Did the buttons get an upgrade?

Way to resort to racism and cheapen your entire argument. I’m not Caucasian either, so bonus points for dropping to the level of the people you don’t like.

Remember, you want to be a social activist and stand up for all the mistreated. Rise above and always remember that you are what you are, nothing more and nothing less.

Just trying to be trendy like you…

Of course I never implied that anybody who didn’t agree with me was a “whackjob”.

Overjoyed to hear it. My wife can’t help but comment on the hero’s impossibly thin left wrist every time she sees it. Or how the right forearm totally doesn’t work. Or the angle of the neck…

I mean, I’m not trying to bash on the artist or anything, but there are legitimate problems with the hero art. And I’m kind of tired of listening to my wife bring them up :sweat_smile:

Guys i had a crazy idea and i doubt the devs did this, and it would be cool if someone could test it and it worked this way but what if the hero icon changes depending on what you choose as a race and gender?

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In an ideal world I’d get to customize things like hair color, etc, as unlikely a scenario as that is. I like playing Dress Up Dolly in any video game that lets me.


If you think it’s trendy, that’s because you haven’t spent your entire life thinking about it.

Women and POC have.

Again, I’m not Caucasian, but you people never needed to use facts for your arguments. It’s gotten you this far, why start now?

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"my entire gender thinks like me,i know they do because my feelings are popular currently"quite an exaggeration and if you’ve really spent your entire life thinking about these things it sounds like you’ve wasted it,but then again its you’re life to waste so have at it! :gift:

“Thinking about” does not mean coming to the same conclusion. Obviously different people reach radically different conclusions.

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Using the word caucasian in this context is just bizarre.

And you’re the guy who thinks that an endless parade of scantily clad, busty troops is cool because your wife has a large chest. So not the first time you’ve used personal experience as an excuse to ignore the feelings of others.

What happened to you guys/gals?

What does any of that have to do with anything?

I’m a misogynist because my wife has a big chest? How does a person arrive at such a conclusion?

EDIT: Caucasian is the term for “white people”.

Getting back to the topic…

I feel like the new icons seem a bit too cartoony.

I hope the new troop/hero art doesn’t go cartoony…


Trying to stay on topic, I hope i can customize this to heck and back just like how i can customize my minecraft skin. This is not minecraft i know but i feel this game uses some sort of boolean logic for gem matching. From what i have read about the ai logic it seems to be that way except in the rng aspect. I hope it does not get to weird and that depending on your race/gender you choose as your hero avatar it affects the layout as well. Could someone on mobile who has the update try it out and let us know.

Just out of curiosity, do you even know what that means?

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Boolean logic is used in redstone for minecraft. You are able to make even pokemon games in minecraft because of such simple programming language. The game gems of war is using adobe air but the programing language to my knowledge is either c++ or boolean logic. By the way i am a redstoner, we have intimate knowledge of boolean logic to make even working robots in minecraft. #notsponsered

“Boolean logic” isn’t a programming language, it’s a programming concept. Everything is programmed in Boolean logic (along with other control flow) because that’s how computers work.


you can make a computer in minecraft with redstone. What is the difference between telling something to move forward and the concept that makes that thing move forward?

A concept is a concept, a language is a practical manifestation of those concepts in text form.

This makes no sense. Additionally, I’m not sure what your assertion was here – that changing your avatar’s look would somehow have a meaningful impact on the RNG of gem drops? I find that an incredibly far-fetched leap.


Changing your avatar has no impact other than changing the whole cosmetic of the game. Cosmetic should not and currently does not effect the game to my knowledge besides the phycological. [quote=“Lyya, post:59, topic:9269”]
I’m not sure what your assertion was here

if you can not find the assertion then maybe it does not exist. Also waiting for someone to test the system for app.