Direct response requested to targeting of Gem/Cosmic Dragons or duplicate protection

I think the way they’ve gone about the whole dragon eggs and lack of dupe protection is absolutely disgusting. Keep your wallets closed until they fix this


I typically go more than 30-45 days in between perfect runs. I have tried all tactics, picking the same doors every day, totally random combinations, same starting door every day then random doors…it all ends the same for me. Funny thing is a got a perfect run yesterday. Ill count exact time until my next and come back here to post. My rule is if I get a perfect run I will spend gems that day. However, everybm other day Um not galling for the banana in the tailpipe

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I save screenshots every time I get a perfect, so it’s easy to see how many days in between. I used to average about 50 days for a perfect. It has been better the last few months.


Great idea

I am disgusted we still have no dupe protection. It would help if Dungeons weren’t so punishing.

How about 40 Dragonite if we find 2 traps, 80 Dragonite if we find 1, and 120 for a perfect run? I know better than to suggest this seriously, but are the devs aware of how many players have spent tens of thousands of Dragonite trying to get Diamantina, let alone Stellarix and they’re still stuck with bad egg RNG? Clearly, no, allegedly. We know there’s no official word so I can’t be sure I know what’s going on behind-the-scenes. I don’t.

My numbers sound excessive now, because eventually you don’t need Dragonite for anything but Diamantina and Stellarix, but the bad RNG makes these numbers less ridiculous when you think about the bad RNG plenty of players have experienced. 30 eggs is well over 15,000 Dragonite. So, tell me. Why are players still pulling for the last boss dragon after 30 eggs?

It’s fine for my idea to be ignored, but if all players are ignored equal, of course this game is going to keep losing players. As much as I love this game, I understand why players have been quitting.

Don’t even get me started on Sentinels, which are somehow worse. Dragonite is a grind. Want a sentinel? You could play full runs for years and not get even a single one.

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The follow up question is: will there be another set of dragons, that need Dragonite?


All the Cosmic Dragons share a mana color. Coincidence? Maybe, but we complained about the Gem Dragons right before they released another set. There’s a chance they’ll do it again.

They will release a new set that requires shiny dragonite


They pretty much just did exactly this


Yep, that’s basically what immortals are, but instead of getting a dragon from the egg, you get a piece of the dragon and need a bunch before you assemble the dragon. And the egg also gives other stuff instead sometimes (gold/silver marks or VP). And once you get the dragon, if you get open an egg and it gives another piece of the same dragon, it turns back into the shiny dragonite so you can start saving up to open another egg, instead of getting anything from the egg.
Yay (!)

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Bumping with pull #33, still no eklipsos.



Friendly bump. If this is making it into 8.1, hopefully there will be some news soon. Any info is appreciated.

Absolutely disgusting devs should be ashamed of themselves


#34, :face_exhaling: Still no eklipsos.

I think at this point a dev needs to send me a game code with eklipsos and 3300 dragonite.


And… #35
Ban me or fix this! Because I’m gonna keep spamming.


It’s inexcusable there is no upper limit or ability to choose your dragon. Predatory to the extreme. Total lack of respect for the players’ feelings.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you to get eklipsos.


Absolutely disgusting. Devs hang your heads in shame. Stop spending cash they do not deserve your money


I don’t blame you. It took me 32 dragons to get the 6th and I’m still salty about it.


36 now. :expressionless:


This is completely ridiculous! We’ve been asking for a fix for this for way too long!!!