Direct response requested to targeting of Gem/Cosmic Dragons or duplicate protection

This is exactly why so many things that need fixing should be pushed forward, not back indefinitely: instead we keep getting RNG galore with dragons, guardians, and hoard mimic, as well as the Journey ‘event’, that have the effect described above on player retention/spending.
:person_shrugging: :vulcan_salute:


It’s common knowledge that recipes can be added to the Soulforge on-the-fly, independent of any game updates. As much as is known this would also apply to Gem/Cosmic Dragons. You could easily add the six dragons of the first set, with a high enough crafting price tag attached to discourage anybody except those who are well past 20 unsuccessful random pulls.

What you are saying is that the team is perfectly aware how much this is hurting the somewhat more unlucky players, and that they are perfectly happy to keep it this way for at least another year. Would it be possible for you to share why your company insists on keeping this an as terrible gaming experience as possible, even when it wouldn’t impact monetization?


The PVP meta? What exactly is that. A team? A troop?

As far as I can see the main PVP meta is the Wand of Stars - the weapon. It has led to all other weapons in the game no longer being used.

Also I paid an arm and a leg for Stellarix so do not even THINK about nerfing it. You cannot sell people expensive troops and then nerf them!

… and every Class that isn’t Elementalist?

I’d like to reprise the counter-intuitive notion that when a single element is so OP that it monopolizes the metagame at large, a targeted nerf to that element to crack the monopoly is ACTUALLY A BUFF to the metagame at large.


It does get awfully tedious seeing the same small number of things over and over again.

Or, as is the case in certain regions, every opponent team is one particular thing or a very minor variant on the same. For example, it seems to me that every single team I’m seeing in the Human-restriction zone (PS) this week has at least one Tesla and often two. With most of them also featuring a Wand of Stars and many of them Elementalist heroes to boot.

PvP just isn’t very fun when it’s the same (expletive deleted) thing every single match. I already have enough of that tedium in my life – it’s called a “job” and I grind away at that (endlessly) as to make enough money to cover the expenses I require to live.

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Fixing the dragons would probably quiet down a lot of the pvp rioting. Just saying. It’s also an easier fix.

Also, the longer it takes to address the dragon egg BS, the more rioting you will have to deal with from the growing number of people who will eventually get out of duplicate dragon jail. After all, the only thing worse than a year in duplicate dragon jail, is seeing duplicate dragon jail removed from the game the next day.

Let’s just admit that, short term, duplicate dragon jail is making money and broken pvp is not. The problem is that big picture / long term (good grief I wish this company looked more than five minutes ahead), the duplicate dragon thing will cause more damage to the game.

Why? Many reasons, but a big one is that pvp is obviously just badly designed. It happens. It in no way feels like it was designed poorly on purpose. It feels well intended. Meanwhile the dragon egg thing feels like it has been specifically designed to frustrate players into FOMO spending. It feels badly intended and predatory.

Both pvp and the dragons feel bad to me. But only the dragon issue makes me feel bad about the game.


Bumping again, 31 today. Been playing over 3 years, and have paid a lot into the game. On the verge of uninstalling.


My suggestion for a good way to fix:

  1. Assume each dragon egg be pulled from 24 tickets with 4 for each color, minus one ticket for each dragon you already have.

For example, if you already have 4-4-3-2-0-0, your odds will be 0-0-1-2-4-4, i.e. out of 11 tickets. So you will get a new dragon with 8/11 chance.

  1. Along with the fix, compensate any players already with more than 4 copies of a dragon by refunding the extra copies as dragonite. (If the system has the record on disenchanted dragons, refund those too for one less dragonite each.)

They don’t care how much you spend… it’s cray! :crazy_face:

I got the full set recently with 7 cosmic eggs, without spending gems, even with around 40k on the bank. Gold Marks with the new alliance system helped to speed things up. Let’s be honest here, i was very lucky + most (not all) of the players who invested many gems are not interrested in a protection anymore. My “boycott” was to at least not sinking thousands of gems into this RNG system, but i have the feeling i’m one of the few going the longer road. Don’t drive yourself nuts just for a single troop, it’s only a matter of time… and yes, i’m still for a protection, but whoever goes all in and lose everything with knowing there is no fall net can’t blame the devs or system. Don’t waste your gems guys and gals! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am still missing 3 Dragons and yet somehow today I got my 5th straight Purple Dragon. I dont get angry very easily, but I am just about done with this game. Everyone out here complaining about Stella in PVP and I will never even have it because RNG says so. I know @Kafka says it is high on the list to target specific dragons, but let’s be real that is probably a year away realistically if at all


I am also missing 3 of the cosmic dragons. I have 3 brown, 3 red and 2 green. The worst part for me is the rng on top of rng. What that means is getting dragonite for me is like pulling teeth from a worm. I’m lucky to get 1 perfect dungeon run a month. I don’t do pvp very often. I didn’t do it very often before the changeover. Seeing dragonite gnomes is 1 in a million even on vault weekends.

They need to add dragonite to the dungeon gem bounty. They have 20 diamonds during the week and 80 on Sundays. Since they “offer” 15 diamonds for twice as much and more than 5 times as much on Sundays as the gem bounty, they should put an equal amount of dragonite in the gem bounty. At least you could get something.


Same for me. I’m only at three cosmics so far (the third was already a duplicate) and I got those and even Diamantina only because I forced myself to play the abysmal PVP mode. If I would solely rely on dungeons it would be still a long time before I would even get Diamantina because I’m not paying them a single diamond for dragonite.

From the beginning they should have given out half the dragonite if you completed the dungeons with only one trap found. That would have been so much better.

But making things playable for the players is a far to foreign concept for the devs, so we will never see a change for the dragons.


I agree with everything you say. I probably get 1 or at best 2 a month. The funny thing is I manage to pick 2 traps and bonus door all in a row with 0 dragons mote often than 3 dragons. It will take me a month or more to save up the dragonite for an egg pull, so figure 10 or 11 chances at a dragon a year

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Bumping for #32


Yeesh I thought mine was bad. Hope you get it on the next one! Or use that “2 for 1” Dragon Eggs special :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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i have 7 copies. do you want it ? :crazy_face::joy:

Just curious, has anyone tracked several users drops of Dragonite? I thought it was just bad luck for me to get Dragonite once a couple months but seems like the norm to go against statistics. I also wonder if there are factors like higher spending players have better chances or if it just a flat out percentage of super bad luck for everyone.

Depending on Perfect Runs for Dragonite feels like an exercise in disappointment and frustration. I’m pretty sure some people purchase Dragonite from the dungeons deal for 300 gems. The PVP shop is also an option if anyone feels like that’s worth it.

I’m surprised anyone gets Perfect Runs, but I know from experience that Perfect Runs do happen. I just wish Dungeons were less punishing if you find even one trap. Those Dragonite gnomes are extremely rare and I found two Dragonite gnomes in PVP. Imagine how angry I was to lose both of them.

Nobody’s mentioned it outright, but I’ve seen at least one user who tracked all their attempts to determine if the distribution of rooms to doors was an even spread like we’d expect from a fair RNG (and it was).

The problem with Dragonite is … that low probability means it’s highly susceptible to streaks. I’ve had a few occasions where I get two perfects in a row, (and on one occasion even three), but I’ve also had unlucky streaks well beyond the statistical expectation of 10 days.

I’ve reached a point where I view Dragonite as a purchased (with Gems) resource, not something you farm for free. To which end, if an Angel shows up with Dragonite on hand she’s saving you 75 Gems from purchasing it directly, and a Perfect Run (at Lv.20) saves you 600 Gems.