Error 16 despite gigabit ethernet connection

Steam, Windows 8.1:


What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
_I just want to ope the game and play. i went through the forums and did what was suggested (i.e. uninstall/reinstall, change connection type, and make sure i had enough space for it). i’m also usig a gigabit Ethernet connection so i know i have stable internet connection.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
_I started receiving the error around 10 am and its ow 5:30 pm.

Steps to make it happen again
_Launch game.

Scroll down to step 5, contact support, and follow those instructions.

5. Contact Support

If the above fails, please contact Support with the following information and “Technical Issue” selected.

  1. Click this link to open your browser
  2. A window should open displaying something; screenshot or copy/paste what you see
  3. Submit a ticket to support with the information included.

The information that you need to send us should display something similar to the following:

Gems of War
Version: 85
Deployed at: 30/01/2017 6:59:16 PM
Host: ip-172-31-57-213

sorry i am fairly new to writing reports ad stuff like this i just got it to work recently but i had to uninstall steam entirely to get it to finally work and i had tried everything on there and more like digging in the game files and spending hours before i uninstalled steam and reinstalled it plus all of my games. i honestly have no clue as to why it happened but i guess its fixed now.

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You could have easily fixed this issue if you would just clear out the Steam cache under Steam settings.

I did that but it didn’t work

Of course it did not work.
You also need to manually remove existing registry entires, hidden files and folders under your profile.

There should be no traces left of the game.
After that, then you restore your profile with your existing credentials.

ok well its fixed now and everything is fine
if you want i can delete this thread as to not confuse people on the topic