Dungeon Feedback

The odds are in the House’s favour. This is well known.

But the House is NOT allowed to cheat or lie about the odds in the UK or places like Las Vegas or Monte Carlo and many others (I would think that Australia would be included in these!)

The House’s percentage and the odds you are betting on are publicly known and can (and are) independently verified and checked to ensure that the games are not crooked.

So if the odds of a perfect run happening are supposed to be 10%, they should be 10% for whichever path the player takes, be it 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 6,5,4,3,2,1 or 1,3,5,2,4,6 etc etc.

If certain paths have been “spiked” to change the odds, that game is crooked.


I see a lot are complaining about getting duplicate dragon eggs.
I am sorry to say this, but you are doing exactly what they planned. They create a hopeless “Dungeon rework”, where you need extreme luck to get the new currency Dragonite. Not only did you need extreme luck, but they made calculations to make it harder than just luck/RNG - most would choose Door 1,2,3,4,5,6 so they removed the possibility to ever get a perfect run if you went with 1,2,3,4,5,6.

In frustration so many of you spend 300 gems each day to get Dragonite - this is exactly what they intented you to do. When you eventually don’t have more gems, you will either play for hours each day or spend money getting more gems, to get more Dragonite to get more duplicate dragon eggs.
Why on Earth would they change anything in favor of the players, if all we do is complaining, but still spend money. Money is what they are here to make. This game is sadly not making money, because the content is just amazing, but because we don’t change our habits and stop spending money.

I havn’t spent money on the game since #Weavergate. And I havn’t spent any gems buying Dragonite- I have 460 Dragonite after 37 days of doing the new Dungeon, the 80 Dragonite from the mail included. I really dislike the new Dungeon- so much frustration.

Edit: can we even count on the Dragon eggs to be pure RNG or are there calculations here too, to prevent us from getting a complete set too fast??


I’m pretty sure they lost more “paying” players then get more.
I have paid for the campaigns so far on switch. Not anymore.

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The amount of anger I had IMMEDAITELY after reading the first thing you guys thought was an issue and why everyone hated it is so immensely immeasurable.

How absolutely clueless does your team have to be literally all the time. I’m going to go meditate now.


I should probably stop you right there to avoid future issues.

The devs/cx have never said themselves the odds of a perfect run is supposed to be 10%.

Whatever that implication may be.


I agree with you but am way beyond caring. This game is absolutely no longer worth my interest.

Those patterns were never mentioned before and this suggested that there were never a pattern supposed to be.

This is not enough proof to you?

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No, that’s not enough proof for me that the results will average at 10%.

They’ve removed the detectable patterns and there may be no future patterns. That’s it.

but no matter what you will be playing in a years time. its up to players to recognise gaming abuse on this scale.

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I agree with you, that they never said it was 10%. Shame on me!
But they implemented the pattern on purpose and hidding it from the community to change the odds. Shame on them!


everyone has a “thats it” recognition. i think for many that recognition has come

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No, but if the odds of a particular path giving a perfect run are 10%, but doing that path in reverse means the odds are only 5%, something is not right.

I will point out that I have had two perfect runs going 1,2,3,4,5,6 so it’s not that they removed that possibility “entirely”, just that they made the odds of that path generating a perfect run a lot lower than other paths.

aren’t there any law rules by any country where GoW is running about all these lies?
weavergate, QA team testing?, devil drops, hawthorngate, new additional employee team in US? (i think this team has no Australian holidays, right?), now dungeon…
sorry, maybe i’m a cruel boss in RL, but i would fire them all, not for lying (maybe they were told so), but just for pure incompetence all moderators, devs and the whole company showed in the past


True, this was just a calculation based on our assumption that all doors are decided by a fair RNG, i.e. that any of the 720 exact permutations are equally as likely as each other, which makes the analysis SO MUCH easier because (1) we can reduce the 720 permutations to just 60 functional combinations, and (2) we can ignore which doors a player opens in what order and just scan for perfect runs reading left-to-right (or right-to-left since that is equally likely), of which there are precisely 6. Out of 60. Thus, 10%.

IIRC the official post said only that “the dungeon” has a total of 3 Bosses, 2 Traps, and 1 bonus room, and they never implied anything more specific. We did that on our own…


Hiding informations like excluded certain patterns is a way to let players figure out the patterns on their own (much known game mechanic in plenty of games). Removing that advantage once it is figured out is cheating on players imo.

Their is no reason to try to justify their behavior in this case.


Agreed. I went 0-30 on 4 accounts by benching 1-2-3-4-5-6. It was only when I changed have I obtained a couple of perfect runs. So many would keep doing that, even with so many fails, you would think law of averages etc.

I despair tbh and we shouldn’t accept any blagging or denial about it either, when the time comes.


If the idea was to make picking doors less inconsequential/boring (i.e. ‘a game’) –

– the better move would have been to either:

  1. leave it random anyway with just the updated visuals – many people have a natural distrust and would try different combinations anyway, and then decide every few weeks due to confirmation bias they’d cracked the code;
    (admittedly, if they’d said each door was completely random, maybe a few vocal people might have said, “Why even have doors? So boring” – but I think that’s a lesser evil)

  2. congratulate players for cracking their Easter Egg, say they’ll leave it for another 4 weeks as a reward, and then change it every 3 months moving forward to keep it interesting.

Since they didn’t… the logical conclusion, or at least the effect of their decision as mentioned by many (in case they just changed their mind, but to which they can still own up), is that they were covertly screwing over the majority of the playerbase just a little bit this past month (and yeah, have been caught out) :thinking::person_shrugging:.

What was it they said about the benefits of signing up with 505 Games as their publisher? :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Am I the only one glad they nerfed it? RNG manipulation is against almost all resource based games ToS. Everything from MMOs, to Pokemon, to most F2P games explicitly state RNG manipulation is not allowed which is why I personally did not partake. Been saying all week it is going to get nerfed before the end of the week as any resource based game would.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely HATE how dungeons are currently set up. The eggs should just be one per color and the dragonite via dungeons specifically should be a consistent amount per day similar to how the diamonds/jewels are allocated.


I don’t think so, I think it’s just the context of feeling played, the way it all played out, and people putting in effort in good faith for the rest of the community.