Discussion about pay-to-win frustrations

I don’t know if it is THE problem, but from what I see, people seem to want those things now, not long-term.

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Is that disagreement really? That’s what I said, for old ones you serve only the number-punchers for number punching sake. You turned Gems and War into Lutra album. (Not sure what is the international version of the sicker collection folder that is meant for 6 yr old kids to nag their parents for another pack of random stickers…)

Now can you point a single thing that is good for PLAY the match3 or improve the strategy aspect?

I may be skewed to my own res, but vets were lobbying for stuff like more minigames (+ twisting existing ones) and guild stuff. And the interface improvements should have been done from 1.01 to 1.02 – dare you disagree as a 3 decade old game developer? Forcing players to more clicks and waiting redundant animations on daily basis is just rude. Or extending stuff without improving access to it AT THE SAME time?

The hero was pretty good around 1.03. And the 2-color weapons rocked on intro. It went worn the drain completely after you introduced the massive stat bonuses to everything. Just played a game where hero launched Ice&Fire. It used to be a formidable thing. 5 area damage with area buff? Now it is a poor joke. For the same cost. And puny hero stats. And killing team bonus chance.

I have it in the category of massive design messup you did around 1.07. Might be intentional or overlook messup all the same. It should have been addressed immediately in a 1.07a hotfix. Now selling the fix as a new thing that serves the veterans. It goes little out of the ‘due enthusiasm of the game’s developer’ really.

Sure I am glad to see improvements and fixes of ANY kind as keep doing them.

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Right. Rage of bahamut which was a massive money earner was generally hated by the player base. Unresponsive devs and changes with no player input were common. But when holy war, a 5 day 20 match guild vs guild event, hit people who hated the game the week before dumped money into it and went nuts because it appeals to the natural competitive nature of players. With the current format who knows if the #1 guild is actually the best guild? In a competition format they could lose to a guild ranked outside the top 10 because that guild spends more money when it comes to competition.

It’s narrow minded to think that nerfing resource gains is the best way to increase spending. There are tons of alternative methods that won’t alienate long time players. They could sell resource boosters for 1 3 7 days $5 for 3 days with a significant multiplier on resource drops would be something people would pay for as new players for sure. Adding in a guild vs guild style event would allow them to sell a specific item for those events and wouldn’t need to nerf resource gains elsewhere. It’s a rather narrow minded but typical approach to think that by forcing you to buy from them that they will make more money. Rage of bahamut made more in a year than this will likely make in it’s lifetime and it had a black market secondary economy and gave away tons of resources. Somethings wrong with your model if you think that you must do this to make money or maybe you need new analysts.

We know :slightly_smiling:

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Sounds like a challenge. I’m vip 10 in a month and I have a long history of being top ranked player on games from fighting to cards. I’ll take you up on that.

You are good at spending money then :wink:

…sorry, kinda walked into that :smiley:

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Well perhaps you should try to be IN one of those top guilds instead of challenging them. Unless you think you’ll be getting thousands of trophies a week by yourself…

I’m not the competitive type myself (not in these games anyway… tiddlywinks is a different story…) but we DO have the one and only @MrSammy :slightly_smiling:

As well as tech9neee and eslee. :slightly_smiling:

Me competitive?! Barely! :smirk:
I was topped 3 months before anybody else, but that’s just me being OCD…
VIP wise, I am a paying player, but not 10. Only 8.

OK lets drop this train of thought before it goes exactly where I think it will, please.

Sunshine and puppy dogs and rainbows or something.

Well thats the thing. There’s no competition in that. If this game had actual competitiion I’d probably join one but under current system requirements I need to spend my gold on leveling kingdoms so joining a “top” guild isn’t really feasible because gold donations wouldn’t be feasible and I am in the #2 guild on PS 4. Besides that general observations from the forums I don’t think I’d mesh with the people. I’ve seen comments made that are ignorant, insensitive and insulting and really hit personal pet peeve button with me coming from some of the players in these top guilds.

If you’re taking this as an insult you need to lighten up. It’s a statement there is no measure of skill or competition on this game beyond trophies and those are pretty easy to come by. Just because the top 10 guilds are getting more trophies doesn’t mean they would perform better in a competition. Don’t get your panties in a bunch because I pointed out a flaw with the games design it wasn’t intended as an insult.

Not really interested in one of your flame baits but I will say I was a mostly free player on rage of bahamut and maintained a high contributor status in 4 top 20 guilds at the same time. Different play schedules that could be chosen for events helped to not overlap playtime but I don’t need to spend money on most games. Although it’s odd that Rage does have a system you in another post complained about yet this game which you implied was superior is really forcing me to spend quite a bit to be competitive quickly. Beyond that I was a top tekken player top 10 in the states, top marvel 1 player and a top mk 8 player and better than respectable on injustice. I was a top rage of bahamut and marvel war of heroes player and a top 5 eye of judgment player and creator of the best EOJ deck. Going back further I was a member of top EQ guilds and participated in best of the best tournaments. I’ve won numerous tournaments across several games and proven my ability to win at anything I put my mind to. I’ve got a couple strategy guides published with me as a contributing author. And yes beyond that I can spend money and if there is a guild vs guild event you can bet that money will be a factor and I’ve got fairly deep pockets.

But again not meant as a jab please keep your cyber ego in check it was meant to point out this game lacks something that helps drive sales, development, and long term growth/success.

Is this really so hard? Enough. Now.

I mean, the very next post??

:musical_note: All you need is love, love, love. Love is all you need. :musical_note:


Sorry sorry sorry! My bad. I must have been really hungry.

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I agree with the random guy, theres no actual way to see whos good and see whos just with the goods. Thats why I want real time pvp.

Hi marvel,im just enjoying the show :grin:

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Real time pvp would be kinda difficult on the app. Easy enough to lose connectivity as it is. I can’t imagine they would implement it well. But it would be a nice feature. Most app game tests of skill don’t have exactly direct pvp. clash of clans does a 24 hour period where you get 2 attacks on anybody on your opponents guild and you attempt to get 3 stars per attack. Most stars wins. Rage its an hour long battle where you attack each other and the team that scores the most points wins. I think that would probably be the better route for gow.

Random guy…

Aslo for machiknight I do get close to a 1000 trophies a week split between the app and ps4 thats with mixed in other goals such as completing challenges/quests/leveling kingdoms.

I know all that random guy-chan, I was more thinking like a ranked system starting with 5000 points an you win points in relation to the points of your opponent like (+10 if they are on your same amount of points) and with that create a ranking ladder. For the implementation I was thinking on a list of act8ve players willing to pvp maybe add a little lobby with chat for it, for CI maybe a safe game feature with a limit3d amount of time where the game stops if one of the players dc, if he dont comeback you gain points equal to the time spend playing and the dc loose about the double… Sounds nice for me.

Sounds better than what we have now. Add an incentive to rank high like guaranteed legend chests.