Devour Skill / Bad for the Game

You can make it so if he kill he eats. Sure the buff is small ( possibly only Attack) but it’s guaranteed and still keeps his theme of being insatiable. Even with just Attack boosting, it makes him more likely to kill and therefore boost Attack even more.

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Whoa, nelly! I am not complaining. I am debating. Very big difference.

Guess what. Knight Coronet is not OP, Gorgotha is not OP, and Dark Master is not OP. That is where I am. Your exclusion of a top level meta is due to your level, and that is it.

Ok, are you ready for this?

You are on record saying that you don’t like competition. The question I have for you is would you even face a fully traited Maw with all the kingdom bonuses behind him and his broken 3rd trait?

I would love to see how that works out for you. There are some creative players among us and Great Maw isn’t always first. Maw has a variety of teams with him, and your gobbies won’t cut it.

I agree, and I don’t believe this debate is about low level players, the Great Maw is not overhyped. He is rather broken. Too much evidence to the contrary.[quote=“killerman3333, post:59, topic:8239”]
if you guys want diversity see if the mods wont reset your game player level so you can enjoy the game again but leave the maw deck when you go back to basics

Wow. I actually don’t know how to approach this one. I have the basics mastered. You have mentioned several times that you don’t even face a traited Maw. So, where do you actually stand in this debate?


That makes you exempt, you were who i was replying to but you passively got lumped into the later part of my post i am sorry about that.

Bingo. What is broken after a certain point. Therefore his trait is only broken by other troops not himself.

In an area to test myself yes and i do test my skills in practise against maw when i wish to know my own skill level. This does not reward me by competition standards and therefore maintains my not compete.[quote=“Koolbiird, post:62, topic:8239”]
I would love to see how that works out for you.

Surprisingly easy. I replace one goblin member from my goblin team with dust devil. Yes during events where you get a bonus for using the event troop i do this for wins in pvp to participate in the event.[quote=“Koolbiird, post:62, topic:8239”]
I agree, and I don’t believe this debate is about low level players, the Great Maw is not overhyped. He is rather broken. Too much evidence to the contrary.

I think his trait is fine yet mishandled as we look at the result and not the cause.[quote=“Koolbiird, post:62, topic:8239”]
Wow. I actually don’t know how to approach this one. I have the basics mastered. You have mentioned several times that you don’t even face a traited Maw. So, where do you actually stand in this debate?

When i see how i stand against those at the top for testing my skill. I stand with those who are not going to see this troop those that hear screams and out cries of a troop run rampant that the devs are not trying to fix. This is what has made my own guild members quit the game with comments like, “I do not see this maw but if he is so powerful i should not even play.” or “oh so mercy is such a great troop well i spent all my time trying to trait her and she is useless if i do not even get that one card so what is the point i quit.” “the meta of maw/mercy is undefeatable is what they are saying on the boards and the counters do not work” These are only a few of what i hear from my own guild mates scared to keep playing because from the bottom the meta at the top is overhyped bandwagoning. From a card playing perspective this is a game that runs like a rollercoaster with certain cards being phased in and out so yes we complain about the result but not what caused the result.

If your guildies are quitting the game because of grumbles about a meta they’re not even experiencing yet…

I mean, Mercy is an incredibly useful card even without Maw. I don’t understand how anyone at any level would regret traiting her.


If a strategy game is determined by luck and over before any strategy begins, the skills used in that strategy are overpowered. Whats the point of having level 10 kingdoms, 5 gold stars, bonus health/attack/shield/magic if the team your fighting doesn’t even need to address it. You just need to devour the troops regardless of what their stats are.

This is a broken skill and will end up being the meta, its already on the path and those whom do not play it are most likely those whom cant play it because they don’t have it.


Straightforward point. What did you expect from noobs who want to just enjoy the game then come to the forums to find better teams and arrive at “OMG this combo is op and if you do not have it well you can not win and there are not counters even when there are they are not good enought” [quote=“Lyya, post:64, topic:8239”]
I don’t understand how anyone at any level would regret traiting her.

Mercy rng does not flow in their favour most of the time.[quote=“AeroCloud, post:65, topic:8239”]
You just need to devour the troops regardless of what their stats are.

We have troops that scale off of how strong the opponent is yet no one addresses that elephant in the room. Maw with out trait gets devour once and then can not devour however once he has his skill somehow he is overpowered and needs a nerf.

We have troops that scale off of how strong the opponent is yet no one
addresses that elephant in the room. Maw with out trait gets devour once
and then can not devour however once he has his skill somehow he is
overpowered and needs a nerf.

You are comparing apples to oranges.

Those skills do not heal/buff your troops but only damage their troops. Those skills can be countered by a heal or other traits. Is there a “Return from Devour” spell I can cast?

The more you talk about this subject the more I see you don’t really know what your talking about.

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Apples to oranges is a great comparison for
elf eater
dragon cruncher
But then again only three of these have to target specific troops to land a good chance devour and yes all 5 of them scale off the opponent but like you said apples to oranges. The problem with maw is not his trait but how gems are “seen” by the ai when calculating chance for skills that have 5 value to do something.

To be honest…I keep hearing talk of skill in this game and that is all fine and dandy buuutttt…The only way I can really see there being skill involved is if it was actually player vs player, not player vs computer.

Just my view.


I am not talking about MAW, I am speaking for DEVOUR by itself. MAW just happens to be the most abusive of this trait.

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as always buff weaker troops, create more diversity
Maw’s 3rd trait is broken and not working as intended and needs fixed . devour not need to be removed
every single time a troop that’s slightly better than most people are going to scream nerf, why because there is lack of other decent troops. buff the weak.
I see Maw as fine except for the broken trait. just my opinion


I do not see it as a broken trait just what revealed that the way gem generators have been broken for a long time.

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Name 1 other skill that is equal to Devour in some way?

Devour: Remove troop from enemy and buff your troop attack/armor/shield/magic

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Have you ever played against a fully traited Maw?

It’s difficult to beat a team with the great maw and especially with 2 copies or other AoE devour abilities with chance %… you need a team that can kill fast and get going before being devour’d.

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didn’t say there was one. why do people want all troops at a weak level. he is legendary and there is tons of counters to Maw. Mana drain for one can kill him before he gets to cast.entangle. heck Mab works very well against him/moloch.
just requires Uhhhhmmm thinking and using your head and he is easy.
as @Hairyskinback said though everyone seems to want a 100% win rate and cry’s if they don’t get it

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I don’t want all troops at a weak level, I want a strategy game that is actual strategy.

I’m cool with devour if it was limited to once per battle per team, regardless of how many devour troops you had in your team. This would increase diversity and add strategy to the game.

However the newest meta is how many different devours can I put into the team, you dont even need to worry about your attack, matching skulls (unless triggers devour). This skill is purely broken from a strategy point of view.

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well If you have fought a maw you would know he can just keep on devouring on simple skull matches at more than any 15% - so broken


Queen Mab gives you a 100% win rate. Queen Mab locks the opposing team down indefinitely.

Yet, people want her nerfed. Again, that is not the debate.

so you want strategy well he so tuff. you got all the strategy you can handle to beat him :wink:

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