. Dudes, did anyone get Pharos-Ra in event chest or other chest this week?

Sirrian is one half of it. Like I said, I’d still like to see player confirmation.

Weeks and weeks? No. It wouldn’t do any good anyway.

There’s only like 3 people that have replied saying they opened a bunch of keys and got nothing. With 1 in 1000 odds it’s perfectly reasonable to assume it’s in there and the 3 of you didn’t get lucky.

I sort of see what Eika is getting at: It sets a really bad precedent. They can’t check, repeatedly, every week when a couple of people complain about not getting a super rare drop.

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It’s not a couple of people, you’re discounting the fact that several people in this thread also have 29 other guild members potentially with the same situation.

It’s literally 10’s of thousands of keys and gems, not a few hundred.


Thanks for your replies, and good luck with this!

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I’m not crossing my fingers or anything and I won’t be mad about it ever.

I’d just like it investigated further. :wink:


This. When the API gave us access to the chests/odds, we were able to verify this ourselves. It also allowed us to point out a problem which the devs said didn’t exist, and end up getting it corrected. It’s not about trusting Sirrian, it’s about everybody (including myself) being fallible, and having the community function as checks/balances to protect against those issues that fall through the cracks. I can fully see over 10k keys missing just being a bad run of RnG given the odds, but we should have a way to check that other than relying on somebodies word (and we had that until just over a week ago).


I see 4 people claim they opened 200-300. 4 people claim they did 1000. Where are these 10’s of thousands you speak of? Assuming one person opens all 5k or so of those it would still be fairly likely that they wouldn’t drop a single one.

No, you shouldn’t. This should never be an expectation. It’s something virtually no one provides and for a variety of reasons. It’s completely unreasonable to expect this.

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Difference of opinion, and potentially a difference of expectation based on culture/laws as well. Where I live (Canada) not only are lottery/prize odds expected they’re legally required. And more practically, and not just when dealing with gambling, anybody whose sales pitch is “trust me” usually doesn’t get the job from me. Especially if it’s “trust me, even though the last time I said trust me I was wrong”.

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I completely understand the sentiment, but with how this community and any gaming community really handles any form of “reporting” statistic occurances, they are no good for this kind of checking.
100% first turn kill 7 feet tall Deathmark and a cheating AI send their regards.

Name some games that publish the drop rates for their gacha systems. I can’t think of a single game that releases this info. A lot of them are figured out by the community, but they aren’t released by the company. I certainly can’t think of any F2P mobile/PC/console games that do it. Even paid titles like Call of Duty, Destiny, CS:GO, and Overwatch don’t do it.

And even if you can come up with a couple I can literally name dozens that are super well known.

Comparing it to the Canadian lottery is horrible analogy and asking them to report this is silly.

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If 1/10 of 1% of the total user base had the same result, we’re talking (conservatively, mind you) about a quarter of a million keys.

And the Devs provided access to the API in the first place and openly condoned and even supported its use. The Devs set expectation, not the user base.

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But you’re assuming b/c no one is saying they dropped it that means it wasn’t dropped. You’ve got 8 people. That’s not a lot of data points. The people on the forums are a super small subset of the player base and folks that didn’t drop it are much more inclined to speak up. The happy people are typically not the ones posting.

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You’re assuming too.

Since we have no definitive proof it dropped, why would we assume that it did until someone tells us?


You don’t have definitive proof it didn’t drop…

The dev team literally responded and told you that it was in there. You’re being unreasonable.

They said it was in there prior to deployment. According to their testing, GW was bug-free prior to deployment too.

Let’s also not forget that we know definitively (via the previous API) that Wayfinder’s drops have been screwed up for weeks. Several people reported it and it still hasn’t been fixed to my knowledge.

Why is questioning the devs unreasonable?
Devs literally responded last time and said Wayfinder was there, and it wasn’t. What’s different this time?


I’m just telling you: If I were them, I would ignore the sh*t out of you. I wouldn’t want to have to double-confirm anything any time someone doesn’t get what they want.

You didn’t really respond to his point though, I’m interested as to why you think it’s being unreasonable given what happened with Wayfinder


I’ve already responded to it. Someone questioned it because of what happened with Wayfinder so they confirmed that it was in there. That’s the end of the story. The first assumption should be that it is in there. They then confirmed this.

There’s 51 other weeks where they’ve swapped out the Event Chest and all of it’s been in there. Why is it reasonable to assume b/c it happened 1/52 that it’s not in there? Just because it’s happened once, ever, doesn’t mean you can reasonably request a double-confirmation every single time you don’t get what you want.

You’re entitled to your opinion, just as we’re entitled to ours.