[Fix in 8.4] Soft Lock on Daily Plunder Screen - PS4

Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the video.

Please note that I’ve updated the report and included your footage in it.

Platform, device version and operating system:
Xbox Series S
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I select it and want to battle but the screen freezes up and I can’t select anything.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This bug has been happening to me for 4 weeks now. It continues consistently every week. It started up again just a few minutes ago just before i made this bug report.

Steps to make it happen again
I simply just load up the game every day to play, I play the event a little, then after I finish my event battles collect my tribute from my kingdoms I go to dailies then immediately after I try to select harvest souls I or glory I or keys I to get glory gold keys and the other rewards the menu freezes up and I can’t highlight the battle to start the fight. But after I restart the game it lets me select the menu to start the battles.

@ThaSneakyNinja I moved your thread into this existing thread - this is a known issue and expected to be fixed in 8.4 for xbox for all platforms

Following up on SONY now


I too occasionally see this on PC/Steam when I am playing using a wireless XBox controller.

In the failed state the game stops responding to any controller input, so if you’re using controller-only it is functionally softlocked; but it is still responsive to, and playable with, mouse input.

Oh ok, thank you :slight_smile:

Ah, that edit makes me happy too :smile: