Doom storm needs a buff

Are you being serious?? There is no topic in this world that every single person agrees on.

As usual, you have nothing to back up your claim that the devs nerfed doomskulls because of end-gamers. The devs have repeatedly said that they makes changes based on 1) data they have gathered 2) their own gut feelings from experience and 3) player feedback. If two of those areas agree, they make changes. No one on this forum knows which 2 of those areas matched up for them.

However, I can see from regularly reading this forum that people have NOT been whining about doomskulls nonstop lately. It’s been a divine whine fest.

Instead of making baseless claims against end-gamers, time would be better spent convincing the devs that the doomstorm nerf wasn’t necessary.


Sorry, but I am only allowed to give 1 like. Not my fault, so don’t blame me lol…


Overall I think you’re reading the wrong thing out of my post.

There were not Doomskulls. Then they were coming. People were worried. Then there were Doomskulls, and people were VERY worried. Then it turned out they weren’t as bad as they seemed and people calmed down.

Later, there was a nerf, and it didn’t make many ripples because it wasn’t a big nerf and they still felt powerful.

So OK. Here we are. We are in a “doomskulls need a buff” thread. This is a response to the patch notes:

That’s the weird part I’m referencing: I can’t remember the last time someone complained about Doomskulls, so a direct nerf to it feels weird. If there wasn’t a new nerf, I was fed wrong information and whatever.

You are free to believe this has to do with “how the devs feel”. But it still sits strange to me.

Doomskulls is a strategy that punishes you for not killing the whole team fairly quickly. If you let it get a Doomstorm going, you probably lose. Personally, I find Divines does well late into a Doomstorm, but this is clearly not how the devs feel.

Divines is also a strategy that punishes you for not dealing with at least two major threats quickly. That is important because the best way in the game to deal with two major threats is Ubastet, one of the two major threats.

It is not strange, on the surface, that both of these were nerfed at the same time. They are structurally similar. But one of these was a long time coming, and the other feels benign in comparison.

I think the strongest argument for leaving Doomskulls alone has always been, “It’s cheaper than Divines and gives players easier access to Pet Rescue earlier”. I’m going to protest Doomskulls nerfs on those grounds. I get that the devs “felt” that they were a problem, but boy howdy did it take them a long time to arrive at that estimate and it’s not motivated by anything clear.

I don’t like that we had 2 very powerful teams in the game, one everyone agreed was broken, and the devs decided to nerf both. I know, by experience, Divines is still very strong. I don’t know enough about Doomskulls yet. But I hope we don’t now have 1 very powerful team in the game.

I don’t care to bicker about the conclusions I leap to from that. If the devs can navigate by feeling, I can navigate by feeling. I am very, very tired and instead of continuing this discussion I’d sort of like to go hunt a thread to go talk about something I like.

Right. No proof. Ta.


You are presently in a top 30 guild that used to be far above my guild in Rank. All the time I had to watch Recruits choose to go to your guild instead of mine. Just because y’all were a higher rank. I didn’t cry about it… Or post novels on the forums. I simply continued to try and have success with my guild and only worry about us.
Now we are a much higher rank than your guild. My guild is now 21 months old this month and is top 12 in rank. Your guild is much older and about the same rank as it was 9 months ago.
The system they currently have may not be the best. But it’s certainly allows for advancement over time. Any change in the system would be completely unfair. And a slap in the face to all those who earned the rank… Rather than cry about it being unfair on the forums.

We usually finish in the top 5 for weekly trophies every week. I describe our guild as one of the best 5 in the game. Long term guild rankings have no indication of who the best guilds in the game are. Just who has gotten the most trophies over time.

I hope you realize that it they went by weekly trophies. Your guild would be #40 and not #27.
While mine would be #4 not #12.
Yet, I don’t want the devs “fixing” anything that isn’t broken anymore.
And if they were to change it. Get rid of trophies all together. And just rank guilds depending on “level”. Why this is even exists doesn’t make any sense to me.


To exemplify how old my guild is compared to Awryan’s these are our statue levels:

And yet we are at Rank 68.

“Legacy from old times” can only do so much depending of dedication, my guild prefers a more casual approach, the fact we are among top 100 still impresses me when i think about people doing better than us in trophies and consequently in Legendary Tasks. So they can still surpass us.


I love being in A.W. Ryan, it’s very laid back, yet still filled with very friendly and dedicated players.

And my cat thinks the guild makes a great bed comforter, too!


What happened to my post lol


It was… taken by storm.


Well it was doomed from the start.


What level are you though?

  1. Why?

I don’t know, I keep editing this down, I’m just kind of jaw-dropping astonished the guy came in here to brag about how great his guild is, and “remember that time people joined your guild instead of mine? Look at us now!”

As always dude, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.

Still: doomskulls didn’t need 2 nerfs.


Cause I was saying they could get rid of trophies and go by guild levels instead.

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I’m guessing this about me. Despite your passive aggressive comments. My members love my guild and never need to be asked to represent that.
Sorry you’re such a sad little man that can only try to rain on others joy. But get your facts right before stating all sorts of propaganda.


And i love my Grandmother, just as relevant for the thread!

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Anyway: I still don’t understand 2 nerfs for Doomskulls and the only explanation I have so far is “the devs felt like it”. The only time players were really worried about them was very limited and it faded fast when players got access to it.

My only other guess is they felt like it caused too many cascades, and boy is that another hot topic.

I will always lament the passing of Doomskulls, I saw it as a shout out to midgame players.


100% Agreed PvP’s still a divine-mess and can still pretty much only be ran luckily with the same team of your own or just might aswell retreat and call it a day, same stuff different times majority of troops don’t get used because of merely outdated use an the devs an others wonder why… because they’re focussing too much on things that are currently in use and forget about what’s important… variety and stability obviously both are miles off in PvP and if i’m honest was kinda hoping for this divine nerf to be a good one but nope and certain other troops got a buff actually a reason for scorpius to be used yay… also the explosion’s nerf was coming could see that an now they’re the one’s not going to be used at all anymore well except maybe those using TDS which obviously is more for both damage and the AI’s lucky spam of 4’s an such… need more than just a Buff for DoomStorm I agree on that other thing’s need looking into like Abynissia and Wulfgarok my main concern… and voice of orpheus? LuL! Something needs to change or i’m sure the player base is just gonna stay the same and not attract many new players if i’m honest.

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EXACTLY. i took a year long break when it was non stop dragon meta. And the only way I can compete with to also use dragons. It wasn’t fun at all. Now this Divine matter, you need like two mythics just to have the right team. Which is next to Impossible. Playing with doom skulls made the game fun and unpredictable. Now that’s gone.

I think you are the only one bothered by that. I have never seen a single person complain that someone lower level than they are beat them with the doom storm team.

From what I’ve seen on this forum many endgame players help midgame and newer players with teams and advice that will help them to get to end game are quicker and easier than they did.