Did the buttons get an upgrade?

Not sure what the issue was with the hero icon, genders or ‘personally identifying’ but id also appreciate characters with big boobs.


Willing to bet Aristotelian logic is a foreign concept as well.

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Straw man.

I like the new buttons
Any small changes are nice - helps keep it all fresh
The option to choose which artwork/version I like would be nice, but I would certainly not want that in preference to new content!

Regarding new races - be GREAT if race had some sort of traits (like in many RPG’s) so that class and race selection could become factors
Then combine that with different battle ground effects (e.g. Frozen, Burning, half mana, double mana, stoneskin, double damage, etc) based on kingdoms and the game has a whole new dimension (could be weekly challenges etc)

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Pot calling the kettle black? You can do better

Yeah, I could, but why bother?

Stuff like the button change honestly upsets me. I feel actual sadness. Not a whole lot, it’s true, but it’s one small drop in a big full bucket and I have a hard time kicking the subject around for fun.

You’ll note if you actually read the post I wrote, I didn’t accuse you of being a misogynist. I accused you of being insensitive. Which isn’t much of an accusation; you usually seem very proud of it.


Interestingly, someone identifying (or not) with a button is not something I’ve ever considered before. But I’m open-minded enough to say sure, we’ll take that feedback on board for future changes and try to do better!


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Thanks, @Sirrian. It’s appreciated.

Could you confirm or deny the ability to change the hero button based on race?

Is it gender specific, or a specific gender? Gender specific – meaning that it reflected the gender of your character – would be fine. Gender neutral – the circlet – was just fine too. A specific gender or race? I can see how that would be a bit alienating, or at least feel like a step backwards from neutral.

Personally, I intuitively try to click on the hero portrait in the upper-left corner to get to the hero screen, and am always just a little frustrated when that doesn’t do anything. I’d be all for removing the button at the bottom if it did, as long as it didn’t present a discoverability problem to new players.

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Not sure what’s all this talk about it being gender specific (or specific gender or whatever), all I see on that button is a bronze mask, which is an item, not a character. It’s not supposed to be the hero, and you’re not supposed to identify with it.

You could argue that this specific mask is more likely to be worn by males, but then you could argue just the same that the circlet from before is more likely to be worn by females - so what’s the big difference?


Ok, I just loaded up the game on my phone so I could actually see what is actually being discussed. And on my computer, so that I could compare. Overall… I think the new buttons are tacky, but I kind of think the old ones are too, so I’m pretty ambivalent about most of them. I think the new ones are pushing the boundaries of the button frame a bit too much, disrupting the flow just enough to be uncomfortable. I think either bigger or smaller would work better: small enough to fit neatly within the frame, or big enough to exceed the boundaries, and look like it’s intentionally supposed to disrupt the space and make an uneven line. Not that big a deal though, just a matter of design preference.

I don’t think this argument is really about whether the player identifies with the button, but about whether the player identifies the Hero with the button. UI design is about maximizing intuition, minimizing the amount of mental processing required to correctly identify what inputs will result in the desired outputs, and minimizing the amount of interaction effort required to achieve that output. I do think the new Hero button is a step backwards in that respect, particularly if the player has made their hero female. The circlet didn’t really say “Hero”, but it at least suggested nobility, that it represented an important character, while still being generic enough to fit any of the race/sex combinations available. The troop button, on both versions, suggests multiple, non-unique characters. The conceptual contrast is lower with the new Hero button. While it’s still only a single object, in contrast to the troop button, it’s far more specific, while not actually matching the imagery of any of the playable race/sex combinations. Hints of a Dwarf playable race option?

I contend that it’s less intuitive to click on such a masculine looking icon in order to access information about a female character. Once again, the portrait in the upper-left corner of the screen, which actually reflects the race, sex, and armor the player has selected for their character, is a far more intuitive place for a player to click on. And now that I try it, it does bring up the profile information for my character, both on mobile and PC… But not the hero inventory like I expected. I think the class indicator next to the portrait is partially what gives me that expectation, that clicking in that area should allow me to change or upgrade my class.

Finally got here, a few days away from the forums and i couldn’t find anything else…
Hmmm… The icons seems more like a downgrade except for the ones for PVP and Guild, but ok for me they are not very important for the game funcionality or my own identity as a person. Will you guys change the resource’s simbols as well @Sirrian? It’a a little odd that we have “Cute-Anime-Wings” for Glory, but it’s not something VERY important, just curious.

That makes zero sense. There’s nothing intuitive about this ‘logic’, it’s just something you made up after-the-fact to justify the button art. Nobody would intuitively think the circlet represents the hero by this logic, at least no more than they would assume the chest button art represents the hero because it “suggests someone who’s rich”.

If anything, the new hero button art is much more intuitive, even just for the fact that it resembles a face, no matter whose. Being a mask makes it generic enough, and it works even if not the same race and gender - just like your example of the troops button art, which works even if none of your currently owned troops wear hoods, or are even humanoid in shape.

Can someone explain the issue with identifying with the button in plain simple terms please? Im ignorant to this whole thing.

ps still love a big boob kingdom


Thanks for making this comment. It reaffirms my belief that the devs in this game are open-minded and listen to all voices in the community.


If you’re fishing for Likes with this, know that it’s even less funny the second time.


Couldnt care less about likes. Get a grip

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No one wants to dictate what you say. Just be mindful of the community around you.