Crimson Bat is in the event chest!

I’m using my hero in the first spot with creeping death.

Then its:
Crimson Bat

Those last 3 in that order work so well. Biggest downside to that is Knight Coronet but I can usually get the Bat ready in 3 turns if I want.

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I have used this in the past to pretty good effect:

Giant Spider
Sorcerer Hero with Crescendo

With all the purple buffs, the Crescendo fills with two 3 gem purple matches and starts at doing 10 true damage and builds after each cast.

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My newest team has been:

Queen Mab
Giant Spider

They fill each other pretty well and I have often been able to repeatedly string spells off a single turn using Queen Mab’s extra turn and kill the other team before they can fight back.

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Nice team :slight_smile:

I’ve been using

Glacial banner (+2 blue/+1 purple/-1 red)

Valkyrie (3)
Queen Mab (3)
Queen Mab (3)
Mercy (3)

Mercy can fill Valkyrie on first turn often, Valkyrie nets souls and often fills 1 Queen completely and another between halfway and full, casting Queen after Valkyrie often gets a free turn and arcane is just ok :rolling_eyes: (please don’t nerf) Queen freezes 2 troops per wack 4+ of a kind and thus far I have 0 losses with it on offense

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I don’t seem to be able to add two Mab’s into one team anymore. Did that get changed?

no 10 chars

Did you recently ascend her and only have one card left?


Losing an extra troop to poor Ascension planing is the most annoying happening on earth

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The good thing is that one only do that mistake once.

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You meant to add “per troop” at the end right? :wink:


Oh !! I didn’t even realized you needed to have more than one copy to add them multiple times :slight_smile:


Ascensions The most common of team “woopsy daisys”

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Before Ascension existed (pre-1.0.8), the only reason people collected more than one copy of anything was to build a team with multiples. Ascension gave pack-ratting a purpose that has effectively eclipsed the old one, so it’s easy to forget that you still need 2+ of something to field 2+.


I learned about it the hard way after screwing up one of my decks. :smile_cat:

thank goodness we cant ascend war


First set of 50 Event keys. Worth.


I’ve been using almost exactly that line-up (only with swapped Mercy and Valk.) until I run into a fully traited BD :frowning:. Then I immediately switched to Mab in the first slot… It wasn’t really dangerous, but I simply hate having my troops frozen - and here’s another advantage of the Queen :slight_smile:


Nice, congrats Teddy. :slight_smile:

I finally got Crimson Bat from a gazillion event keys! I am ready to do some bloodsucking. :imp: