Delves: Strategies, tactics and tips

Given that the AI Luck Factor winds away after a few rounds, might make sense avoid yellow matches for a time…

Similar problems with Fang Moor. 4 rooms. Opening room, 3 rooms, then boss.

This faction is blighted with bleeds.

Dark Monolith appears frequently in 2 of those 3 rooms and if you hit it with bleed or poison, he does double damage off the bat. You can’t avoid hitting him as you need to match red gems for Chief Dargon (which does a random bleed), Horned Asp and Setauri.

You can’t avoid splash damage vs him, if you kill the first troop, unless you don’t cast Horned Asp. If you don’t cast Horned Asp, matching red gems can still hit him. Shaman of Set also can hit him with a random bleed, when matching red gems. Dark Monolith also scales in damage from your casts.

If he sits in last slot, its impossible without herculean hoard. The best completed is 300 hoard, 375 true hoard. I’m not even getting to the boss room with 199 hoard and 25% 9/10. Think I’ve reached it twice in total, with a crippled team.

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Does it make sense, perhaps, to recommend to new players not to fully trait out Luna to remove that random factor from the explosions?

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Explosions are still mana gained. That’s a hard call? I’d probably suggest spending the traitstones on something else unless they were intent on using that troop.

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Meesh’s team
Hoard 200 Kingdom 12 Medals Anu, 2x Nysha


That boss room is pretty awful.

Well, this is officially the furthest I’ve made it in my 3 attempts a day for the last month or so.


We really just need more Faction only attempts each day.


For those doing the Warrens, ya it is alot of luck/RNG. You really have to maximize your positive/negative status effects. For example if you get opponent entangled or you have barrier, skull bait. If they are webbed, encourage them to cast (assuming limited damage). I do like 3X Luna, I tried others but just did not seem to work very well for me. Admittedly there is very high variation in results with 3X Luna but you only need 1 good run. Good luck to everyone.


You only need one good run with any combination of troops… I mean, that should be obvious. o.O

Anyway, third delve attempt today. Running Lapina Knight, 2x Luna, Bunnicorn. Made it to the fourth room with my whole team intact and lost my Lapina Knight to a death touch skull match (enemy troop had 50 health left too and death mark triggered instantly!) Lost my first Luna to last enemy troop exploding skulls and looping. Here we go, final room, EASY!

Lost after about 10 rounds. I’ve been doing this delve every day, three times a day, for over a month now, at hoard level 199, with 3x Medal of Nysha, full 50% hoard and full kingdom bonuses. Such a stupid delve.

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A new WR. Meyoko is a blessed and lucky guy =)
True Hoard 100

True Hoard 100


@igniteice I was just trying to encourage everyone because especially with Warrens you can lose two troops in the first room and take all 4 into the last room the next run. I feel like other delves had much less variance, meaning I would consistently get about to the same place depending on rooms. I did what you are doing, just taking all 3 attempts per day everyday just trying and eventually you catch some good luck. My worse loss was when I was bunnicorn vs. bunnicorn in the final room and AI got multiple skull hits to kill me while I didn’t get one on him which would have been the kill shot. Best of luck to all.

Thanks for sharing Texugo. Cool to see how much thought Meyoko put into every move, a master class in conservative play.

That being said, I question how easy it would be to replicate those results, they were some extremely narrow wins.

I managed to get to the Boss Room in my first attempt ( i made a video =] ). the impression I had is that the real challenge will be the last room.

Got to the last room of Warrens with 2x Luna and 1 Bunnicorn left alive. Got an awesome Death Mark on enemies which killed one troop, then skull killed two others. But lost eventually once enemy Luna got a cast off…

Well, as I’ve posted, trying to do all without potions and 13/19 down. 3 weeks on Fang Moor, hoard has gone from 100 and 25% to now 233 and 50% and it is making not a jot of difference.

