Dawnbringer unbalances Arena

Nothing is “Mythic” in the arena. Although the weapon is too OP for the arena and should be removed.

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Apparently it is another bug. Ozball was astonished the other day on Discord when we showed him that it appears as legendary.


Rojo & Riversong. I think you are missing the entire point of this thread.

It’s not that it exists and that hard work by players shouldn’t be rewarded. It’s not whining and wingeing by a bunch of complainers.

It’s the way that the arena was designed, how it limits the troops you can get to UR. A precedent was set that players regardless of playtime and level should be able to enjoy the core mechanics of Gems of War battle. This makes obvious that a weapon that has, in one casting, quadruple the effects of any other available weapon, outclasses anything it will face in the Ultra Rare area. Add to that the cost is prohibitive to any but those who have had nothing else to do with their resources but stockpile them, i.e. veteran players.

Black manacles: 20% chance to devour, 1/4 of 20% to devour your hero and be devastating ending the battle immediately. So maybe a 3-5% chance of a win from its cast.

Runic Blade: 14 damage, a static number until you kill something with it. The AI doesn’t prime the mana, or focus on allowing it to kill over and over. It’s only in the hands of a human player that it can do well… so it requires a brain to play. Ai will take a win from this maybe 1-2% of the time.

Dawnbringer: about 17-23 damage to EVERY ENEMY. Oh… one survived? good luck penetrating these barriers before it charges again. The AI only has to charge it (easy) cast it once and they win. Chance of winning from its cast: about 95%

These are significant differences in power between teams that have the weapon, and teams that don’t. I can deal with it and win by choosing ONLY troops that will kill dawnbringer quickly, but that turns Arena into a roll of the dice that isn’t very fun.

Dawnbringer is a seal clubber. It is currently restricting newer player advancement for the amusement of veteran players. There’s no denying it. It’s more likely that new players will continue to play the game if they feel that an unfair advantage isn’t being given to others. New players that will make purchases if they enjoy the game.


I don’t disagree about the power of the weapon. I do, however, find it amusing that you and apparently others believe that the arena is only for new players. I’ve been playing this game for almost three years, and during that time I have played the arena every single day. I will continue to do so, and I will use every tool at my disposal to ensure a successful outcome.

And I don’t feel one bit bad about it, either.

Of course not. Only your succesful outcome makes it a toxic swamp for other people that, unlike in PVP, have no chance to fight you on equal foot.

Since there’s no hope to count on players’ fairgamership, I suggest to set a new rule for Arena: no Hero, only 4 troops.

Why I’m interested in the new players’ enjoyment of Arena?

(Beside feeling sorry for them, but I feel rather alone in this)

Simple: because new players mean new players for our guilds and for keeping the game alive. (While old players leaving means more space for me and my guild. Darwin is a bitch. Also they are teaching new players to be egoist, conniving and whining.)


I never suggested it was only for new players. I’ve only suggested that due to the precedent set, that newer players should not be inhibited.


I made a previous post about it but Arena needs to be reworked to have a tiered system for early/mid/late game players. Either that or make the Hero weapon a random choice too (Epic to Legendary base rarity).


Arena is not only for new players. If it were, the developers would have programmed it so that you could no longer play it after a certain level. The rewards have a different focus from those you can attain in PVP. Therefore, end gamers that have a min-max play style avoid it because PVP has a better ROI.

Personally, I loved Arena. For me, it was the only area in the game where skill mattered more than RNG. A player at any level was on a fair playing field as well. However, that started to change as more powerful hero weapons started coming in the game. Now, we have reached the pinnacle of imbalance with Dawnbringer.

The developers have already acknowledged recently that weapons like Dawnbringer were not balanced for Arena and that the mode needs a rework to address the problem. So, it really isn’t helpful or logical to try and shame people that use Dawnbringer in Arena. It isn’t their fault that Arena is flawed right now.

Hopefully, the devs will rework Arena to bring it back to that equal playing field mode that I loved when I started the game. Then, I could happily play it again despite being an endgamer.


Fair gamership? What does that mean, exactly? If it means doing less than the best that I can with the best that I have, then no, I’m not interested. Might as well take that argument into pvp and try to argue that no one should use whatever the current meta is. Seems about the same to me.


There are very good reasons why people should abstain for using the current meta, even if, and that’s a big if, they are “the best you can”.

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I chose not to use the “justice league” on defence for the entire time that it was running rampant on console (I didn’t even use it on offence, but that is beside the point). I did so because I didn’t want to contribute to what I felt was an epidemic problem and was happy to provide a breath of fresh air for people in PVP.

However, the situation here is somewhat different as the player has, unlike in PVP, no option to present a different team for offence as they do defence. If I could craft Dawnbringer, I’d probably use it in Arena too, so I wouldn’t presume to tell you not to, but I would add my voice to those asking the devs that it be removed from the Arena defence pool (or at least that it not appear against you unless you have it yourself).


It seems strange to me that the player is given complete control over this one aspect of Arena when everything else is a constrained choice.


Imo the opponent hero weapon should be random, it would fit more with everything else

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That has always mystified me as well. They go through all the trouble of limiting the rarity of troops but the sky is the limit for weapons.

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If it’s getting removed/nerfed/whatever then say so before people waste their life farming souls.

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Devs never said that… The only thing that Sirrian said was the possibility to remove Dawnbringer defense teams from Arena :slight_smile: .
When? That’s the question…

When the going gets tough, the tough …get Dawnbringer, I guess.

And hereby lies the problem. All the game has been suffering, or enjoying, a power crawling. All but Arena, where the choices are restricted to three low-power cards plus one weapon.

The game is already unbalanced because you get three random cards but you don’t have to face random teams, à la Explore. You face teams that won, so by RNGesus grace likely just as good as yours if not better.

Mind you, I’m quite sure that if you bring Dawnbringer to the Arena you are less interested in forming a good team than in getting a lot of yellow troops. And it’s just the same.

Also: maybe for Drawnbringer carriers throwing away 1000 golds to be terminated by a Dawnbringer team is laughable, but I’m not so far gone not to remember when 1000 gold were A LOT of money. To have it robbed by some overpowering bully must be galling.

tl;dr=if Arena is a place of leveled randomness, it should be applied to Hero weapons too.


  • Offer one of three random weapons from Common, Rare, Extrarare, that the player owns or not - as is done with troops.
  • Offer a choice of an Hero weapon or a Legendary troop, sight unseen.
  • Offer a four-troops team.

Using Dawnbringer in arena is the fastest way to farm trophies currently, but it is a boring and uninteresting for the players who use it as for the players who have to face it.

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More interesting than PvP atm which is completely burning out vets faster than ever. If dawnbringer were to be removed offensively in the current game state, it would be the end for many players.

What is being suggested is to remove it from the defense teams, at least until arena is reworked, not to remove it completely.
It would make arena be again what it used to be: a minigame that is about strategy and not about luck.
And those who play arena because they like it wouldn’t need to use Dawnbringer anymore.

On a sidenote, Swordmaster is great against Dawnbringer.