was actually not tested for.

This is getting really annoying doing faction sigils

Then losing troops, then having to restart game to pick the mising troops for a different event.

Fix your game seriously itā€™s over 24 hours.

Your developers have no chance of ever working on a triple A game. There way to slowwwww.


Iā€™d agree, but look at the state of Triple A this year, they arenā€™t a picture of perfection either.
Too much shovelware lowers peopleā€™s expectations and allows lazy devs to get away with more.


Ditto, all the above. I lost every troop I beat, except the ones in my active team. Restarting gets them back; clicking on the ā€œlostā€ troops in the unowned list also gets them back. (Clicking on troops I didnā€™t own leaves them in the unowned listā€¦ Thought Iā€™d try, just to be sure :wink:)


Geee were all gonna get jobs as clickers at marathons
As each runner goes across the line.

Clicks of war :joy:


with these missing troops , them going to unowned, after every aspect of the game, after very single battle. The devs need to fix this before gw b/c top brackets depend on each battle attack and defense battles. this bug here now jeopardizing a fair way to score in gw.

Update: Hotfix details

This feels like it will be an unintended buff for Defense teams, but not something that should have a significant impact on the outcome/scoring.

Everyone agrees with the sentiment here, but a timeline like that can only apply to serverside fixes/updates. Clientside fixes/updates are slowed by platform/publisher screening and approval ā€“ relative to which, 1-2 weeks is arguably super fast.

Well crap. I just updated the game on my phone. Iā€™m afraid to do it on the iPad now. It takes forever for issues to be patched on iOS because of the Apple storeā€™s asinine review process. This is not okay.

The known issues post mentions this is a visual issue and the troops havenā€™t been removed from your collection, but if you start a battle using a team that had said troops, do they not show up to fight?

You canā€™t put temporarily missing troops in a new team; any existing teams are not affected and are fine to use, as far as Iā€™ve experienced.