The troops are just utter rubbish, terribly slow, poorly conceived and are up against worse than normal odds in this faction, with the turgidness of the troops and the 4 room issue. The bleeds cause serious problems with the likes of Dark Monolith and things you normally can deal with in faction runs are major headaches in Fang Moor.

Wight, 10 mana cost, sometimes ends up refilling after cast with some luck, even though creates purple gems. It’s always targeting the same troop each cast til it kills. 79 life steal damage.
It’s companions all do True Damage, plus Wight feeds off red which means using Shaman of Set is suicidal. If anyone who has ever used it knows, it is just, well, tosh… I cast it yesterday to create red (14 red on board) on 19 purple gems and it passed the turn with 30+ reds on the board. Against anything that uses red, it’s obsolete. You have to check all 4 rooms before setting up the team, if there’s no red hazard, it’s selectable, if there isn’t, it’s not viable. Can’t stat brute force very well, unless lots of potions.


You can get a max of 14 skulls, with 4 bleeds. In City of Thieves, Tomb Robber offers similar. Tomb Robber was a risk there, but was viable if you got a big King of Thieves with lots of health after Cedric room. Here, Dargon is one odd troop. It looks great, Stoneskin, explodes to raise attack for all, bleed on red gems. I’ve used it on D in GW and it has worked, but in the delve @faction 500, it’s basically a pussycat. It’s explode is pulling from the sky. We all know the issues with sky skulls, well Dargon is just rofl with leaving skulls for the AI. It’s possibly something that could be data mined at some point to check for the volume of skulls that fall each cast.

Anyway, Dargon and Setauri seem like they will be the key to success, but… with lots of opponents with Stoneskin, you need that attack north of 350/400 to start making inroads. If you cast Setauri, you need to make sure, you can kill and not be killed. So, you end up trying to get Dargon to around 400 attack, which even with 233 hoard will take 4 casts of Dargon and more risk of pulling skulls for the AI.

So, in comes Horned Asp. With 3 x Nysha it now does 92 damage in a pure set @233 hoard. It has Swift. All looks good. Hey, why not run 3 of them with Dargon, do an Amanithrax or Deep Hive attempt… Except, they don’t get an extra turn and their damage requires 12 hits on one troop to kill it, 50% goes on adjacents and will require 5 more hits on each of the adjacents. So, with 3 Asp’s, the damage goes down to mid 80s, and you will need maybe 18-20 casts of Asp to kill 3 of the targets, whilst at the same time making Dargon gain attack to skull down the first target.

So, that strategy is poor.

In Frostfire Keep, I always targeted first troop with all damage, it was the only way to beat it, without potions. You can do that because Frostfire Wratih can steal life to become a stat bloater. You don’t explode, so you can avoid skulls much better. Here, you cannot, because your Dargon is brittle health wise and the longer the game goes on vs opponents that can outdamage you for 10-12 mana cost (don’t get me started on Night Hag…or Lamia) the worse it gets. In fact don’t even mention death marks when running a super slow faction 500 team. In the last 3 days, 4 troops have died to Tome of Evil or Tomb Spider…

Hall of Guardians, tough, but you could work a great strategy to beat it. Here, hmmm. I’ve tried getting 500 attack and casting Setauri, great, killed one. Problem, a board of skulls left for anything to hit. 260 attack does 130 damage on Stoneskin. Dargon gets about 450 hit points. Nothing boosts his health except medals, but you need spell damage if using Asp.

Maybe 3 Dargons and a Setauri, that’s my next effort and hope I get 2 through by brute force to final room. Once there it’s not too bad, it’s everything else before it. And we have Wight, Spectral Knight and Dark Monolith, Ancient Golem, Swamplash (318 damage), Lamia (? to do with that when your only option is raising attack…) Hmm, maybe I’ll pass on it and go boil some beetroot… :slight_smile:


FWIW I think the team I beat Fang Moor with (needing eleven potions of power) was 3x Dargon and a Shaman of Set. It seemed better to create red gems than skulls, and Horned Viper did, as you mentioned, too little damage to be reliable.

