Couple of us looking for a new laid back guild!

Hey all. Me and a few friends are looking to join a guild. We came from LGOH (MONEY HUNGRY AHOLES) we started a guild but it hasn’t grown much. We are laid back and the game isn’t our life. But we are active. Just want to be part of a guild with MORE active players. Let me know if we fit any of you out there please.

If you’re on Android/PC, share your invite code and will send you an invite: our guild is also made up of mainly LGoH survivors, and give zero pressure while chilling on Line app :relaxed: :vulcan_salute:


Will it let you send invite while I’m in guild?

Nope: need you to leave Monster Hunters first :blush: :vulcan_salute:

K, leaving. Give me 5 min to let leader know haha

Take your time: we LGoH survivors have learnt to be patient and chill :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:

I left.

OH man, I spent so much money on that game too. What a waste. This is free and more enjoyable haha

Invite sent :metal:

Yup, GoW is less predatory by a lot, but the forum evidences certain aspects (particularly ref. the company’s morality, dedication, and programming/design skills) that players should be aware of, so they may set their expectations accordingly.
:sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:

Darn, not seeing it… Or I’m blind haha

You’re in :blush: :vulcan_salute:

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