Discussion: Sexuality in GoW

Well, i posted before about Emperina and Dimetraxia storylines i think both add some more deepness to the game, even tough Emperina’s dialogues towards Sparkgrinder being more “aggressively funny” than anything, but as i said before i know that the main point of the thread is the art.
Scarlet by the way also have a great storyline and shows some other perspective for the Little Red Hood tale, it’s just that her armor could be better. Like the armor model of GoT’s Brienne of Tarth.

Actually, I think the game can be pretty smart, even though it’s light and funny. A lot of the questlines play with things like–at what point does a productive pursuit become destructive? What happens when people pursue their passions beyond reason? Do our efforts to protect ourselves cause more problems then they solve?

No, it’s not going to win a hugo award. But it expresses a point of view.

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Im not intimidated by monster didgeridoos, bring it!

Cant say I understand the statement to be honest.

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I usually hammer through the text asap so I can get to the fight, just want to kill stuff no matter what it looks like.

What is the debate truly about? The focus has seemed lost or maybe I am the one lost. I am looking at this through an artist’s lens. The female fantasy trope is well documented. I think of Red Sonja as the first hyper sexualised character when I was little. Conan the Barbarian wore next-to-nothing as well. I remember having comics with topless women riding dragons. It didn’t make sense then, and it doesn’t make sense now.

I guess what I am trying to say is that it is a trope. It is merely a fantasy genre identifier.

What bothers me is that in GoW we have many Red Sonjas and no Conan the Barbarian. We should have both or no hyper sexualised characters at all.


And fantasy is changing. For the better, I’d say. I’ll take NK Jemisin and Lois McMaster Bujold over Heinlein and Lovecraft any day.

As for why Sonja and Conan aren’t equivalent, check out my post above. They’re really not the same at all.


You are at best completely misunderstanding my argument, and at worst intentionally misrepresenting it to further your delusions of persecution. Almost all characters with any dialogue clearly demonstrate comedically embellished pathological thinking.

Your unwillingness to so much as acknowledge any aspect of GoW’s female characters beyond their appearance (let alone accept said qualities as relevant to the discussion) exemplifies my previous point: You’re shallow, and projecting your own shallowness onto the world.

You argue as if you possess complete knowledge of others’ unstated assumptions, intentions, and motivations, yet one can only ever know those for certain about themself.

Conan wasn’t sexualized at all wtf? He was just a really strong guy wearing a loin cloth because he was seen as a “caveman.” It was all part of the times. He wrestled tigers and crap. He was a Barbarian.


I, too, am a fan of Liebniz’s windowless monads. Do you have any feelings about Walter Benjamin’s theories of teleology?

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Maybe so. But I remember that the movies were very popular among girls when I was a teenager.

The thread reached it’s objective, Koolbird is lost. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
No really, i guess people are just hanging out and discussing some points, explaining why some stuff is notoriously oriented in a certain way, and why/how it could follow another path to be more tasteful to everyone.

I guess the main point could be: For us, the usual male player, female characters with “obvious unnecessary appealing models” are ok, but it’s not the same for all the other female players. Also, we could enjoy the game as well without the “sexy factor” on both gender’s troops.

So far the topic is being great in my opinion.


In a sense, the game could be enjoyable without any art at all. After all, it’s really just mechanics. Gender or personality of a character is fluff.

That doesn’t prevent me from feeling worse when my Mercy is killed than when my Moloch is killed.

Weird, eh?

(Speaking of, Mercy is at once underdressed, and at the same time totally acceptable in my book. Maybe it’s that her pose is so natural, like she’s not flaunting herself? The countenance of grace made flesh.)


Have we come to a consensus the gals arent an issue if they introduce some male equivalents?

This sort of thread will never come to a “consensus.” That’s an impossibility. It’s a touchy, polarizing subject.


I translate it as; Mercy is an angel, a divine creature. She’s not sexual in nature and her clothing is irrelevant because she has no practical use for armor.

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I couldnt even tell you what colour her clothes are. All I see when I think of mercy is purple and yellow gems

I can relate with you on this, i don’t like to lose a single troop no matter what. I have my favorites but i want everyone alive at the end of each battle. :slight_smile:

Lol, nicely played :grin: I am really enjoying the discussion as well. Amazingly civil.

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People will either accept the female designs if it is balanced (with similar males) or insist on changing future female troops appearance. Sounds simple enough