Edit: based on my own Fang Moor rant post, it sounds like I used 2x Dargon, a Setauri, and a Shaman.


Thanks for the headsup. I can actually see the reality of at least 2 Dargon. I did use 2 before when hoard was much lower and lamented successive days with double Lamia or Dark Monolith and tried the mirror team, but that doesn’t work.

Now with a bit more stats, maybe 2 at least is back on the table. Still not sure re Setauri or Shaman of Set, but no much choice. Asp I have been using to get out of room 1 every time, it’s simple enough there, all fire on their Setauri, hope you have enough health not to die to their Asps casting every other go and try and kill Setauri before it gets a cast off. Another thing, if you have Lady Ironbeard as the final room before boss room, you must have an Asp to knock that armour down. So, pre conceived ideas have to change depending on what you get.

Each skull hit on Dargon I count. When it gets to 5 and bleeds, then you are down to the range of a single Asp. Generally getting out of room 1 is fine.

All 3 goes today it has been Vampire Lord, Bat Swarm, Wight and Lady Sapphira in room 2. Wight just went to work on one troop and it’s stuck there in 3rd slot, away from anything hitting it. Couldn’t get out of the room without at least 1 troop dieing. I’m afraid it just needs more hoard, stats only. Silly really. The really annoying thing was that rooms 3 and 4 on my first go, were Forest Troll and the Chimera’s and Dragon Hatchery, apart from the spiders and sacrificial priest, they are infinitely the easiest for Fang Moor at least.

I’m with you however on the events, I don’t do them because of the time and frustration, you mention, albeit of late, as I’m so low on useful treasures, I’ve been spending more on the events. Sometimes I just leave sigils, which is just as frustrating.


Hey all - not sure if this is the right place to post and don’t want to derail the discussion.

But these forums are wonderful and I was hoping you all could give me some advice.

I want to attempt my first 500 pure faction run on Tuesday with the All Seeing Eye Faction.

I am level 545. All kingdoms 10. Darkstone is 14, Zeajin is 15, and I have enough fire deeds to get one extra point from a red kingdom. I was thinking Mist of Scales for future purposes as its faction is already released but not sure if I should put the deeds into a kingdom with +1 attack (vs. the +1 armour from Mist of Scales?)

Horde for ASE is level 100. My faction troops are currently all legendary and fully traited. I have like 4 STs and a handful of crowns and priest chalices where I could probably boost it to like 135. I will probably also have my occularen to mythic and maybe my leach.

Basically my question is - given where I am at in the game is a pure faction run even possible at this point? I can dedicate my Tuesday to this but its going to cause me some serious inconvenience in real life. I’d rather avoid the headache if its not even possible. FWIW I currently have ~4,500 gems.

If it is possible, I plan to use my goblin team to run through the lower levels (the team with stringfiddler, king gob, and norbit’s turnip). Do I have enough gems to just rush boss room or would you recommend I complete all rooms?

Anything else I am not thinking of?

Thanks in advance. Really glad I found these forums.


If ur trying to do ASE, I’m pretty sure u can do it with potions with 100 hoard.
If ur trying to save gems, u can beat it with 5x tier VII (2110 gems). But u have to kill all 11 valravens along the way. Use Holy St Astra + 2x Tesla team combo, if u have them. Ive made a video about Time Consumption on my YouTube channel (CTH Careca Trophy Hunter).
If u don’t have a good team for the Perfect Run (all 8 room * 49 floors), so try to do a Boss Rush.
U can beat it with ~3000 gems. It depends on how many valravens u find on ur run.
Before attempt the event, watch some videos about pure faction runs to get used with the strategy. It helps alot =) and don’t forget, u probably will be exhausted when u reach 500. So dont rush ur pure runs.

It’s not updated, but it helps too.